Aussie Growers Thread

I think it’s funny he calls everyone else paranoid but can’t see how paranoid he’s coming across as being with all this sock bullshit.
And for someone so “weary” of socks he seems to be one of the first liking all their posts. Go figure. Complaining about socks whilst at the same time encouraging them.
One could apply your exact words to yourself but introspection has never been your strong suit. Just stick to posting tits and arse pics please
I piped up because you said I was techic as a sock, also cuz you brought up the fluence lighting rep thing and also saying im probably a low level office worker, then you call out technic for using my pic and then slag off my bud. Mate dont play the victim when you say outrageous untrue shit and then get a response from it. Also isnt it funny how the socks come out of the woodwork after you said you missed Bazza. Nobodies putting up with this shit anymore those days are over with bud.
Like I said before lets just enjoy each others grows, lets stop being dicks to one another and enjoy this thread
i was saying Technic, if he wasn't ur sock (and we do have lots of socks on the thread) was probably a low office worker.. Not you. I wasn't slagging of you bud, its a perfectly reasonable bud. Its not A grade top shelf frosty as bud pic like you will find on the frostiest bud thread. You just took it as in insult.
Bazza was awesome but i don't think any of those was Bazza. Fk he was funny.
I wish our politicians were more like this and just spoke their minds rather than playing the stupid games they do at our expense. I would like to see Scott Morrison and Bill shorten in a MMA ring to see who wins, it would be alot cheaper for us all.
The thread is dead because of all the bullshit you guys pulled, dont start that crap. The only snitch here is in your circle so get it right matey. Stop calling people snitches you've contributed nothing but negativity here nobody wants to hear from you either, always attached to a sock thats quite a coincidence every time I get trolled your right there with the sock.
You are not wanted liked or respected here anymore go back to your little circle where people are just like you, small, petty and mean. Adios
thread is dead because everyone is getting reach arounds when they post OK bud picks and think its top shelf. There is no discussion on inoculants or in depth strains and even 420 deals. (some great deals been had by some on those). No talk on microbes, new techniques or who is stealing whos genetics. Its like a beginner grow thread ATM and it shouldn't be.
Someone posts info that is more than likely wrong and then the people with no self esteem attack the person who wants clarification which they never got. Think about that last sentence for a moment. This is meant to be a place to learn not to be liked and here you are attacking one of the people who questioned information (and I wasn't the only one but im a good target)
Unlike you i don't need to feel liked by strangers on the internet. Unlike you I will call a spade a spade. Im in the same in RL BTW. I don't seek or require approval from anyone.
I'm no fucking office worker, I run 2 LED lighting companies and I came here to help people out in the lighting section because of my expertise and high end test equipment not selling anything, they don't like how an Aussie speaks in there though cause Americans think how we speak is rude.
I'm no fucking office worker, I run 2 LED lighting companies and I came here to help people out in the lighting section because of my expertise and high end test equipment not selling anything, they don't like how an Aussie speaks in there though cause Americans think how we speak is rude.
Then why hide? Get your advertiser tag and promote honestly.
To bad majority of the LED guys talk lights all day on the other thread as they were banned from this one then eh? Haha The fkn irony. But not many will believe what you say unless you can prove your points.

Its been cover crops, strains , pump pressure for wifi away growing (that's real interesting) and led lights most the day..Stuff like that used to be on here once now its arguments over should you smoke mouldy bud.
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View attachment 4321041 Look mum, no flash!!
Reckon I could be a contender in the frost department?? No of course I couldn’t I’m just some chick part of the “can’t grow for shit” club. You can’t create trichs that aren’t there, but if screaming photoshop is what’s gonna help u sleep at nite then hey I’m not here to judge.
I don't think ive ever said you cannot grow. But we all know growing is easy. If anyone here recons its hard then please raise your hand.
Why the fuck would I advertise if I'm not selling anything? I have no interest in selling anything on here, i came on here to help people not to sell things. I was going to bring 3 companies here to advertise but that's definitely not going to happen now.
I don't think ive ever said you cannot grow. But we all know growing is easy. If anyone here recons its hard then please raise your hand.
No just that I’m a pedophile with a hairy arsehole that is oblivious to where she was born.... yeah I guess that’s not as bad as saying i can’t grow is it?
No just that I’m a pedophile with a hairy arsehole that is oblivious to where she was born.... yeah I guess that’s not as bad as saying i can’t grow is it?
Don't know is it?
And i didn't say that I copied and pasted it from another thread someone else said it.
Why the fuck would I advertise if I'm not selling anything? I have no interest in selling anything on here, i came on here to help people not to sell things. I was going to bring 3 companies here to advertise but that's definitely not going to happen now.
This is a Black DOG by HSO i grew. The cooler lights off temps really did bring out the colour. I tend to post this pic a bit as I love it.
Black Dog.jpg

PS. Anyone else notice im still the only one answering peoples questions and giving basic advice? To many people just arguing to have a go at LuckyLuke. Its Ok i can multi task.
Might go have a cone of some of Cocos mids. That Space Cake #1 is damn nice!
You mean “another website”. And from memory you said “you couldn’t make this stuff up.” Ummm, no...sounds totally un made up...(:
Yep, i got it from a diff website from someone. I belive it was sent via a PM from someone else. Guess it was from you (they have your turn of phase and dry sarcasm (which I like) or one of your stalkers.