Making oil out of rosin pucks

Dragon Daddy

Well-Known Member
I am curious if any people feel strongly about which type of cooking oil to use. Coconut, clarified butter, olive oil, etc? Which one to use , which one you think I shouldn’t
I am curious if any people feel strongly about which type of cooking oil to use. Coconut, clarified butter, olive oil, etc? Which one to use , which one you think I shouldn’t
Also I want to know if anyone has any idea what ratio of weight in rosin pucks to amount of cooking oil. How many ounces of pucks per volume of oil would make me some suitable oil to get me nice and stoned? Like not dead but definitely high enough to compare to dabbing.
So I make my butter in a mini crock pot. You can use butter or oil or coconut it doesn't matter I don't think. I used whatever is called for in the recipes I am planning on making. Usually I make butter, but some recipes call for oil, and substituting can get weird.

I put 4 sticks of butter in and melt it and clarify it, and then add a 1/2 cup of water and just fill it almost to the top with trim or buds or whatever I'm using. Its not an exact ratio, but it always makes killer butter. I make sure the liquid covers the material. I will stir it ever so often, and usually I let it simmer like that for at least 5-6 hours.
Do you know what temperature your crockpot is set to? I’m asking because I saw a video on YouTube that said I can put my rosin chips/pucks in a pan/pot with coconut oil and cook it for an hour 1/2 to two hours.
So I make my butter in a mini crock pot. You can use butter or oil or coconut it doesn't matter I don't think. I used whatever is called for in the recipes I am planning on making. Usually I make butter, but some recipes call for oil, and substituting can get weird.

I put 4 sticks of butter in and melt it and clarify it, and then add a 1/2 cup of water and just fill it almost to the top with trim or buds or whatever I'm using. Its not an exact ratio, but it always makes killer butter. I make sure the liquid covers the material. I will stir it ever so often, and usually I let it simmer like that for at least 5-6 hours.
You can do that sure. I use the crockpot so that I don't have to watch it, but I don't know the temp it's at. Once it is all simmering I set it to low and just let it do its thing for a few hours. Anything getting cooked on the stove should really be watched, at least a little to keep it from burning. Which ever heat source works.

In all honesty I havn't made butter this way in a few years. I started doing qwiso extracts, and then just melting the concentrate into the butter or oil I wanted to use. It makes it much easier to dose, and it doesn't taste like weed or plant matter like most cannabutter.

Here is the tutorial I did on my qwiso tech if that interest you.
I've just about let all the other home concentrate recipes go to the back of my book in favor of MCT OIL. There is no way to get enough of the good stuff into a stick of butter even if you start with 30% THC material to use it alone in any meaningful cannabis recipe that uses only a tablespoon or two of the stuff! I've found the only way to get the content per serving to compete with a 1000mg Black Brownie is to expose your finished extraction product over a fresh batch of decarbed flower to intensify it. Then using the extraction in cooking or ingesting orally. So if your home grow is similar to mine at say 10%THC then running the oil over three successive batches of flower should be the near equal of starting with 30% THC exotic level dispensary product. Then the use of MCT is not only a great extractor but it has no taste! This is not a reduction technique its a multiplication technique. AND it can be ingested directly orally/translingually or added to any recipe or drink. Intended for those needing a high dose for medical needs.
I've just about let all the other home concentrate recipes go to the back of my book in favor of MCT OIL. There is no way to get enough of the good stuff into a stick of butter even if you start with 30% THC material to use it alone in any meaningful cannabis recipe that uses only a tablespoon or two of the stuff! I've found the only way to get the content per serving to compete with a 1000mg Black Brownie is to expose your finished extraction product over a fresh batch of decarbed flower to intensify it. Then using the extraction in cooking or ingesting orally. So if your home grow is similar to mine at say 10%THC then running the oil over three successive batches of flower should be the near equal of starting with 30% THC exotic level dispensary product. Then the use of MCT is not only a great extractor but it has no taste! This is not a reduction technique its a multiplication technique. AND it can be ingested directly orally/translingually or added to any recipe or drink. Intended for those needing a high dose for medical needs.

Its really easy to get enough THC into butter like that :). Use a gram of premade 60+ % concentrate and it will dissolve nicely into a stick of butter. Then you can dose the edibles based on how many you make. I stopped making traditional canna butter about 5 years ago.
Its really easy to get enough THC into butter like that :). Use a gram of premade 60+ % concentrate and it will dissolve nicely into a stick of butter. Then you can dose the edibles based on how many you make. I stopped making traditional canna butter about 5 years ago.
Sounds reasonable, but I'm talking about making something from what you grew, not having to purchase something else to make it potent. Where did the "premade 60%+% concentrate" come from? I'm using three times the product because it's one third the strength of exotic shelf stuff. I have plenty for this purpose. Of course as I get better at farming I hope to create near "exotic" level stuff at home. Until then I'll triple expose. Each exposure requires the addition of fresh oil to compensate for the loss. I don't expose previously extracted material more than once, it's not strong enough to worry about what I might get out of using it over again. The amount of material is not the problem, its reducing it down to a medical level medicine that can be ingested either sublingually or orally. I'm forgetting about all other extraction techniques in favor of this one. My weak material makes consuming RSO a task of holding a TABLESPOON full of yuk long enough. Tastes like you took a tablespoon of water and added it to your ashtray. I add a little vanilla to my MCT. Then its easy to take a half tbsp. straight. I'm told one can vape this stuff. Anyone try to vape an MCT extraction?
You can get the "premade concentrate" by making it yourself. I linked the tutorial I did for how I make my qwiso. You can take the rosin pucks and do a qwiso wash on them and then add that concentrate to your butter or oil. I imagine that using pre squashed pucks as your starting material, that the qwiso might not be dab worthy, but it would work great for edibles.
We use coconut oil. We use it because the coconut oil itself adds health benefits on top of the cannabis. It also works very well. I don't know who else uses a magic butter machine. I find it to be extraordinary. We get twice the potency we used to get with a crock pot. I have been making infused oil for a long time, As far as I know there is no saturation point. For super strong oil, we make one patch, strain that and then add cannabis to that and run it again. As far as I can tell, you can't use so much weed that it won't absorb it all..
We use coconut oil. We use it because the coconut oil itself adds health benefits on top of the cannabis. It also works very well. I don't know who else uses a magic butter machine. I find it to be extraordinary. We get twice the potency we used to get with a crock pot. I have been making infused oil for a long time, As far as I know, there is no saturation point. For super strong oil, we make one patch, strain that and then add cannabis to that and run it again. As far as I can tell, you can't use so much weed that it won't absorb it all..
Most MCT oil is derived from coconut. MCT is not stored as fat, it's used as energy right away it has no saturated fat so it's even healthier. Check it out.
We use coconut oil. We use it because the coconut oil itself adds health benefits on top of the cannabis. It also works very well. I don't know who else uses a magic butter machine. I find it to be extraordinary. We get twice the potency we used to get with a crock pot. I have been making infused oil for a long time, As far as I know there is no saturation point. For super strong oil, we make one patch, strain that and then add cannabis to that and run it again. As far as I can tell, you can't use so much weed that it won't absorb it all..
About your MB machine, I replaced the "stirring blade" with a 1/8" flat edge true stirring blade. The original leaves too fine a residue that the filter does not catch making for a dirty oil. With alcohol extractions the original blade leaves way too much microscopic plant material making the resulting RSO thick black with a pronounced chlorophyll taste. I've heard leaving your extraction in a clear glass container in the sun for half a day "burns off" the chlorophyll. Worked to some extent for me but I bailed when it got too long and hot and I was afraid of diluting the oil from oxidation. The bad taste issue pretty much disappears with MCT. It's flavorless unless you add something. I add vanilla. Then it goes in some tea. I'd love to find a scientific test on the saturation point of MCT. I've done as many as 3 runs on the same oil but find the result doesn't seem quite like it doubled or tripled. INCREASED YES BUT HOW MUCH I don't know. Yesterdays batch; 52 grams in about 18 oz MCT (I decarb whole flowers in oven bags to keep terpenes encased at 240 for an hour then freeze immediately. After an hour in the freezer, its removed and placed on one of my oversize chop blocks and I crush the flowers with my fists while in the oven bag this breaks off the trichomes without leaving a powder. The freezing is important to loosen the trichomes then think like a pounding massage for the pressure and intensity of the break up technique, just hard enough to fracture the buds for better exposure while keeping particulate to a minimum. Then 24 hours in my rice cooker, strained thru three screens (tip: use a potato ricer to squeeze the last bit of oil from the weed) then back in the rice cooker with another 51 grams, fresh material, decarbed as before and repeat. The batch= 104 grams of 8% weed = 832mg THC into final oil left after processing = + - 17 or 18 fl oz finished MCT extraction. (yes you lose that much oil to the process even with squeezing the hell out of the mash with the potato ricer). divide 17.5 oz by 832 and you've got 475mg THC per FL OZ.! (Even if I find there is a 40% loss factor that still leaves me with 285mg per fl. oz! THATS BLACK DRAGON! I've never run the same flowers with two batches of MCT (second extraction) I didn't think it was worth it but have no idea. I've plenty of product till the new harvest comes in. The amount is never my issue its trying to find a way to get a medical dose without stressing some other part of the body (lungs). Even vaping hurts after a while. 5-6 hits per hour gets rough after a few hours. My RSO has always been weak and the taste repugnant. Trying to hold a tablespoon full of it under the tongue until absorbed is closer to an interrogation technique rather than a therapeutic one. (CHOKE HIM! DON'T LET HIM SWALLOW!!) MCT pushes all the right buttons; effective, inexpensive, natural, wholesome and tastes fine (even straight). jUST GOT TO FIND THAT SATURATION POINT.
Easy recipe that I've used from a Friend....

Decarb 3.5 grams Cannabis at (can use concentrate/keif/hash)
240 F for 40 minutes

1/2 cup Coconut oil or Olive oil (if you want it stronger use less oil...if you want it weaker add oil)

1/2 teaspoon sunflower Lecithin (Optional)-for bio availability
Heat 220 F for 40 minutes in OVEN
Take out of oven and let cool for 20 minutes
Heat again at 220 F for 40 minutes
Take out of oven...Let cool to touch
Place in Freezer for 2-4hrs...or overnight..
In Morning take out of Freezer...bring to room temp

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