Rain water??????


Well-Known Member
I use rain water and dont use cal mag. Decent fertilizer has enough cal and mag in it. We arent growing tomatoes.

Low TDS RO water is pretty much the same as rain water. Its just water.


Well-Known Member
Well my next question is... would you recommend collecting rain water and using to water plants when possible? If so, would collecting a large amount to use over a period of time be possible?

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
Well my next question is... would you recommend collecting rain water and using to water plants when possible? If so, would collecting a large amount to use over a period of time be possible?
Youd be doing your plants and the environment a favor. Rain water can have some minerals in depending on pollution etc in your area. But never like a well


Well-Known Member
Well my next question is... would you recommend collecting rain water and using to water plants when possible? If so, would collecting a large amount to use over a period of time be possible?
been collecting rain water for yrs plants love it,might want to check ph mine comes in at 6 hasn't changed in yrs, to store use something that blocks sunlight or it will slime up


Well-Known Member
Yup, rain water amazing. Fresher is better... I have 3 rain barrels running and never run out... if stagnant too long it can turn nasty, but just test it regularly and your plants will reward you!


Well-Known Member
Yup, rain water amazing. Fresher is better... I have 3 rain barrels running and never run out... if stagnant too long it can turn nasty, but just test it regularly and your plants will reward you!
With a pH meter? What if you constantly stirred the barrel. Would that help it not become stagnant

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Rain water would more than likely be preferable unless you run into some type of calmag deficit...or, as Harley said, you can always add some. But in any event, I would think that rain water would be preferable to tap, assuming your soil has all the calmag your babies may need.


Well-Known Member
I decided to use distilled water with my plants. Was just curious if the rumor about rain water being really good was true. Just want the best for my plants