The LED "Arms race".....

Cities have things called sewage treatment plants which your typical CAFO does not. They spread literally ton after ton on fields and pollute streams, groundwater and eventually rivers and the Ocean. Stick 6,000 or 12,000 cows on the same operation and consume immense amounts of water and give us shit in return. Chickens, turkeys, hogs and beef are dominated or rapidly becoming dominated by these shit farms as is dairy. Wisconsin lost 700 small to medium family dairy farms last year.

The US has cleared our forests a century ago, now we’re working on mountain top removal for filthy coal on which we can choke and roast ourselves.
So if I was an Aussie going in the drive-thru, I'd say, "I'll take a roo-burger with cheese, a biggie fry and a Coke."
That's how it should be, or the way it should be in France is a LeRoyal Roo with cheese if you wanted a quarter pounder. Unfortunately Roo burgers are not on the menu here yet but it won't be long until they are. Some restaurants do offer Roo burgers on the menu but not the major junk food joints yet.
the world still needs more co2 right now

mother nature really decides what the weather is

but killing the buffalo was bad stuff..

and this global weather talk bombardment is to suck you into the nwo and polarize people

...which will not help the weather..or anyone except a few

and if JT is talking about it..then its a vote getting/money grsbbing/scam
the world still needs more co2 right now

mother nature really decides what the weather is

but killing the buffalo was bad stuff..

and this global weather talk bombardment is to suck you into the nwo and polarize people

...which will not help the weather..or anyone except a few

and if JT is talking about it..then its a vote getting/money grsbbing/scam
You are really to far over the edge to reason with on the current climate crisis. Jade Helm 15 Bubba!
"I'll change that to man made climate change"

thankyou and i do not mean to lessen that..

man has indeed affected climate to some degree..

You are really to far over the edge to reason with on the current climate crisis. Jade Helm 15 Bubba!

there has been an accumulative human assault on the environment over the last 7 decades

that should be good enough for you


no..i suggest you search through history when climate did much of what it is doing now..whicj shows than i am

MORE reasonable than you apparently are

here is another thing and its sad:

we humans are our own worst enemy and nothing has /is/or will be done about it..

but in the little volcano can do 1000x more in two weeks

its human nature..just like the wonderful in touch with nature natives of old

totally over hunting the game around them and having to move was called survivial back then though

mean while ..mother nature trods on....
Here's an old discussion, that had sort of evolved, into a climate change debate :shock: by the tail end, but every now and then I revive it to breathe new life into the idea.

So, revisiting the original point, with the way things are developing as of late, market prices for what is now "outdated" tech on paper, is bordering on bargain basement!!!
It's now at point where 3rd, even 4th "best" still performs at greater than satisfactory level, in relation to cost. This is evident in the trend we're seeing with some of the branded strip, or board style, white based, retail units that have started gaining some notariety.