The Nature Farm Genetics, is he legit?

Like it was said earlier though if he were to say any other flavor it would be ok cause most other flavors are attainable. Skunk though, lots claim its there but no one really has it. The guy does have alot of good genetics which some of those big breeders have used so that part makes sense. He is also skilled with the organics if the seed he sells isn't of interest. I still have a some that I just haven't gotten to but will eventually.
Like it was said earlier though if he were to say any other flavor it would be ok cause most other flavors are attainable. Skunk though, lots claim its there but no one really has it. The guy does have alot of good genetics which some of those big breeders have used so that part makes sense. He is also skilled with the organics if the seed he sells isn't of interest. I still have a some that I just haven't gotten to but will eventually.
Who ever brings RKS seeds to market first will be rich over knight from seed
Those negative claims can they be backed up with any further information, seems to be just a random hate approach. I personally dont know more about this vendor then what I have read here and on other sites, therefore I am giving their beans a shot. They might be crap or they might be good, only time will tell...
Those negative claims can they be backed up with any further information, seems to be just a random hate approach. I personally dont know more about this vendor then what I have read here and on other sites, therefore I am giving their beans a shot. They might be crap or they might be good, only time will tell...

Nobody is saying his strains are crap, just saying there is no rks.

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Those negative claims can they be backed up with any further information, seems to be just a random hate approach. I personally dont know more about this vendor then what I have read here and on other sites, therefore I am giving their beans a shot. They might be crap or they might be good, only time will tell...
Like the above said.. no one is saying his strains are shit, they are just saying he is lying to increase sales.
We have to stop saying things like “who ever gets RKS in seed will be instant kagillionaires”. That will fuel the seed greeders into saying all of a sudden they have “Solomon’s Grave Skunk#1” in their genetics over night.

THSeeds now has S.A.G.E. x “cultivators choice skunk#1” & they pretty much only so S1s now. It might be a crazy idea but what if they just S1 that cut of “cultivators choice skunk” they have?

Swami organic seed has “85RKS” in some seeds but if anyone has found the road kill we would have heard about it by now.

“What’s the reports from the websites?”
“They really want the skunk back sir.”
“We’ll tell them we have it!”

Chem is not skunk,
Metallic is not skunk,
“Funky” is not skunk,
Rubber is not skunk...
I promised to update this somewhere, it may have been another thread but for now this seems like a fitting place. The Fester I got from MT has all turned out to be far from rks /skunk smells to the point where I'm not interested in looking through any more. He was nice to me and gave plenty of freebies fwiw... The uncle festers are easy to grow and happy plants. Very stable uniformity to the point where I don't think the IBL part is BS, but it's been bred toward a specific sweet skunk #1 or skunk #1 hybrid, every plant smells like sweet lemons and tootsie rolls- not really my thing. They were actually growing side by side some Shit from mr nice and they had a lot in common. If I had to guess I'd say the uncle fester is an afghan x skunk #1 hybrid. The afghan part based on the short stalkiness, node and bud structure. It has good trich coverage, needs little food, low intersex incidence, happy stone...but to me the high is boring. It feels weak, unlike the old school skunk I remember from wmass. Next up I'm looking through some duke and riot gear, including the polecat mentioned a few posts back. I might pick up some shoreline too. I do have the rado shoreline cross to margy in line.

If NF's fester is really based off MT's line then I can see why nobody is finding rks in it.
THSeeds now has S.A.G.E. x “cultivators choice skunk#1” & they pretty much only so S1s now. It might be a crazy idea but what if they just S1 that cut of “cultivators choice skunk” they have?
Then they would get a selfie of sam the skunkmans sk#1.
I promised to update this somewhere, it may have been another thread but for now this seems like a fitting place. The Fester I got from MT has all turned out to be far from rks /skunk smells to the point where I'm not interested in looking through any more. He was nice to me and gave plenty of freebies fwiw... The uncle festers are easy to grow and happy plants. Very stable uniformity to the point where I don't think the IBL part is BS, but it's been bred toward a specific sweet skunk #1 or skunk #1 hybrid, every plant smells like sweet lemons and tootsie rolls- not really my thing. They were actually growing side by side some Shit from mr nice and they had a lot in common. If I had to guess I'd say the uncle fester is an afghan x skunk #1 hybrid. The afghan part based on the short stalkiness, node and bud structure. It has good trich coverage, needs little food, low intersex incidence, happy stone...but to me the high is boring. It feels weak, unlike the old school skunk I remember from wmass. Next up I'm looking through some duke and riot gear, including the polecat mentioned a few posts back. I might pick up some shoreline too. I do have the rado shoreline cross to margy in line.

If NF's fester is really based off MT's line then I can see why nobody is finding rks in it.
How would you say this shit from mr nice differs? Does that also have the tootsierolls thing going and is high boring as well?
Then they would get a selfie of sam the skunkmans sk#1.

How would you say this shit from mr nice differs? Does that also have the tootsierolls thing going and is high boring as well?
I'd say it's a skunk #1 like it's supposed to be and smell is sweet, with some plants indeed having that tootsieroll stench. I can see how some people would really dig it, but not me. The high is ok but not too potent. Mr nice gave instructions, I believe on this forum how to find an rks throwback using his gear. I've got that in the pipeline too. From what i understand he doesn't claim that shit smells skunky if that's what you're after.
We dont have tootsie rolls where I live, but if the smell is a combo of catpiss or some other type of animal piss smell combined with the smell of oranges I think I have an idea of what this RKS you all are talking about smells like...
I will be trying my Silver Queen seeds soon. Not interested in RKS (unless she shows up), I am crossing my fingers for some sassafras. Or at the very least some nice sativa headstash.
We dont have tootsie rolls where I live, but if the smell is a combo of catpiss or some other type of animal piss smell combined with the smell of oranges I think I have an idea of what this RKS you all are talking about smells like...
Roadkill skunk smells like a skunk sprayed or was hit by a car. It's hard to describe if you've never smelt a skunk, but not like anything else or any other animal or animal pee. Skunk spray isn't pee, it's a defense to spray their attacker, and is a putrid unmistakable stink.

Tootsie rolls, if you're not familiar with those either, they smell like chocolate. Long - short is that the fester is a lemony chocolate skunk #1. Sweet and fruity. Not stinky putrid skunk spray in any way. Nada.