I don't have to care one bit about CO2 to know that living in harmony with nature and my fellow man is the way to go. To the extent I care about CO2 it is because, you, my fellow man and brother, are concerned about it and I care for you. So I am aware of my energy consumption and see conservation as the easiest way to do something in the here and now. I know that better technologies are coming and I look forward to transitioning to them because I expect this will not be my last life on this planet, nor yours.
I would hope that conserving energy for reasons other than reducing CO2 is okay with you, but I sense it may not be. You seem to come at me from a place of anger, frustration, low patience, distrust and disregard. Sadly, this will not help you reach your goals like you could if you marshaled your love for the planet in a more positive manner that invited cooperation and teamwork. An 'us vs. them' attitude will not solve much, just distract. We are all of the same source energy but very individual in our attitudes. If we choose to love one another, we can get anything done because it will be in our collective interest to do so and it will feel right.
Alas, if we are unable to prevent destroying ourselves on this planet, there are other planets that we can inhabit in future lives. But I have a great love for this planet and hope to see our species find the balance needed for sustaining life here. Thanks for asking.