I read where someone claimed that White Fire OG is really Triangle Kush renamed. Anyone no if there's truth to that? Supposedly that was directly from Raskels mouth.
I've learned that Fire OG is aka Triangle Kush.
Triangle Kush/Fire OG
Triangle aka The White (Krome)
FOG×The White = WiFi
A fella named Ivan went by "Jackmayoffer" was one of the guys who created Jungle boys. From my understanding, he and another grew out 500 seeds of Raskal's WiFi & found the infamous #43 plant & began cloning it which turned into "cuts"... Hence the WiFi #43 cut
It's been some time since I've been in the "loop". I definitely remember Logic's farm. Those OGR beans went out fast. They were like Jordans on the release date. You'd have to camp out for them. I was young & dumb. Always thought those beans would come back... I was f****** wrong. Wish I grabbed a pack : palm on the face: