First Time Hydro Water Culture Grow


Well-Known Member
hahaha iv got a 600w HPS/MH system and cooltube sitting around spare, if you was of the opposite sex you could do dirty things to me and youd be welcome to it :lol:
Ah ya damn tease
Maybe I have something else that may interest you....Large Hookah maybe? no......Stealth Grow Box perhaps? A knob rubbin by some cheerleaders?
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
...soooo ... is this where the cool people hang out????

Hey Mr.... what's goin' on...

I gotta read a bunch and catch up ... so I'll see you ladies and gents in a bit...


mr west

Well-Known Member
Haha welcome to the "cool" area
glad you could make it.
Quick Update, buds are lookin nice and smellin great.....
Buds????? what buds? fort ur bubs were only younguns atm dude? U been smoking too much dude lmao, I always say wen ur really stoned that the best time to skin up cuz u will appriciate the extra stone lol, puff puff passs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
haha yea i am high as fcuk right now
and von dross has some stinky buds growin, about a week and a half into flowering ya digg
they is perty sexy to me =)


Well-Known Member
I am fantastic, just bought my plane tickets and smoked some crazy strong weed, one bowl and I was stoned. Am about to take some pictures of the buds. How you doing chika?


Well-Known Member
Ok I was asked to take some beautiful bud pics. We are at day 44 for Von Dross and day 40 for Von Eerie. About a week and a half days into flowering for both, Von Eerie seems to be takin some time to show sex but it looks to me like female because it is acting the same way new growth wise. I fimmed Von Eerie and 4 new growths have appeared. My topping job on both of them is working wondiferusly, and my LST job on Von Dross seems to be workin alright at keeping it short ya digg

Here are some Side Pics of both and the LST Job

And Some bud shots

-Mister Nice GUY