Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Well-Known Member
Simply having doubt isn't justification for denying the truth. Look it up Trump fan-boy. Scalise did in fact make a statement portraying himself as a modern day Klansman.
Ok. I looked it up. Even the original reporter didn't think scalise meant that he was racist or anti semitic. "The reporter, Stephanie Grace, said she believed Scalise was disavowing Duke’s past and his racist and anti-Semitic views, but was struck that he would try to strike any similarities with the former KKK wizard." Duke had run for governer in the recent past at that time. Sounds like just a stupid way to say he isn't racist.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I looked it up. Even the original reporter didn't think scalise meant that he was racist or anti semitic. "The reporter, Stephanie Grace, said she believed Scalise was disavowing Duke’s past and his racist and anti-Semitic views, but was struck that he would try to strike any similarities with the former KKK wizard." Duke had run for governer in the recent past at that time. Sounds like just a stupid way to say he isn't racist.
There it is, without the spin:

struck that he would try to strike any similarities with the former KKK wizard

One should take a man at his word.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I looked it up. Even the original reporter didn't think scalise meant that he was racist or anti semitic. "The reporter, Stephanie Grace, said she believed Scalise was disavowing Duke’s past and his racist and anti-Semitic views, but was struck that he would try to strike any similarities with the former KKK wizard." Duke had run for governer in the recent past at that time. Sounds like just a stupid way to say he isn't racist.
He was trying to say he wasn’t racist by saying he was like the kkk leader?

How fucking desperate are you to even make such stupid fucking arguments?


Well-Known Member

Saying you are like a kkk leader is not a way of saying you’re not a racist

You’re a fucking idiot
Read the Washington examiner article on the story. The reporter who heard the words leave scalise's mouth thought he was disavowing the racism and antisemitism of David duke, though she was struck that he would make the comparison at all.


Well-Known Member
No spin, as you quote a sentence fragment. Liar.
I copied it directly from your post.

Right there. You copied that statement from the article saying the reporter found it a contradiction that he would both deny he was and then compare himself to a Klanman.

For a person who posts made up crap taken right from his ass, you are quick to falsely assert I'm a liar.

Are you on opioids right now? You seem pretty scattered.


Well-Known Member
Read the Washington examiner article on the story. The reporter who heard the words leave scalise's mouth thought he was disavowing the racism and antisemitism of David duke, though she was struck that he would make the comparison at all.
The Washington examiner is a shit source

Not as bad as you but still shitty


Well-Known Member
I copied it directly from your post.

Right there. You copied that statement from the article saying the reporter found it a contradiction that he would both deny he was and then compare himself to a Klanman.

For a person who posts made up crap taken right from his ass, you are quick to falsely assert I'm a liar.

Are you on opioids right now? You seem pretty scattered.
Maybe meth


Well-Known Member
I copied it directly from your post.

Right there. You copied that statement from the article saying the reporter found it a contradiction that he would both deny he was and then compare himself to a Klanman.

For a person who posts made up crap taken right from his ass, you are quick to falsely assert I'm a liar.

Are you on opioids right now? You seem pretty scattered.
Being struck by something is not the same as seeing a contradiction. Misleading of you to suggest that the reporter thought it was contradictory. Totally sober. Not even weed today.


Well-Known Member
Being struck by something is not the same as seeing a contradiction. Misleading of you to suggest that the reporter thought it was contradictory. Totally sober. Not even weed today.
You can't follow a train of thought and you are sober?


Right wing propaganda is unhealthy to those who regularly consume it.

Tell me again how most crimes are committed by stupid murderous black people and you emphasize their race but not because of the color of their skin.


Well-Known Member
Will it be more children in cages? Will it be "support for white nationalists?" Maybe more Stormy Daniels. Of course the ceaseless cry of, "TAX RETURNS!"

I predict re-election by a big margin. President Trump has done an amazing job. Especially exposing the dishonest narrative of the media to people who never would have realized.