
Well-Known Member
looks like it's gonna be "hairy" what's she smell like?
Yes,yes,yes... the mom (cojack) ran 16 weeks first time for me,lucky I had other plants.
But yea,this is what I was looking for,now if the high comes out mountain top clear,like a bird flying high above.(I'm high watching animal planet) with swooping rushes of paranoia
There have been 3 phenos, the early girl (p2) (chopped and drying lots of triblades), the late comer/slow grower (p3) in the 6.5in square maroon pot is a little fuzzier and has the hughest calyx to leaf ratio. She was the last of the first set to break ground and I notice the pistils are more orange than rusty purple. The foxtailing on big girl (p1) (first pic against the tent wall in a 1.5 gal) is partially genetic and partly exacerbated by the proximity to my light rig (too much light), and the aforementioned P/K defs. this may have also made the early girl a little darker green than she should have been. The 2 in the 0.5 gal terracotta color pots and my part cup entry seem to be the same pheno as big girl (p1). P1 most common, P2 and 3 less than 30%.
As for the smell, they are al variant of Miel de Regaliz, P1 has more bubblegum, P2 has more sage, and P3 has been neglected so I dont know.


Well-Known Member
Cojack x honeybee f3 ....12/12 from seed day 100 (90 for the 2 in terracotta 1/2 gals.)
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Terracotta 1/2 gals
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Yes you can see the hurt being put on, this is me changing Fertilizers and adjusting my methodology. The also an fish fert is good but it is is loaded with small particles that are loading up the peat and aeration in my mix, is is also short on P and K. This coupled with high sodium content of kelp has created the issue you see imo.
To combat this in the future I will start salt ferts in veg, beyond just the calnit and mgso4 I use now to MOAB and or Mills ultimate p/k which is what in addition to WCaP and a transplant is helping the HH recover.
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Or at least allowing it to continue life without getting worse.

The Cojack x Honeybee f3 is like an overloaded locomotive it chuggs and chuggs along (with the exception of early girl) it is slowing down now but it gonna take a while longer. Longer than I was expecting a few weeks ago atleast.
looks like it's gonna be "hairy" what's she smell like?
I posted 2 duplicate pics at the end there. That plant is Hicok Haze f2 from bhb. The 3rd from last is cojack x honeybee f3 with C998 x HH making a cameo in the lower left.
Rotate around to the front.
C998 x HH on left (in a 4.5in square pot) cojack x honeybee f3 on right, Graveyard Whistler no.1 down below, in the deep dark recesses of a vert 3x3 running all chucked beans except one red headed stranger loaded with cookies and chem offspring.
and a cookies and chem that is up and to the right in the pic above.
With HH leaves making a cameo. It's crowed in there and tough to get good pics sorry about that.