I have a lot of lose rockwool and cant get ahold of any hydroton. My question is can I breakup the rockwool and use that or do i have to use a different medium such as river rock.
I read you can use lava rocks but didn’t wanna try till I got more opinions but the closest store is cross state line and the closest rural route box is 25+ miles away.
What system do you want to use?
It can work in certain situations, like I start and run my plants for 4 weeks or so in Rockwool, but then I transplant into Hydroton in a RDWC system.
You might just want to use soil, and screw the Rockwool.
Definitely not, they will fk with your ph big time.
You want something porous that holds moisture.
You can get dirt right?
Get some perlite at a garden store ( go out and drive if nessecery) with a bag of top soil and mix that into a 50/50 mixture.
Use 3 gallon pots, add some Miracle Grow and away you go.
It might not be the best, but with good light for a 1st grow, it will work (I did it)
Good luck
What system do you want to use?
It can work in certain situations, like I start and run my plants for 4 weeks or so in Rockwool, but then I transplant into Hydroton in a RDWC system.
You might just want to use soil, and screw the Rockwool.
I'm using ActiveAQUA "The Root Spa" Single Site. The soil is same issue as the Hydroton its far, but more expensive to ship. Looks like I better get ready for some traveling!
Here's what I do with the bulk rockwool.
I tear it into pieces and mix it with coarse perlite.
It works great, and can not be over-watered.
I've tried.
It holds a lot of water and a lot of air...about 50/50...like the small RW cubes, but a lot cheaper.