Female, Male or Herme?

One down four to go - ive been here on hundreds of these first grow threads and you far from out tbe woods yet plus there is no hermie free clone or seed on the market or wild yet so lets assume this can happen easily in the next grow.

I help growers but theres so much bad advice at the moment youve killed one fith of your grow at the very start of an eight week stretch thats prone to herm for new growers.

Experience is what you need most dude, mother nature wont just do what you want with ease :-)
Lmao. Wow, you’re beyond delusional. Tell me you’re joking. Lol. Everyone is wrong and YOU are right. Take your word and he’d have seeds everywhere.
Lmao. Wow, you’re beyond delusional. Tell me you’re joking. Lol. Everyone is wrong and YOU are right. Take your word and he’d have seeds everywhere.

Well peeps can just read each opinion and look at the pictures where the only 100% identifiable ffeature is the female pistils and then thie susequent multiplication.

Lots of first growers unavoiadably get seed - so f'ing what its part and parcel of this hobby no need to fire and flame hate till plants are cut and your happy - actually this kind of info and attitude sounds counter productive :-)
Well peeps can just read each opinion and look at the pictures where the only 100% identifiable ffeature is the female pistils and then thie susequent multiplication.

Lots of first growers unavoiadably get seed - so f'ing what its part and parcel of this hobby no need to fire and flame hate till plants are cut and your happy - actually this kind of info and attitude sounds counter productive :-)
He said he wants to grow the best he can. He doesn’t wAnt seeds and a plant throwing balls right off jump street will continue throwing balls. We’re not talking about bananas here and I think you need to understand that. He will have so much seed in his bud that it’ll take more time to clean it then to smoke it. Always..and I mean ALWAYS get rid of hermies like that. They’re no good and will seed the hell out of your crop. IVe played it through in the past and many others have with same results. That plant needed sent back to hell where it came from as it has no place in the garden of a man trying to produce highgrade sensi
He said he wants to grow the best he can. He doesn’t wAnt seeds and a plant throwing balls right off jump street will continue throwing balls. We’re not talking about bananas here and I think you need to understand that. He will have so much seed in his bud that it’ll take more time to clean it then to smoke it. Always..and I mean ALWAYS get rid of hermies like that. They’re no good and will seed the hell out of your crop. IVe played it through in the past and many others have with same results. That plant needed sent back to hell where it came from as it has no place in the garden of a man trying to produce highgrade sensi

Scroll back, this is like my gazillionth rodeo, why i asked if he was going to kill his other four if they go badly herm and seeded or start listening to my and other pro hobbyists here.

Your advice can lead to no harvest, mine leads to enlightenment and a grower knowing all the plays and options.

Maybe it hermed then stopped then grew the fattest buds in Christendom - we will never know as you and your click polluted these boards so that i and my kind cant get a word in edgeways.

What was it Trump said - fire and fury... ya i smoke and grow weed not hate and kill :-)
Scroll back, this is like my gazillionth rodeo, why i asked if he was going to kill his other four if they go badly herm and seeded or start listening to my and other pro hobbyists here.

Your advice can lead to no harvest, mine leads to enlightenment and a grower knowing all the plays and options.

Maybe it hermed then stopped then grew the fattest buds in Christendom - we will never know as you and your click polluted these boards so that i and my kind cant get a word in edgeways.

What was it Trump said - fire and fury... ya i smoke and grow weed not hate and kill :-)
Cool story. You can go ahead and grow your hermies and let the pollen fly if that’s what you “pros” do. Nobody is ever jumping line to agree with you, so while the god of green act is entertaining, it is a sign of mental illness. After a gazillion rodeos you’re still talking this nonsense. At this point, this new grower who made this post is further advanced than you and has proved that. Loved the last line, btw. What does Trump have to do with anything? Lol. You whack jobs just can’t help yourselves, can you? Next, you’ll cut off your penis and be shitting your pants on purpose at a feminist march against Trump. Seek help
One down four to go - ive been here on hundreds of these first grow threads and you far from out tbe woods yet plus there is no hermie free clone or seed on the market or wild yet so lets assume this can happen easily in the next grow.

I help growers but theres so much bad advice at the moment youve killed one fith of your grow at the very start of an eight week stretch thats prone to herm for new growers.

Experience is what you need most dude, mother nature wont just do what you want with ease :-)
Ok for sure. Thanks for the advice.
I guess i may have pulled the plug on (dr. Doom) prematurely. Just was nervous if I messed and didn’t catch something in time or do something so that the other plants were safe. I just wanted to try to control the outcome as best as I could. Felt if I was going to lose any more plants one was better than four. This may have been a dumb move I don’t know but we’ll see in the end. Since I didn’t pay for these seeds... that’s a risk I’m willing to take.
Is both male and female? There is the 2 white hairs(pistils) the second circle concerns me. Has a tear drop shape to it but couldthis be a pollen sac?
CJ if you're banking on a harvest, be cautious. If you do keep the hermies around Balls can grow and open in 48-72 hours during flower so you would need to check each plant regular. If your going to be out of town during run consider that. When you have to make a firm decision in the grow you'll remember it. More so if you get it wrong! And when you've done it a few times you'll have less need to open a web browser. Enjoy it buddy!
CJ if you're banking on a harvest, be cautious. If you do keep the hermies around Balls can grow and open in 48-72 hours during flower so you would need to check each plant regular. If your going to be out of town during run consider that. When you have to make a firm decision in the grow you'll remember it. More so if you get it wrong! And when you've done it a few times you'll have less need to open a web browser. Enjoy it buddy!
I decided to be cautious and pull it. Too many people were saying male and hermie...