
Any licensed growers on here?

How much on average would you say you guys make selling a pound to a dispensary?

Okay bud cost and awesome bud cost?
Me and my family are redoing one of our houses into a complete grow house originally we were just going to grow for ourselves cuz we have 6 people with medical cards in our family but now we are thinking of getting a grow license so we can also sell to dispensary’s
Me and my family are redoing one of our houses into a complete grow house originally we were just going to grow for ourselves cuz we have 6 people with medical cards in our family but now we are thinking of getting a grow license so we can also sell to dispensary’s
Good luck! Sorry, I can’t help you. I had some success in Washington state selling bud to dispensary’s back when Medical was just taking off back in 2010. The dispensary’s were very laid back and you could easily move product . It was fun to meet with the dispensary managers and they would critique your weed and say yeah I’ll take some of this or no thanks, try again when you have something better. Then as more and more growers hit the scene and compition gets fierce you have to be on top of your game or you are not going to move anything. And Washington state was one of the first medical states on the scene. Now so many people have experience and I’m afraid for my local Oklahoma native locals that want to make this a worthy investment. How many other growers out there, let’s say in like the state of Oregon, who have all the gear and knowledge but can’t sell their products due to over saturation in the market there... are they all going to be moving here to OKLAHOMA setting up shop and stealing the scene from ya’ll locals. I sure as fuck hope not. In fact I think there should be a law regarding grow License and residency. To protect your rights.
Anyways, I just got an approved email from OMMA for my med card. How many days from the approved email till you get your card in the mail?
Me and my family are redoing one of our houses into a complete grow house originally we were just going to grow for ourselves cuz we have 6 people with medical cards in our family but now we are thinking of getting a grow license so we can also sell to dispensary’s

Approximately 1000 cultivation licenses have already issued in Oklahoma! There will be lot's of competition but if you want the least expensive bud for you and your 5 other family members, I agree growing your own is the best option! Dispensaries are paying up to $3500 for a pound right now because inventory is low. Most dispensary owners are risking it all to get product "sooner" lol and going to Co for $800 pounds. Don't blame them but it's a big risk. I grew up in the 80's here in Oklahoma and just came back from Texas because of the law change. I'm a huge cannabis advocate and had to live here. I'd rather make less money in a legal state than making much more in Texas. I took a low paying job as a manager at a dispensary here and I get to work with a friend who's a head grower at another company so I'm living the dream lol.

Good luck! Sorry, I can’t help you. I had some success in Washington state selling bud to dispensary’s back when Medical was just taking off back in 2010. The dispensary’s were very laid back and you could easily move product . It was fun to meet with the dispensary managers and they would critique your weed and say yeah I’ll take some of this or no thanks, try again when you have something better. Then as more and more growers hit the scene and compition gets fierce you have to be on top of your game or you are not going to move anything. And Washington state was one of the first medical states on the scene. Now so many people have experience and I’m afraid for my local Oklahoma native locals that want to make this a worthy investment. How many other growers out there, let’s say in like the state of Oregon, who have all the gear and knowledge but can’t sell their products due to over saturation in the market there... are they all going to be moving here to OKLAHOMA setting up shop and stealing the scene from ya’ll locals. I sure as fuck hope not. In fact I think there should be a law regarding grow License and residency. To protect your rights.
Anyways, I just got an approved email from OMMA for my med card. How many days from the approved email till you get your card in the mail?

You're right lot's of folks coming here to get in on the business at the beginning. Oklahoma has a lot of really good farmers already set up for large scale production so I think some will do a great job. Many people will be surprised of the quality that comes from OK growers I believe. Just give it until next season :) And you're right...there's a law that you have to be a resident of OK to get any cannabis business license.

Really happy for Oklahoma and never thought it would be legalized here. Decriminalization goes to a vote on the house floor on Thursday in Texas, but that's a far cry from legalization and only helps the black market. Plenty of OK growers will be moving their product to the black market in Texas if they can't sell here.

Good luck everyone :) We really need an Oklahoma page up top here!
Any Oklahoma commercial growers/ disco owners in here that outsource their product?

What do you mean by outsource? You mean bringing it in from other states?

I just got a gig working at the Oklahoma Clone Company in south OKC and a bunch of my pollen chucks and clones will be available there if you're looking for some primo genetics. I'm also working with a few local growers too.
What do you mean by outsource? You mean bringing it in from other states?

I just got a gig working at the Oklahoma Clone Company in south OKC and a bunch of my pollen chucks and clones will be available there if you're looking for some primo genetics. I'm also working with a few local growers too.
No, I mean like do they grow their own or do they buy from growers
What do you mean by outsource? You mean bringing it in from other states?

I just got a gig working at the Oklahoma Clone Company in south OKC and a bunch of my pollen chucks and clones will be available there if you're looking for some primo genetics. I'm also working with a few local growers too.
Nice nice. Where are you working at? Maybe I can apply for a temporary job til harvest lol
Nice nice. Where are you working at? Maybe I can apply for a temporary job til harvest lol

I'm working at the Ok Clone Co. We just made a few hires so I think we're not hiring anymore right now. But I'm sure you could drop off an application. There's a ton of interest in this field here and there were hundreds of applications that came through. A lot more fun than working in the oil industry lol. Indeed has a lot of job posts in the industry on it.
Oh okay I see. I believe you'll get a mix of both.
Call around and ask. They will tell you to bring your stuff in and then they will examine it . I saw some pretty nasty shit in Stillwater so it doesn’t look like some folks are very picky. I guess they are desperate for. Product. I’m sure if your stuff is top quality you will pull in a nice return . Don’t sell yourself short either. If you know it’s top shelf , I suggest you give them a small sample to start. Leave your phone number and tell them to call you for more once they start getting requests for more, then you up your price and unload it all. Good luck.
Call around and ask. They will tell you to bring your stuff in and then they will examine it . I saw some pretty nasty shit in Stillwater so it doesn’t look like some folks are very picky. I guess they are desperate for. Product. I’m sure if your stuff is top quality you will pull in a nice return . Don’t sell yourself short either. If you know it’s top shelf , I suggest you give them a small sample to start. Leave your phone number and tell them to call you for more once they start getting requests for more, then you up your price and unload it all. Good luck.
Y’all are in Oklahoma?! We need to link up and have lunch or something! lol
Good luck! Sorry, I can’t help you. I had some success in Washington state selling bud to dispensary’s back when Medical was just taking off back in 2010. The dispensary’s were very laid back and you could easily move product . It was fun to meet with the dispensary managers and they would critique your weed and say yeah I’ll take some of this or no thanks, try again when you have something better. Then as more and more growers hit the scene and compition gets fierce you have to be on top of your game or you are not going to move anything. And Washington state was one of the first medical states on the scene. Now so many people have experience and I’m afraid for my local Oklahoma native locals that want to make this a worthy investment. How many other growers out there, let’s say in like the state of Oregon, who have all the gear and knowledge but can’t sell their products due to over saturation in the market there... are they all going to be moving here to OKLAHOMA setting up shop and stealing the scene from ya’ll locals. I sure as fuck hope not. In fact I think there should be a law regarding grow License and residency. To protect your rights.
Anyways, I just got an approved email from OMMA for my med card. How many days from the approved email till you get your card in the mail?
As states continue to "legalize" weed. there will be opportunists ready to move at the drop of a hat. The only big money for a non-corporate-owned operation is going to be the momentary big money that such opportunists stand to make. But, as with Oregon, the situation will change within a year or two....the corporations will move in, take over and start overproducing.