" Black men committed 36% of murders and made up 52% of all murder victims. White men committed 30% of murders and accounted for 43% of all murder victims.
Homicide is largely intra-racial. Of crimes involving a single offender and victim: 81% of white victims were killed by a white perpetrator; 89% of all black victims were killed by a black perpetrator."
so you can relax, if you get killed, it's much more likely to be by a white guy...which should make you feel better...¿
blacks make up 13% of the U.S. population, and do commit a disproportionate amount of the murders, but they are usually committed against other black people. it seems like these are the acts of desperate people, who don't see much way to get ahead, when they face the brick wall of privilege and institutionalized racism...so who is really to blame for this condition?... "Research suggests that the 2015 increases in homicide rates are related to higher unemployment, lower per capita income, and lower school success in these cities."
you step on someone long enough and one of two things are going to happen...they're either going to shrivel up and die, or they're eventually going to get strong enough to throw you off and stuff that foot up your ass...
of course, you could quit stepping on them, and offer them a hand instead...NAHH...just yankin ya....keep it up...