What did you accomplish today?

I cleaned my car and my daughter's 20 year old Lumina yesterday to make sure it rained. And it started as soon as I was done. Lol.0503191936.jpg
Mine took 20 minutes, hers took all evening to get the bugs and tar spots off it. I'm paying for it today, sore from crawling around on the ground and laying sideways to remove tar. And the Pirates lost 14-1 on the radio while I was cleaning it so not much to cheer about today except for clean cars.
I commandeered the other side of the garage over there, I can check out my car on the phone now. Lol.
Her long term roommate only uses garage in winter, he likes the extended driveway in front of the back patio better I guess. Works for me.

Have to cut grass today, neglected regular work this week dealing with cars and its starting to pile up. Wife mentioned it of course. 'I'm on it dear.'

Hopefully grass dries in the next hour before rain comes again. I can weed wack in the rain with a cheap plastic poncho if necessary. Hope to cut the grass though too.


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There’s something wrong about putting a V4 in a mustang but there selling them here with inline turbo 4 cylinders it’s not right
Ever watch Grand Tour (the Prime follow-on to British Top Gear?) They had a driver they called The Ameerican. He'd fit into the Politics forum like a boss. He would not hesitate to call a V4 car "communist".

On an aside - one of the best-sounding engines I ever heard was a somewhat modified Yammy V-Max taching it in third gear. Boston, early 1989. MAN that bike sounded good.

For more modern machines, the flat-crank V8s in the Porsche 918 and the McLaren P1 ... pure music. Again, season 1 episode 1 "Grand Tour".
About bad gas with ethanol, the guy where I buy tractors told me once to use premium in small 2 cycle engines with stabilizer and burn out everything at the end of the season.

The only thing I've ever got gummed up is a pressure washer because you can't burn out 100% of the gas out of it. But if you store it laying down on the handle, it doesn't get gummy. If it does, it's fairly easy to take that bottom metal cap off and spray the flap and carb to get running again. 15 minute job.

In this state the pumps all say 'cleaner gas' between June 1st and Sept. 15th. I try to stock up for the winter and add Briggs and Stratton stabilizer but if it snows alot you wind up using winter gas in the blowers. Stabilizer seems to work though. And burning the gas out.
About bad gas with ethanol, the guy where I buy tractors told me once to use premium in small 2 cycle engines with stabilizer and burn out everything at the end of the season.

The only thing I've ever got gummed up is a pressure washer because you can't burn out 100% of the gas out of it. But if you store it laying down on the handle, it doesn't get gummy. If it does, it's fairly easy to take that bottom metal cap off and spray the flap and carb to get running again. 15 minute job.

In this state the pumps all say 'cleaner gas' between June 1st and Sept. 15th. I try to stock up for the winter and add Briggs and Stratton stabilizer but if it snows alot you wind up using winter gas in the blowers. Stabilizer seems to work though. And burning the gas out.
The gas is "cleaner" because they put a percentage of dead-weight atoms into it. Shell even makes the vice of ballasting their hydrocarbons with "Nitrogren Technology" into a supposed virtue. They charge more per gallon for a fuel with less kilojoules in that gallon. So "cleaner gas" sticks it to us twice in a successful bid for us to fill up more often and pay more per fill.

Ok /rant
I used to like the Kawi 900/1000 with an aftermarket header. My Trident when it gets into the powerband sounds more like a road race car than a motorcycle.
In the '90s, when I was paying attention, I was treated to the sound of sportbikes with tuned Kerker or Yoshimura pipes. When they hit the sweet spot, the bikes produced this glorious trumpet blare. It put me in mind of the motorcycle-racing scene in "Tron", the first one and not the disappointing remake. Dopplering past with a lusty beeeEEEEYAAaaahhh ... oh yeah
I cleaned my car and my daughter's 20 year old Lumina yesterday to make sure it rained. And it started as soon as I was done. Lol.View attachment 4327864
Mine took 20 minutes, hers took all evening to get the bugs and tar spots off it. I'm paying for it today, sore from crawling around on the ground and laying sideways to remove tar. And the Pirates lost 14-1 on the radio while I was cleaning it so not much to cheer about today except for clean cars.
View attachment 4327865
I commandeered the other side of the garage over there, I can check out my car on the phone now. Lol.
View attachment 4327867
Her long term roommate only uses garage in winter, he likes the extended driveway in front of the back patio better I guess. Works for me.

Have to cut grass today, neglected regular work this week dealing with cars and its starting to pile up. Wife mentioned it of course. 'I'm on it dear.'

Hopefully grass dries in the next hour before rain comes again. I can weed wack in the rain with a cheap plastic poncho if necessary. Hope to cut the grass though too.
I have to walk out to my garage to talk to my car.
All the roses are sprayed, sprayed some weeds also. Need to dead head some of them, they bloomed at different times this spring. I may have some pics for the beautiful thread a little later. My favorite, a Chicago Peace, is almost finished blooming for now. Brunch time.
a lusty beeeEEEEYAAaaahhh
A top fuel Harley is interesting, idle is a random bang every once in awhile, until the loud twisty is activated.
went to the beach to walk the dogs was fairly nice super windy and waves are choppy. now it is raining extremely hard probably for like 10minutes or less i highly doubt it will rain all day. got work later on in the afternoon. other then that dad gotta go to the bank i think idk what he got in the mail yesterday for the car but yea he needs to get that done soon cause i will have no car soon.

waiting for this rain to stop so i can take my dads dog to the day care and take a smoke
All the roses are sprayed, sprayed some weeds also. Need to dead head some of them, they bloomed at different times this spring. I may have some pics for the beautiful thread a little later. My favorite, a Chicago Peace, is almost finished blooming for now. Brunch time.

A top fuel Harley is interesting, idle is a random bang every once in awhile, until the loud twisty is activated.
I saw some century-plus-old donkey engines used on local farms on display at the county fairgrounds. Their idling arrangement was fascinating. The motor freewheeled until it ran down enough that a visible lever arrangement could engage and open the intake. BANG, fuel lever disengaged and the motor was good for another ten(ish) revolutions before the lever reengaged BANGtickticktick tick tick tick, tick,, tic,,,BANGticktick
and so on.
I saw some century-plus-old donkey engines used on local farms on display at the county fairgrounds. Their idling arrangement was fascinating. The motor freewheeled until it ran down enough that a visible lever arrangement could engage and open the intake. BANG, fuel lever disengaged and the motor was good for another ten(ish) revolutions before the lever reengaged BANGtickticktick tick tick tick, tick,, tic,,,BANGticktick
and so on.
Gives new meaning to ticking time bomb.
Ever watch Grand Tour (the Prime follow-on to British Top Gear?) They had a driver they called The Ameerican. He'd fit into the Politics forum like a boss. He would not hesitate to call a V4 car "communist".

On an aside - one of the best-sounding engines I ever heard was a somewhat modified Yammy V-Max taching it in third gear. Boston, early 1989. MAN that bike sounded good.

For more modern machines, the flat-crank V8s in the Porsche 918 and the McLaren P1 ... pure music. Again, season 1 episode 1 "Grand Tour".
He’s sort of right calling the engine a communist they where mostly sold by ford to Saab in the 60’s-70’s in Germany and they sold it to Eastern Europe lol. No democratic society would use a shit motor it would take a dictator with machine guns to make me drive a car like that lol
I saw some century-plus-old donkey engines used on local farms on display at the county fairgrounds. Their idling arrangement was fascinating. The motor freewheeled until it ran down enough that a visible lever arrangement could engage and open the intake. BANG, fuel lever disengaged and the motor was good for another ten(ish) revolutions before the lever reengaged BANGtickticktick tick tick tick, tick,, tic,,,BANGticktick
and so on.
Hit and miss motor, go figure. Great big heavy flywheels.
fed my sunflower babies. they are looking nice probably the biggest sunflowers i've seen thus far in my state grown in pots https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/20190504_115640-jpg.4328052/ usually the ones we get from the stores are half the size of these despite they are dwarf varieties so is this one and i know those ones we buy can get bigger they just don't give them enough light.

checked out my fruit fly trap made with dish soap and rice wine vinegar and damn that shit works well i caught almost all of fruit flies over night. about 30-40 of um. got a few flying around but meh not as bad as all 30-40 of um flying around. had a smoke finally but it was a bit late in the day for that and made a cup of coffee and for breakfast i ate a PB n J sandwich with a banana in it. rarely do i eat breakfast but i was starving.

i get paid tomorrow but going to open up that new bank account at the credit union so i can start saving up for my pwn car next year. think my dad went to the bank or insurance company for the claim. got work later on tonight but it will likely be dead it is storming outside or was and might later on tonight as well so likely nobody is even going to come. other then that just passing the days idk what i am going to do for work on wednesday with no car hopefully my dad is going to drop me off and pick me up idk.

tried to get in touch with my old coworker for a 2nd job i was thinking i just work back at there despite the pay sucks it's an extra income plus i know the people already so it's like an easy job for me. fairly close to my house and the hours/days are decent. other then that just waiting on the car situation so i can get a part time job or new full time for extra money. trying to get as much money in pay off the car fast. i already know what car i want but sadly it costs around $40k msrp