Repirations for slavery

President Trump reportedly will not nominate anyone to a United Nations committee on racial discrimination, despite blocking the renomination of former President Obama's pick.

Citing an unidentified State Department official, Politico reported Saturday that the White House blocked the renomination of human rights lawyer Gay McDougall to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The official told the news outlet that the Trump administration did not nominate a replacement in time for the deadline, "[cementing] the narrative that the Americans just don't care about these kinds of things anymore."

McDougall was elected to the body in 2015. She told Politico, "I regret that I'm not able to continue, and that was not of my choosing."
Kamala Harris has made some statements that make sense to me. This from an interview on NPR.

KAMALA HARRIS: Sure. You can look at the issue of untreated and undiagnosed trauma. African-Americans have higher rates of heart disease and high blood pressure. It is environmental. It is centuries of slavery, which was a form of violence where women were raped, where children were taken from their parents - violence associated with slavery. And that never - there was never any real intervention to break up what had been generations of people experiencing the highest forms of trauma. And trauma, undiagnosed and untreated, leads to physiological outcomes.

INSKEEP: We're talking about the same thing as post-traumatic stress from a war.


INSKEEP: That's the kind of thing we're talking about.

HARRIS: Absolutely. But listen; when - unless there's intervention done, it will appear to be, perhaps, generational. But it's generational only because the environment has not experienced a significant enough change to reverse the symptoms. You need to put resources and direct resources - extra resources - into those communities that have experienced that trauma.

INSKEEP: Reparations could...

HARRIS: So that's an example, in my mind...

INSKEEP: Reparations could be mental health treatment for African-Americans, hypothetically.

HARRIS: I think reparations - yeah. I think that the word, the term reparations, it means different things to different people. But what I mean by it is that we need to study the effects of generations of discrimination and institutional racism and determine what can be done, in terms of intervention, to correct course.

The effects of white brutality on the black community are not something that can be addressed by simply cutting a check. That's not what Harris is talking about. All that Booker proposed is to fund a study on the subject. I think there are some things that could have an immediate effect, but I think some thought and study should go into the subject before one could answer your question.
And that I’m itself is a plausible form of moving in a reasonable direction for reparations.
He makes one tentative post and you try to chase him off. You're a real tough internet bully. Paid to chase off different opinions on a weed forum.
I get paid by the success of a cleaners and two laundromats. I also receive a pension from USAF.
I don't need to get paid to post on a forum.
The guy said he does not know why he post. I only shared what he said.
President Trump reportedly will not nominate anyone to a United Nations committee on racial discrimination, despite blocking the renomination of former President Obama's pick.

Citing an unidentified State Department official, Politico reported Saturday that the White House blocked the renomination of human rights lawyer Gay McDougall to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The official told the news outlet that the Trump administration did not nominate a replacement in time for the deadline, "[cementing] the narrative that the Americans just don't care about these kinds of things anymore."

McDougall was elected to the body in 2015. She told Politico, "I regret that I'm not able to continue, and that was not of my choosing."
Trump is trump
I’m not running
He makes one tentative post and you try to chase him off. You're a real tough internet bully. Paid to chase off different opinions on a weed forum.
it’s the internet, it’s sad some people takes things online personal esp when the person on the other side can be a 300 pound kid sitting in his mom basement. Or just a loser I enjoy internet criticism take it all in jest