Think I am going to have to try LEDs

Patch Buddey

Active Member
I have a small closet, but good ventilation. 2 16" fans and a smaller 6" fan. The damn plant looks like it is in a hurricane and I don't even have the fans concentrated on the plant. One is on the light, the other 16" is turning, and the small one is blowing out the vents. I can literally feel the air blowing out of the vents in the doors. However, I cannot keep it under 90 degrees. Is that too hot? I see under the FAQ, 70-80 is preferable. LEDs may not get me the best crop I want, but I might have to try it.


Well-Known Member
You may have good ventilation of hot air and thats about it. You need to concentrate on pumping in cooler air. What kind/size light are you using. If you only have that little space, you might as well just do flouros. Flouros are not the best but they definately work and are WAY!!! cheaper than LED

Patch Buddey

Active Member
What kind of lights are you using now? What is the normal temperature in the main room?
You may have good ventilation of hot air and thats about it. You need to concentrate on pumping in cooler air. What kind/size light are you using. If you only have that little space, you might as well just do flouros. Flouros are not the best but they definately work and are WAY!!! cheaper than LED

The advice I got on here was to go with a 400 HPS. That is what I got.
I cannot imagine being able to blow more air out the doors, without having them open.

Patch Buddey

Active Member
With cooler weather coming, I could crack a window causing a draft and letting cooler air into the room when the light is on, but then I would be worried about too dry of air.

Patch Buddey

Active Member
You may have good ventilation of hot air and thats about it. You need to concentrate on pumping in cooler air. What kind/size light are you using. If you only have that little space, you might as well just do flouros. Flouros are not the best but they definately work and are WAY!!! cheaper than LED

I can get 5 leds @ 168 lights per LED (mix of blue and red) totalling 840 LEDs for $189. For one to two plants tops, that should be enough, no?


Well-Known Member
400w HPS is ALOT for a small closet without a cool tube or a way to pump in cooler air ie... opening the door to an A/C room. LED's is a much talked about topic on here with mostly negative comments and results.
I did a small closet grow with two 48" shop light fixtures from lowes. I didnt have a big yield, but I did get some nice potent bud out of it and the temps were definately good. You could also do CFL's but they get expensive and a lil hot aswell. You could get four flouro fixtures from lowes with bulbs for 50-60 bucks. T-5 flouros also work well but cost a bit more. Check them all out before you go forking out almost 200 bucks for sucky LED's.
:peace: out


Active Member
I've been using a Custom LED setup I built on some plants recently inside a small grow cupboard designed for sprouting. sproutlings are twice as healthy as large 'compact' fluro, and a vege plant is giving better results than a 400W HPS

Did a lot of research before i built it. its a small array 100mm X 200mm twin fans on the heatsink and 100W of LED

using a serious array of leds, you can do a serous grow in a small area.

LEDs will change the way people grow. just need to get the old stick in the muds that swear by their old methods, that they are not always right. hard thing to do, I Know.



Active Member
so do you have pics to prove the buds are good with led's?
buds, no. not budding with them yet. Give me a couple of weeks and we'll see. I would like to show how good this light is.

I'd expect 200w if this light would be plenty for budding a reasonable sized plant.

Any suggestions from anyone the configuration that would best suit them. small cube of compressed light like a HPS, or spread out over a bar, similar to that of a 2 foot fluro. the one I currently am running was designed for putting above a sprouting box and is also working well above a single plant. for example I could make lights that would run down the sides of the plant? or just top mounted. these things I haven't figured out yet. and i think i depends on th etype of grow room and the size.

:o) Phil


Active Member
I dont think I have watched a good grow on here with led's. If you do get them, start a grow journal, would love to see what led's can do. Good luck to you man.

Oh, I have a cooltube and I love it. This is what I would suggest, no heat issues at a all.


Well-Known Member
if i were u i would stick with the light you've got and get a cool tube surely cheaper than $180 on LED's that may or may not produce good bud. There is also a d.i.y cooltube that is surely alot cheaper than the leds.
Just my thoughts on the matter.


Well-Known Member
the reason most of us are down on LEDs is that i and most others have never ever seen a nice crop, or even a crop for that matter, with a 'this is from LEDs' caption.

every time i see something on LEDs i eagerly read it, it seems like they would be awesome if they worked. but again, every forum thread i have ever found never has a successful outcome for the LED. someone has a grow journal on here where they tried to start with LEDs but abandoned them part way into the grow since they were seeming to suck, i have found few other examples.
I hope i am wrong here and someone has a link to a successful all LED grow!


Well-Known Member
There are multiple successful LED journals here on RIU. I'm not going to link any to you because performing a search takes less effort on your part. I even have an LED journal so to say just because you've never seen one doesn't mean they aren't out there. Definitely sounds like LEDs would be a perfect solution to the heat problem this grower is experiencing.

Wow, my bad just saw the last dates of replies...well, the technology has improved a lot in the last few years, so hope you all give them another thought.


Active Member
There more then what there worth put it that way! There is no other way to put it.. If you got the money I would buy a High Output t5. They have some nice set ups 8 bulb 235 bucks and there cool hardly no heat and you wont hardly notice the electric bill.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to say quality LED lights are worth every penny if they suit your needs. I don't get why people fear change, especially when you can get comparable results, minus the headaches that come with hps or even cfls...


Active Member
I'm going to have to say quality LED lights are worth every penny if they suit your needs. I don't get why people fear change, especially when you can get comparable results, minus the headaches that come with hps or even cfls...
Because now they have plasma lights. AND! why fix something that's not broke. There not that successful, they sound like a good idea. The price scares me and all the stories that it dont produce good yield. So again I will stick with what I got! I take it you voted for Obama? The whole change gig?


Well-Known Member
Because now they have plasma lights. AND! why fix something that's not broke. There not that successful, they sound like a good idea. The price scares me and all the stories that it dont produce good yield. So again I will stick with what I got! I take it you voted for Obama? The whole change gig?
Stick with what you got and i'll stick with what I have. I'm going to ignore your political comment simply because I refuse to have a political debate with someone who doesn't know the difference between they're/there and probably their too, not to mention the other grammatical issues that plagued your very short reply. That said, I am very intrigued by plasma induction lights and will likely be experimenting with those in the future. If you're scared of LED light prices, don't even look at plasma. Why fix something that's not broke? Because that's how innovation works...imagine if we all settled for the first car, it wasn't broken, so by that thinking we'd all be driving a model-t and have football sized cell phones still.


Active Member
hey all just wanted to shed some light on the led lights i was using a color spec led with the blue and red led's vegetating did pretty well for my small closet grow was ready to turn to flower on week four from seed...then i bought two 2700k led lights and still used color spec led for flowering and 3weeks in to flowering it was barely showing anything....i said buck it and bought 2 2700k cfl's and over night my plant grew another 2 inches and started showing pistils and flowers. and i also kept the color spec led above the plants and my two cfl's on the side. so as of yet im not sold on led hype as of yet.