PLEASE HELP ME! Possible root rot, taco leaves

Labrador weed

Active Member
guys and gals, please help this is my second official grow my first one went very OK.

Everything has been off to what I would call an almost perfect start but all of the sudden one of my plants new growth started forming like a taco, I had noticed early on that some of the bottom leaves looked a bit wilted like they were reaching up towards the light (It appeared to be light burn at the time but that was not the case because they were growing phenomenally and I adjusted the lights back-and-forth to make sure I got it right.

First was the one in the photo and then now all the other ones are starting to look as bad as that one, slowly but Surely.
I did some research and thought that it must have been a magnesium or calcium issue or some kind of deficiency, but after doing extensive research and considering it I can’t see this being possible.

If somebody can help me please do so because I have put a ton of energy and money and time into this project and I really don’t want to screw this one up.

P.s I sprayed a epsom foilar spray And gave them some Cal mag last watering so I’m pretty darn sure it’s not a deficiency plus they’re i and gave them some Cal mag last watering so I’m pretty darn sure it’s not a Defiency plus I added azomite to the dirt which is roots origanal. I did see some white spots very very early on on the first set of main pointy leaves that come out,Didn’t think anything of it because it was growing so strongly but I’m wondering now if this was a sign of something

Thank you
Edit: I just cut the bag open and took this picture of the roots, the extra white stuff in the bottom is perlite for drainage, I’m wondering now if it’s actually root bound and just running out of food? They Went from solo cup into 1 gallon grow bags they have been in the grow bags for probably about a week and a half I’ve lost track of time a little bit


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Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
It looks droopy could it be too much /too little water. Probably too much. The tacoing might be caused buy the inability of the roots to transfer water combined with the grow light. Just a guess but I really don’t think it’s a deficiency the leaves well nourished.
I would raise the light till you get them dryed down a bit.

Labrador weed

Active Member
It looks droopy could it be too much /too little water. Probably too much. The tacoing might be caused buy the inability of the roots to transfer water combined with the grow light. Just a guess but I really don’t think it’s a deficiency the leaves well nourished.
I would raise the light till you get them dryed down a bit.
Thank you for your quick response, I just took a new picture of the routes to see what was going on down there that you can see in my edit.
I watered them one time when I transplanted them and then I waited one week because they were still moist and then I gave them a little bit more but not much though I really don’t think it can be too much water mainly because I have two different strains going it started with one strain and then slowly the other ones started to show the same symptoms.
I Realize the different strains doesn’t matter that much when overwatered but for all of them to slowly start doing the same thing as the sick one is making me wonder what’s going on

Is there anyway you could just be root bound and running out of food? I get my 5 gallon smart pots in the mail tomorrow which will be transplanting to those ASAP

Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
Well now that I see the root picture they do not look waterlogged. Would they ever be too dry? I don’t think rootbound is your problem. The “solo cup challenge” thread shows me it’s not rootbound. Big plants can be grown in a solo cup.
I really can’t be sure but i don’t think your grow bag is too small and I don’t think it’s a defeciency of any type other then water. But wait for the experts to comment.

Labrador weed

Active Member
Well now that I see the root picture they do not look waterlogged. Would they ever be too dry? I don’t think rootbound is your problem. The “solo cup challenge” thread shows me it’s not rootbound. Big plants can be grown in a solo cup.
I really can’t be sure but i don’t think your grow bag is too small and I don’t think it’s a defeciency of any type other then water. But wait for the experts to comment.
Your comment is exactly where my heads at, I’m pretty much at the same place because there’s no reason for them to be waterlogged but at the same time I felt where I had cut the bag open and it’s definitely got some moisture where those routes are, it’s not really wet but it’s definitely moist enough for a plant to be surviving in plus I gave them a small amount of water the day before with a little bit of molasses and Cal mag.

I am stumped, I had a somewhat similar problem with one plant on my last grow and when I transplanted it to a bigger pot it almost immediately became revived.
So yeah I have no idea what’s going on

Labrador weed

Active Member
Here is 2 pics of 2 different plants,
One is walking in the footsteps of the sick one and the other one still looks like it’s doing pretty good but I can tell that it’s starting to turn.
And also the first set of leaves that had some spotting on them

P.s ph has been 6.0 to 6.5
I’m in roots original with azomite


Bobby Long Buds

Well-Known Member
The leaf edges starting to turn up in those pics tells me your light is too close. Notice the leaves down lower are not experiencing the same issue. But like I say don’t take my word unless someone else more experienced agrees.

Labrador weed

Active Member
The leaf edges starting to turn up in those pics tells me your light is too close. Notice the leaves down lower are not experiencing the same issue. But like I say don’t take my word unless someone else more experienced agrees.
I think you’re right and that was the case early on but now there is a new problem and I’m not sure what that is because I moved my lights up a couple days ago and it’s getting worse thanks for help tho


Well-Known Member
My first impulse was N toxicity (haven't changed nute application recently, have you) , but on closer inspection of your new photos, I'm agreeing with a watering issue, and the root photo suggests under watering. How are you determining when/how much to water?

Labrador weed

Active Member
My first impulse was N toxicity (haven't changed nute application recently, have you) , but on closer inspection of your new photos, I'm agreeing with a watering issue, and the root photo suggests under watering. How are you determining when/how much to water?
I’m only determining watering from my small amount of experience with watering my cannabis plants, so that’s definitely a possibility but I gave them some water last night and they look worse today so I’m not sure that it’s lack of water ( although I did not give them a full on water I gave them enough so that it should perking up some.

I have been thinking about this all day today and I can’t figure out what it is.

They are in organic soil so I haven’t given them any nutes except for a little bit of Cal mag but the problem started before that

Labrador weed

Active Member
I’m only determining watering from my small amount of experience with watering my cannabis plants, so that’s definitely a possibility but I gave them some water last night and they look worse today so I’m not sure that it’s lack of water ( although I did not give them a full on water I gave them enough so that it should perking up some.

I have been thinking about this all day today and I can’t figure out what it is.

They are in organic soil so I haven’t given them any nutes except for a little bit of Cal mag but the problem started before that
But from the picture that you can see where it’s very very closed leaves it has actually opened up just a little bit so now it’s not completely closed, it’s like more of an open taco, I don’t know if that’s good or not because they seem to be looking worse I’m not really sure what’s going on,
I can’t imagine it being a nutrient lock out only because they’ve been doing so well and they should have plenty of good micro organisms doing what they’re supposed to be doing

Also the tips of the new growth is pale (like turning brown)


Well-Known Member
But from the picture that you can see where it’s very very closed leaves it has actually opened up just a little bit so now it’s not completely closed, it’s like more of an open taco, I don’t know if that’s good or not because they seem to be looking worse I’m not really sure what’s going on,
I can’t imagine it being a nutrient lock out only because they’ve been doing so well and they should have plenty of good micro organisms doing what they’re supposed to be doing
If you've told us what kind of soil & amendments you're using I must have missed it.

: said:
Also the tips of the new growth is pale (like turning brown)
Burnt leaf tips is typically nute burn, but I don't see it in your photos.

Labrador weed

Active Member
If you've told us what kind of soil & amendments you're using I must have missed it.

Burnt leaf tips is typically nute burn, but I don't see it in your photos.
I’m in roots original with A little bit of added azomite, But the pale leaf thing just started, the problem before that with the wilted and taco leaves was first

Actually I think you might be right I just looked up some stuff that explains that it may be under watered, But the thing is that I gave them a little bit of water last night and a little bit the night before that, it wasn’t much but it was still some
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Labrador weed

Active Member
If you've told us what kind of soil & amendments you're using I must have missed it.

Burnt leaf tips is typically nute burn, but I don't see it in your photos.
I have a feeling once I transplant tomorrow things are going to get a lot better, I’m not a fan of these grow bags I just grabes them and use them because they’re easy to transplant with.

Again, Thanks for your help so far Mr. geek

That being said if anybody else reads this and has any ideas about taco leaves or what this could be or has anymore questions please let me know


Well-Known Member
Looks fairly normal to me. The new leaves are just taco shape until thry get large enough to fan out from the pics. Roots look great.

Labrador weed

Active Member
grow room temps are?
Grow temps are avg 73

I know that there’s a problem with them and I really just can’t figure out what it is. I’m going to transplant tomorrow and hopefully that will fix it

Everything else is in check, the roots original soil plus azomite should have enough food for 3 to 4 weeks
They’ve been in the 1 gallon bags for a week and half