World Of Hempy

I gotta get in on this man. 600W HPS 4'x4'x7' tent with four 5 gallon hempy buckets. I have a lava rock reservoir with a coco/perlite mix above that. I personally hate the coco and will go back to 100% perlite for my next cycle. When I'm growing hydro I do want my medium to be completely inert. Coco has some odd physiological interactions with fertilizer that I don't get with perlite. Also, I find that perlite accelerates the wet / dry cycle frequency which accelerates growth rates that far surpass a coco / perlite mix. Some people seem to love the coco. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Anyhow...

31 days into flower running Jack's 5-12-26 and calcium nitrate at 750 PPM PH adjusted to 5.8. Up until last week I was running 600 PPM. I do not use the magnesium sulfate component of the 3-2-1 system. The 5-12-26 has plenty of it and it just unnecessarily adds ppm's to your solution. I add 1 TSP / 5 gallons of floralicious plus which is just humic acid, kelp, protein hydrolysate, and potassium sulfate. I just ran 4 gallons of PH adjusted tap water @ 150 PPM through each pot to eliminate salt buildup. Runoff went from 900 PPM to 350 PPM after leeching. I then watered in 750 PPM feed solution with floralicous.

I bought the 25LB bag of jack's and this is my first run with it. So far so good, but I have experienced a few strange oddities using the Jack's. That's a conversation for another thread though. I have so far maintained the 1:.67 ratio of Jack's to calcium nitrate per JR Peter's recommendation and the plants have responded nicely. I'm considering buying their bloom formula to switch over to for my next flowering cycle. A lot of people are just running Jack's straight through with success.

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Temps and humidity is solid
My tent and clone area for my perpetual harvest every 9 weeks. (just recently setup) Checkout the star wars wallpaper from the 70's. I bought this house last year and when I peeled the shit off the walls in the basement bedroom I found vintage star wars wallpaper.
I made concentrated stock solutions out of my Jack's and calcium nitrate. It's just easier to mix than weighing and dissolving powders in my reservoir.
I finally got tired of $15 PH meters failing if I breathed on them the wrong way, so I bought a blue lab and a milwauke mw602. I prefer the milwaukee and would recommend it to others. There's nothing wrong with the blue lab, but I find the milwauke more precise and it has a lanyard which is handy.
Now this little device below absolutely gets my nipples hard every time I use it. If you're growing in a tent then I don't have to explain to you what a bitch it is to evacuate the water from your saucers when you're watering or leeching the medium. I refuse to take my plants in and out of the dam tent when I'm watering every other day in peak flower. Below is the $9.99 Harbor Freight solution my friends. 2 D batteries powers this little guy and it has made my watering a great deal easier. It sucks the water up rapidly and dispenses it into a 5 gallon bucket that I dump after watering. I just ran 15 gallons through to leech the medium and thanks to this device, I didn't even have to take a single plant or saucer out. Are your nipples hard? Mine are :)
And my Jack's 5-12-26, Calcium Nitrate, and Magnesium Sulfate in 5 gallon buckets with air tight lids.

In about a month I'll let y'all know how the Jack's did for me.
how about here in case anybody else wants to follow along
how many plants?

Let's pass some knowledge.

Home: 5 x 5 tent lit with 480W QB288.
Containers: Five 2g pots with holes in the bottom sitting on a stand in a drip tray.
Media: Rinsed and charged pure coconut coir.
Nutrients: Jack's 3-2-1 (5-12-26/15-0-0 CalNit/Epsom Salts)
Water: 90ppm tap. Fed from a 27g elevated tote into five single short Blumat carrots

a submersible water pump that the above manifold will thread onto, some silicone airline tubing out to each plant and a timer. and i used a 30 gallon trashcan with lid for the res.

that's it. set your timer so you get a bit of runoff from the hempys and you're done.

I would like to be able to go away for a week or more . How did you deal with the run off when you would be gone for a while ?
i built a rdwc system many years ago with 2 27 gal black/yellow totes that had a built in drain to a floor drain next to my hot water heater.

i just put the hempys into those totes and the runoff goes right down the drain.
Did an anti syphon have to be used?
I would like to be able to go away for a week or more . How did you deal with the run off when you would be gone for a while ?
This is the whole point of me wanting to use Blumats. I don't have immediate access to a drain so I just use short stands in oversized drip pans.

These is my outdoor Blusoak tape. Gravity fed 55g drum, top dress, mulch and tweak as needed.

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I gotta get in on this man. 600W HPS 4'x4'x7' tent with four 5 gallon hempy buckets. I have a lava rock reservoir with a coco/perlite mix above that. I personally hate the coco and will go back to 100% perlite for my next cycle. When I'm growing hydro I do want my medium to be completely inert. Coco has some odd physiological interactions with fertilizer that I don't get with perlite. Also, I find that perlite accelerates the wet / dry cycle frequency which accelerates growth rates that far surpass a coco / perlite mix. Some people seem to love the coco. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Anyhow...

31 days into flower running Jack's 5-12-26 and calcium nitrate at 750 PPM PH adjusted to 5.8. Up until last week I was running 600 PPM. I do not use the magnesium sulfate component of the 3-2-1 system. The 5-12-26 has plenty of it and it just unnecessarily adds ppm's to your solution. I add 1 TSP / 5 gallons of floralicious plus which is just humic acid, kelp, protein hydrolysate, and potassium sulfate. I just ran 4 gallons of PH adjusted tap water @ 150 PPM through each pot to eliminate salt buildup. Runoff went from 900 PPM to 350 PPM after leeching. I then watered in 750 PPM feed solution with floralicous.

I bought the 25LB bag of jack's and this is my first run with it. So far so good, but I have experienced a few strange oddities using the Jack's. That's a conversation for another thread though. I have so far maintained the 1:.67 ratio of Jack's to calcium nitrate per JR Peter's recommendation and the plants have responded nicely. I'm considering buying their bloom formula to switch over to for my next flowering cycle. A lot of people are just running Jack's straight through with success.

View attachment 4326659 View attachment 4326660 View attachment 4326661 View attachment 4326662
Temps and humidity is solid
View attachment 4326663
My tent and clone area for my perpetual harvest every 9 weeks. (just recently setup) Checkout the star wars wallpaper from the 70's. I bought this house last year and when I peeled the shit off the walls in the basement bedroom I found vintage star wars wallpaper.
View attachment 4326664
I made concentrated stock solutions out of my Jack's and calcium nitrate. It's just easier to mix than weighing and dissolving powders in my reservoir.
View attachment 4326665
I finally got tired of $15 PH meters failing if I breathed on them the wrong way, so I bought a blue lab and a milwauke mw602. I prefer the milwaukee and would recommend it to others. There's nothing wrong with the blue lab, but I find the milwauke more precise and it has a lanyard which is handy.
View attachment 4326666
Now this little device below absolutely gets my nipples hard every time I use it. If you're growing in a tent then I don't have to explain to you what a bitch it is to evacuate the water from your saucers when you're watering or leeching the medium. I refuse to take my plants in and out of the dam tent when I'm watering every other day in peak flower. Below is the $9.99 Harbor Freight solution my friends. 2 D batteries powers this little guy and it has made my watering a great deal easier. It sucks the water up rapidly and dispenses it into a 5 gallon bucket that I dump after watering. I just ran 15 gallons through to leech the medium and thanks to this device, I didn't even have to take a single plant or saucer out. Are your nipples hard? Mine are :)
View attachment 4326667
And my Jack's 5-12-26, Calcium Nitrate, and Magnesium Sulfate in 5 gallon buckets with air tight lids.
View attachment 4326668

In about a month I'll let y'all know how the Jack's did for me.
When you do run perlite hempies, how many times a day do you water them?
When you do run perlite hempies, how many times a day do you water them?

Watering frequency is relative to your container size. I always use 5 gallon buckets and nothing less to flower. Going smaller is just a waste of time to me. Smaller = watering more often.

In veg I can water once every 3-4 days depending on plant size.
Beginning of veg is typically every 4 days. End of Veg is every 3 days.
At peak flower (weeks 4-67) I had to water daily on my last grow all the way through to the very end. As the plants finished their flower cycle water consumption dropped off significantly.

This grow I'm using coco / perlite mix and at peak flower my watering is once every 2 days. My wet / dry cycles are not as frequent with coco which slows the plants metabolism and growth. I would not use coco again for this reason. Also coco interacts with potassium, calcium, and magnesium which adds an unnecessary variable to your grow and fertilizer routine.

Growth is far more rapid with perlite and flushing is far easier and faster.

I think coco is great for those who rock it well, but perlite is superior in every way in my opinion when it comes to hydroponically grown plants. If I had my hempy's outdoors, I would most likely do a 4:1 ratio of perlite to vermiculite. That would help with moisture retention and reduce watering frequency. The more frequently your plant cycles wet / dry the faster the plant will grow. Think flood and drain tables for instance. Rapid growth. Why is that? Frequent wet and dry cycles accelerating plant growth.

Deep water culture is generally the fastest growth of any method because the roots are sitting in a nutrient rich mixture while an air pump floods the medium (water) with tons of oxygen. If your pump fails though or you suffer a power outage you can kiss your plants goodbye in 24 hours time. DWC is great, but the risk of total crop loss is very real.
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Has anyone used Fytocell (ground up ceiling tile I think)? I've seen a couple of UK growers using it and they claim it's better than perlite/coco when it comes to water retention/aeration. Doesn't affect pH. Biodegradable.

Really want to grow a monster Royal Gorilla in a 5 gallon fytocell hempy ;-)
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I gotta get in on this man. 600W HPS 4'x4'x7' tent with four 5 gallon hempy buckets. I have a lava rock reservoir with a coco/perlite mix above that. I personally hate the coco and will go back to 100% perlite for my next cycle. When I'm growing hydro I do want my medium to be completely inert. Coco has some odd physiological interactions with fertilizer that I don't get with perlite. Also, I find that perlite accelerates the wet / dry cycle frequency which accelerates growth rates that far surpass a coco / perlite mix. Some people seem to love the coco. As the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Anyhow...

31 days into flower running Jack's 5-12-26 and calcium nitrate at 750 PPM PH adjusted to 5.8. Up until last week I was running 600 PPM. I do not use the magnesium sulfate component of the 3-2-1 system. The 5-12-26 has plenty of it and it just unnecessarily adds ppm's to your solution. I add 1 TSP / 5 gallons of floralicious plus which is just humic acid, kelp, protein hydrolysate, and potassium sulfate. I just ran 4 gallons of PH adjusted tap water @ 150 PPM through each pot to eliminate salt buildup. Runoff went from 900 PPM to 350 PPM after leeching. I then watered in 750 PPM feed solution with floralicous.

I bought the 25LB bag of jack's and this is my first run with it. So far so good, but I have experienced a few strange oddities using the Jack's. That's a conversation for another thread though. I have so far maintained the 1:.67 ratio of Jack's to calcium nitrate per JR Peter's recommendation and the plants have responded nicely. I'm considering buying their bloom formula to switch over to for my next flowering cycle. A lot of people are just running Jack's straight through with success.

View attachment 4326659 View attachment 4326660 View attachment 4326661 View attachment 4326662
Temps and humidity is solid
View attachment 4326663
My tent and clone area for my perpetual harvest every 9 weeks. (just recently setup) Checkout the star wars wallpaper from the 70's. I bought this house last year and when I peeled the shit off the walls in the basement bedroom I found vintage star wars wallpaper.
View attachment 4326664
I made concentrated stock solutions out of my Jack's and calcium nitrate. It's just easier to mix than weighing and dissolving powders in my reservoir.
View attachment 4326665
I finally got tired of $15 PH meters failing if I breathed on them the wrong way, so I bought a blue lab and a milwauke mw602. I prefer the milwaukee and would recommend it to others. There's nothing wrong with the blue lab, but I find the milwauke more precise and it has a lanyard which is handy.
View attachment 4326666
Now this little device below absolutely gets my nipples hard every time I use it. If you're growing in a tent then I don't have to explain to you what a bitch it is to evacuate the water from your saucers when you're watering or leeching the medium. I refuse to take my plants in and out of the dam tent when I'm watering every other day in peak flower. Below is the $9.99 Harbor Freight solution my friends. 2 D batteries powers this little guy and it has made my watering a great deal easier. It sucks the water up rapidly and dispenses it into a 5 gallon bucket that I dump after watering. I just ran 15 gallons through to leech the medium and thanks to this device, I didn't even have to take a single plant or saucer out. Are your nipples hard? Mine are :)
View attachment 4326667
And my Jack's 5-12-26, Calcium Nitrate, and Magnesium Sulfate in 5 gallon buckets with air tight lids.
View attachment 4326668

In about a month I'll let y'all know how the Jack's did for me.
Can you explain or point to info on this 1:67 ratio? :peace:
On the auto-water issue the only thing that comes to mind is that one
will lose the aeration that a full watering purportedly draws into the medium.

Coolio otherwise.
On the auto-water issue the only thing that comes to mind is that one
will lose the aeration that a full watering purportedly draws into the medium.

Coolio otherwise.

are you talking about the blumats? my auto watering was just top feeding thru some aquarium tubing until runoff. just a much slower version of hand watering.
Can you explain or point to info on this 1:67 ratio? :peace:

For sure man. JR Peters always recommends that you maintain a ratio of 1 part Jack's 5-12-26 to .67 parts calcium nitrate.
3.6 g Jack's 5-12-26 per gallon
2.4 g Calcium Nitrate per gallon
1.1 g epsom salt per gallon

That is jack's formula posted on their website and on their 25 LB bags. You can scale the formula up or down as long as you maintain the ratio of 1 part jack's to .67 parts calcium nitrate. Checkout the chart below for instance. All formulas maintain the 1:.67 ratio in varying strengths of ppm's.

600 ppm is 360 ppm jacks and 240 ppm calcinit 240/360=.67

750 ppm is 450 ppm jacks and 300 ppm calcinit 300/450=.67

900 ppm is 540 ppm jacks and 360 ppm calcinit 540/360=.67

Credit to Delta9 on icmag for the above chart.
Think this would be cool to use on a low drip rate until roots hit reservoir?

Hey WoH. Just checking in. Good to see friendly discussion still going on here. I've slowed things down to a couple crops per yr. I keep experimenting and used Grow Stones the last couple of grows. Previous grow was the grow stones over a perlite rez using Osmocote +. I thought that the puffed up rock wool would retain to much water to work with OC+ and I was right, It may not have burnt them to the ground but it singed them pretty good. Sucked the nutes out of the prills in just a few weeks. Had to finish them with Jacks Classic.

This run I dropped the OC+ and went with the standard Jacks 20-20-20 grow & 10-30-20 flower. 2gal buckets with a 50/50 mix of chunky perlite and grow stones from the bottom of the bucket up to the 2" soil cap. I even pulled out the screen again. So I got 3 buckets all different strains, (Super Silver Haze, Bubblegum, and Strawberry Sequoia) under a 42x42 screen.

5 days after light change
d5 ssh bg ss 001.JPG

12 days

d12 004.JPG

d12 008.JPG