First grow..5 weeks


Well-Known Member
they say mollsess will make your yeild 20-30% bigger ..... but im still on my first grow so im not sure....


Well-Known Member
grandmas mollasses or black strap should plump up those buds some. nice grow by the way. sometimes less is more. peace.


Well-Known Member
grandmas mollasses or black strap should plump up those buds some. nice grow by the way. sometimes less is more. peace.
Will Brer Rabbit work? Full flavored, all natural, unsulphured 20% Magnesium and 15% iron..... I have been trying to stay as clean and organic as possible that is why I got it, it said all natural, same as my technaflora organic hydro nutes I have been using.... Let me know if I am wasting my time...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
anything unsulphured is what your looking for.

becareful mollasses lowers the ph and dirtys the water in hydro


Active Member
I am... well I just started. I have the same setup as you but I'm using 400MH and 400hps. I'm using blackstrap. I just put it all in the same container. No problems yet.


Well-Known Member
i only use mollasess 2 days out of they week. i just got this stuff called sweetenier form floraNectar 0-0-1. anyone use this stuff????


Well-Known Member
Could someone tell me what the main benefit to the Molasses? I'm just wanting to know for my grows. I keep seeing info everywhere but nothing that says exactly why.


Well-Known Member
Could someone tell me what the main benefit to the Molasses? I'm just wanting to know for my grows. I keep seeing info everywhere but nothing that says exactly why.
It is suposed to give you bigger sweeter buds..... and I have also heard it helps cover the smell some too.... Not sure though...