Bill Weld challenges Trump for GOP nomination in 2020

or stop the greedy ?

We only have a right to direct our own actions though.

So if you want to spend 20 hours a day hustling quarters at a laundromat and I sit on my haunches scratching my hairy ass smoking primo weed all day, I could call you greedy, but that gives me no right to stop you does it?
can you ever have a serious conversation ?

I tried it a couple of times here, but the other people usually ran away crying and telling me to move to Somalia after I pointed out the inherent flaw(s) in their position or argumentation process.

But thank you for your question.
We only have a right to direct our own actions though.

So if you want to spend 20 hours a day hustling quarters at a laundromat and I sit on my haunches scratching my hairy ass smoking primo weed all day, I could call you greedy, but that gives me no right to stop you does it?
I guess you are for income inequality
I guess you are for income inequality

That's an interesting way to put it. Almost a non sequitur. I'm not "for" income inequality or equality.

I am for a free market and allowing every person the possibility of pursuing their own goals as long as the means to achieve those goals don't include offensive force. What happens after that is their business, not mine or yours.

Being "for" income equality can be another way of advocating for forcible redistribution, which is a euphemism for "taxes" .
If you saw what NAFTA did to my hometown area, there are miles of abandoned factories. Tens of thousands of jobs disappeared not long after it passed. It decimated the economy. But republicans every so often will blame it all on Clinton. Interesting fact of record, Joe Biden voted against it. I have yet to see a Republican do anything but seek to raise wages for workers they always vote to lower wages for workers and have consistently sought to damage workers rights
NO! Joe Biden voted FOR NAFTA!

The man is a fucking fraud and a total shill for the rich!

The more you research this clown, the worse he looks.
I tried it a couple of times here, but the other people usually ran away crying and telling me to move to Somalia after I pointed out the inherent flaw(s) in their position or argumentation process.

But thank you for your question.
Any particular reason you refused their advice?
NO! Joe Biden voted FOR NAFTA!

The man is a fucking fraud and a total shill for the rich!

The more you research this clown, the worse he looks.
North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act NAFTA Worker Security Act)
Statement of Purpose: To strike Subtitle D, implementation of NAFTA supplemental agreements, from the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.
Vote Counts:


Not Voting

*Information compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Summary
By Senator Name
By Vote Position
By Home State
Alphabetical by Senator Name
Akaka (D-HI), Yea
Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bennett (R-UT), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Nay
Bingaman (D-NM), Yea
Bond (R-MO), Yea
Boren (D-OK), Yea
Boxer (D-CA), Yea
Bradley (D-NJ), Yea
Taken from
If we continue to allow corporations to operate irresponsibly in our country, making huge profits and paying poor wages except to those at the top or making all their money here and moving out taking good jobs with them, there won't be any good jobs. It needs to be unprofitable to manufacture things overseas and sell them here. Politicians in general have been selling out our workforce for decades for the benefit of the wealthy.
Tax the rich and large profitable corporations, then use that money to rebuild our country's middle class and infrastructure to be competitive.

Just one example; in just the last 5 years alone, China has built more high speed passenger rail mileage than the entire rest of the planet has built, ever.
North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act NAFTA Worker Security Act)
Statement of Purpose: To strike Subtitle D, implementation of NAFTA supplemental agreements, from the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.
Vote Counts:


Not Voting

*Information compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate

Vote Summary
By Senator Name
By Vote Position
By Home State
Alphabetical by Senator Name
Akaka (D-HI), Yea
Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bennett (R-UT), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Nay
Bingaman (D-NM), Yea
Bond (R-MO), Yea
Boren (D-OK), Yea
Boxer (D-CA), Yea
Bradley (D-NJ), Yea
Taken from

Bill: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Implementation Act
Roll Number: 395
Yea: 61 Nay: 38
Bill Passed (Senate)

State Name Vote
AK Sen. Ted Stevens
(R) - District Sr Nay
AK Sen. Frank H. Murkowski
() - District Jr Yea
AL Sen. Richard C. Shelby
(R) - District Sr Nay
AL Sen. Howell Heflin
(D) - District Sr Nay
AR Sen. Dale Bumpers
(D) - District Sr Yea
AR Sen. David Pryor
(D) - District Jr Yea
AZ Sen. John Sidney McCain III
(R) - District Sr Yea
AZ Sen. Dennis Webster DeConcini
(D) - District Jr Yea
CA Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D) - District Sr Nay
CA Sen. Barbara Boxer
(D) - District Jr Nay
CO Sen. Hank Brown
(R) - District Sr Yea
CO Sen. Ben 'Nighthorse' Campbell
(D) - District Jr Nay
CT Sen. Joseph I. 'Joe' Lieberman
(ID) - District Sr Yea
CT Sen. Christopher J. 'Chris' Dodd
(D) - District Sr Yea
DE Sen. Joseph Robinette 'Joe' Biden Jr.
(D) - District Sr Yea

HR 3450 - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Implementation Act - Voting Record
Nov 23, 1993

Where exactly do you get your information from and do you check dates?

I took another look at your copy n paste and sure enough, you posted a 'vote to strike Subtitle D' FROM the NAFTA agreement. Not the same thing at all.
Last edited:
Those greedy corporations are to me nothing more than criminal enterprises, the fallacy that a third world country workforce is the problem is always touted by so called conservatives, just like a guy living in a mansion blaming the homeless guy. The truth is that corporations like say Walmart make huge profit while the average store location costs a half a million dollars in public assistance due to below poverty line wages, this practice is not acceptable.
Agreed, yet it's the law of the land and We the People aren't consulted.
I would like to see workers lifted up rather than shut out. I remember an auto plant in Mexico where striking workers were shot to death not all that long ago
They struck again in the last few months. Unsurprising that Americans didn't hear a word about it. This time they won and competitive wages are part of the new trade deal.
For once I have to agree with tty on automation taking over :spew:
I don't say it like him to sound teasing. I just want my manufacturing buddies to realize where the education must go. I respect and honor men/women who can create something using hands, but it will soon be fucking thing of the past. I have been there and done that and hope to not do it again. In the air force we had a job called a navigator. One of the best flight crew gigs you can want for the most part. Lots of travel and the job made you feel like a sense of duty and importance...then GPS, so away went your navigator and hello to combat system operator :cry:
For once I have to agree with tty on automation taking over :spew:
I don't say it like him to sound teasing. I just want my manufacturing buddies to realize where the education must go. I respect and honor men/women who can create something using hands, but it will soon be fucking thing of the past. I have been there and done that and hope to not do it again. In the air force we had a job called a navigator. One of the best flight crew gigs you can want for the most part. Lots of travel and the job made you feel like a sense of duty and importance...then GPS, so away went your navigator and hello to combat system operator :cry:
And yet basic navigation skills are still important; just ask someone out hiking when the batteries in their Garmin died lol
And yet basic navigation skills are still important; just ask someone out hiking when the batteries in their Garmin died lol
Yup, but we all have embraced GPS. I'm still one who keeps maps in the car just in case we have a sun flare burn out. :cool:.
I did teach my kids how to properly read a map and compass. and how to use the two.

FYI just in case.
Compasses have 360 degrees, increasing from zero in a clockwise direction so:
East is 90 degree
South is 180 degrees
West is 270 degrees. If you’re going between East and South, it should be between 90 and 180 degrees. Between South and West, the bearing should be between 180 and 270 degrees and between 270 and 360 degrees for routes between West and North. North and East, then the bearing should be lower than 90 degrees.
be sure that your compass in not upside down.

Most people are completely lost on how to use a map and compass to navigate, let alone how to adjust for magnetic declination
Yup, but we all have embraced GPS. I'm still one who keeps maps in the car just in case we have a sun flare burn out. :cool:.
I did teach my kids how to properly read a map and compass. and how to use the two.

FYI just in case.
Compasses have 360 degrees, increasing from zero in a clockwise direction so:
East is 90 degree
South is 180 degrees
West is 270 degrees. If you’re going between East and South, it should be between 90 and 180 degrees. Between South and West, the bearing should be between 180 and 270 degrees and between 270 and 360 degrees for routes between West and North. North and East, then the bearing should be lower than 90 degrees.
be sure that your compass in not upside down.

Most people are completely lost on how to use a map and compass to navigate, let alone how to adjust for magnetic declination
Ain't it the truth.

Last time I went on an 'adventure race', a race with several stages such as mountain biking, rappelling, kayaking and orienteering, my team won. We weren't the best bikers and our times in rappelling, etc were midpack. No, we won because I can read a map and use a compass and we blew away the competition in the orienteering section lol