Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?


Well-Known Member
Barr said it in his summary report. There are tons of evidence showing Trump's involvement. But not enough to convict, because the legal standard for conviction is very high. I get it.

Yet you keep saying Clinton was guilty when the same legal standard said she violated internal policies and any other person who did the same would be reprimanded. So, your and your fascist butt buddies have a low bar for guilt. Sword cuts both ways. Why aren't you clamoring for Trump's head? Oh wait.

We paid for it, we deserve to see the full report and all the evidence.
Actually people who committed far less offenses than Hillary are in jail. I think Trump should be held accountable for any real crimes he has committed. But making shit up won't cut it.


Well-Known Member
You mean the FISA application that was applied for after Carter Page left the administration and was found to be working for the Russians?
The same FISA court order that was reviewed by 4 lifetime judges all appointed by Republican Presidents?
You mean the FISA warrant that was also signed off on by Rosenstein ?
Bring facts or GO HOME
Carter Page was working for the Russians but was not prosecuted? Give me a break. As said, the judges signing off are irrelevant as they rely on the FBI to only submit validated info. Rosenstein may be in jeopardy.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Ah, so you think the Mueller report actually found Russia collusion but Barr is hiding it. That would surprise me.
Do you believe Barr isn't stalling and inappropriately weighed in on the report , when he had no obligation too ?
Your Boy is dirty and Barr is covering for him instead of working for the American people
Like everyone Trump comes in contact Barr is screwed as far as respect from all law enforcement in the future
He sold out to Satan and he will be found out


Well-Known Member
Do you believe Barr isn't stalling and inappropriately weighed in on the report , when he had no obligation too ?
Your Boy is dirty and Barr is covering for him instead of working for the American people
Like everyone Trump comes in contact Barr is screwed as far as respect from all law enforcement in the future
He sold out to Satan and he will be found out
I don't understand why Barr would say no collusion if the Mueller report shows collusion. That would not be something he could keep hidden for long. More likely, Mueller found no collusion.


Well-Known Member
he Oct. 2016 application on Page
Page as in Carter Page?

the same one Russian spies said he was too stupid for them to recruit?

or this Page?
Ever since F.B.I. investigators discovered in 2013 that a Russian spy was trying to recruit an American businessman named Carter Page, the bureau maintained an occasional interest in Mr. Page. So when he became a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign last year and gave a Russia-friendly speech at a prestigious Moscow institute, it soon caught the bureau’s attention

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I don't understand why Barr would say no collusion if the Mueller report shows collusion. That would not be something he could keep hidden for long. More likely, Mueller found no collusion.
If that were true at all, why not release the report immediately? If it were me and I was innocent, I would want that released without delay. If however there were things in it that were damaging, I would try and hold on to that as long as I could.


Well-Known Member
If that were true at all, why not release the report immediately? If it were me and I was innocent, I would want that released without delay. If however there were things in it that were damaging, I would try and hold on to that as long as I could.
The better question is why did Mueller not write the report in such a way that it could be released immediately, like the Starr report?


Well-Known Member
The FISA application in question is the Oct. 2016 application on Page. The issue is not with the judges but with the FBI including unvalidated information without disclosing it was unvalidated. A FISA court no no. Suggest you read beyond CNN sources, the Hill has had the best reporting on this.
Page was being looked at as a Russian asset long before he worked for trump.

The Steele dossier was commissioned by anti trump republicans first, then sold to Hillary.

Steele had worked with FBI before and had demonstrated his credibility.