NFTG. Nectar For The Gods


Well-Known Member
All my sprouts are up!! The NYC chem is the weakest looking. There tiny compared to the PBB. Some of the chem only have 1 cotyledons and look weaker. The soil is pretty weak so I figure I should hit em with some nutes beginning of next week. Any suggestions what i should start with? I have the whole line and some full power and Dr.root. I was thinking a little Dr.root slf and zeus.


Well-Known Member
All my sprouts are up!! The NYC chem is the weakest looking. There tiny compared to the PBB. Some of the chem only have 1 cotyledons and look weaker. The soil is pretty weak so I figure I should hit em with some nutes beginning of next week. Any suggestions what i should start with? I have the whole line and some full power and Dr.root. I was thinking a little Dr.root slf and zeus.
I would start with some Dr. root , then start a lite feed...


Well-Known Member
I would start with some Dr. root , then start a lite feed...
Dr. root and 10 ml of fulpower. The zues is a bit much this early. if seedlings start weak they don't have a full metabolism yet so spoon feed Dr. root and work on roots, top growth will explode if you get a good root system!


Well-Known Member
All my sprouts are up!! The NYC chem is the weakest looking. There tiny compared to the PBB. Some of the chem only have 1 cotyledons and look weaker. The soil is pretty weak so I figure I should hit em with some nutes beginning of next week. Any suggestions what i should start with? I have the whole line and some full power and Dr.root. I was thinking a little Dr.root slf and zeus.
plus you want the endo mycos in Dr. root to infect the roots and bottled nutes too early can hinder the relationship. I don't even start slf until I start introducing Herc. Let the plant get accustom to the environment, soil ph, etc....hardest thing to do is be patient with nutes and have a light hand but you will reap the rewards when she rolls through the different stages!! You are in the root development stage


Well-Known Member
its HUNGRY !!!!! just feed it , don't worry it will do just fine.... please don't !!!!! its an inside joke...
that's everyone's answer on the Facebook group. I havnt found a single suggestion over there that would help a new nectar grower. It's why I like to explain a remedy or recipe and what to expect from it and what's happening when applied.....I try anyway, seems to fall on deaf ears most of the time.


Well-Known Member
that's everyone's answer on the Facebook group. I havnt found a single suggestion over there that would help a new nectar grower. It's why I like to explain a remedy or recipe and what to expect from it and what's happening when applied.....I try anyway, seems to fall on deaf ears most of the time.
needs more cal/mag !!!! a lot of times I just give an answer and try not to go into much details .. but .. there are a few who really wants to learn seeing a fuck up plant and everyone guessing and the ppm /ph is in that fucks everybody up ..... they closed threads on me already when a dude couldn't figure shit out and everything in range and I come along and say its either roots or bugs , let start by looking for bugs .... then we get this has nothing to do with nectar and closed the post...lmao .... I can also understand where Scott coming from , don't want to throw out a bunch of knowledge and have a well do this and add that and do it this way and add great white or this or another then come back cause your shit all screwed up ...just makes it that much harder to figure it out... lets face it if some one screw up , they won't be truthful about it any way.... like that dude " coco" took him awhile to come out and say I let it dry once or twice... there your problem ....but it was everything under the sun that was wrong ... he thought 650 ppm ph 6.1 was fine for an auto ....or I get well it work fine when using GH ...well good !!!! this is a different animal ..... or I get what do I use ...why ? lets work what you use ......
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Well-Known Member
Awesome!! When would you guys suggest to start spooning them dr root? The only reason I said those 3 was because I've been watching a lot of youtube and tim
McCormick said he uses slf dr root zeus to germinate and early feeds.


Well-Known Member
Awesome!! When would you guys suggest to start spooning them dr root? The only reason I said those 3 was because I've been watching a lot of youtube and tim
McCormick said he uses slf dr root zeus to germinate and early feeds.
with zeus and slf looking at using 1ml to start.... don't need much ..... when I soak my seeds I use 1 ounce of water with a drop or 2 of zeus and slf .. I pre soak my plug with Bigfoot ....when rooted and going into pot I will sprinkle Bigfoot in hole and do a lite feed of zeus then do dr root then start to get on schedule of the fft , fff program ...... Tims way works good ...


Well-Known Member
needs more cal/mag !!!!
and N TOX with nectar?
Awesome!! When would you guys suggest to start spooning them dr root? The only reason I said those 3 was because I've been watching a lot of youtube and tim
McCormick said he uses slf dr root zeus to germinate and early feeds.
what bubba saying is perfect.....Tim tends run more and at higher doses but he is familiar with line and his strains.


Well-Known Member
needs more cal/mag !!!! a lot of times I just give an answer and try not to go into much details .. but .. there are a few who really wants to learn seeing a fuck up plant and everyone guessing and the ppm /ph is in that fucks everybody up ..... they closed threads on me already when a dude couldn't figure shit out and everything in range and I come along and say its either roots or bugs , let start by looking for bugs .... then we get this has nothing to do with nectar and closed the post...lmao .... I can also understand where Scott coming from , don't want to throw out a bunch of knowledge and have a well do this and add that and do it this way and add great white or this or another then come back cause your shit all screwed up ...just makes it that much harder to figure it out... lets face it if some one screw up , they won't be truthful about it any way.... like that dude " coco" took him awhile to come out and say I let it dry once or twice... there your problem ....but it was everything under the sun that was wrong ... he thought 650 ppm ph 6.1 was fine for an auto ....or I get well it work fine when using GH ...well good !!!! this is a different animal ..... or I get what do I use ...why ? lets work what you use ......
most of the threads are in range slurry #s but still having nailed it, people don't tell the truth!! That and in range is simply a guide....could have sensitive genetics that aren't happy with low or high ranges, need to take notes and try and correct now and avoid on future runs. So many people just want to feed thinking that's what brings higher yields!! Our plants can only eat what their light & environment allow them to pull!! Feed schedules are based on 1000W perfect environments so with low humidity and 400W full feed is going to build up.....I'm ranting...haha, it's the truth though and no one wants to hear it, everyone is looking for someone to tell them FEED even when tips are burnt, curled, over wet media, you name it....then the CALMAG....LOL


Well-Known Member
Hell I never water to runoff the full cycle!! I track slurry and feed accordingly while maintaining biology to gobble up the residues. If slurry reads on the high end I will herc to no run off then run a tea and slf to little runoff and 9 out of 10 times I'm back on point!! it's really simple once you get the hang of it!!


Well-Known Member
Hell I never water to runoff the full cycle!! I track slurry and feed accordingly while maintaining biology to gobble up the residues. If slurry reads on the high end I will herc to no run off then run a tea and slf to little runoff and 9 out of 10 times I'm back on point!! it's really simple once you get the hang of it!!
this fuck ... feed it like using a salt nutrient .... using coco and never slurry it or prep it .. he told people he downloaded and read the Bible ....well page 22 would help.... when vague with me im vague with you ..... so he goes and tries to be big shit with all of this experience and try to make fools of people....well done !!! this dude gave me an serious headache ..... rant is done......went from baby steps to a full bore run...lmao.... this guys in here are really trying to learn , like loop718 and others ... asking should I start here then go from there......thats what I love... and not try to tell me about hydro and everything under the sun..... oh Irie ...his plant perk up and went ahead and defolate it ... christ no time to recover...... I ordered the stirricane ..... and after reading , feeding autos people had great success feeding full strength ... but his shit couldn't .. so more then likely had a lock out , which can show any deficiency ... thats why I said herc it (clean slate) ... here a pic of my autos ... not bad for never working with them....



Well-Known Member
this fuck ... feed it like using a salt nutrient .... using coco and never slurry it or prep it .. he told people he downloaded and read the Bible ....well page 22 would help.... when vague with me im vague with you ..... so he goes and tries to be big shit with all of this experience and try to make fools of people....well done !!! this dude gave me an serious headache ..... rant is done......went from baby steps to a full bore run...lmao.... this guys in here are really trying to learn , like loop718 and others ... asking should I start here then go from there......thats what I love... and not try to tell me about hydro and everything under the sun..... oh Irie ...his plant perk up and went ahead and defolate it ... christ no time to recover...... I ordered the stirricane ..... and after reading , feeding autos people had great success feeding full strength ... but his shit couldn't .. so more then likely had a lock out , which can show any deficiency ... thats why I said herc it (clean slate) ... here a pic of my autos ... not bad for never working with them....
he was getting under my skin too...fuck him. would rather assist loop and Hawse and few others on here that want the guidance.

your autos lookin good, I ran a bunch a few years back and you are gonna have nice results from tyhe looks!! I veg nuted until stretch slowed and puff ball flower clusters get more pronounced then full flip to bloom....I see a lot of auto growers see onset of flower and rush to bloom feed, better to hold off until stretch slows.


Well-Known Member
he was getting under my skin too...fuck him. would rather assist loop and Hawse and few others on here that want the guidance.

your autos lookin good, I ran a bunch a few years back and you are gonna have nice results from tyhe looks!! I veg nuted until stretch slowed and puff ball flower clusters get more pronounced then full flip to bloom....I see a lot of auto growers see onset of flower and rush to bloom feed, better to hold off until stretch slows.
nice....again not getting the full story... running a 1000 w at 30 inches away running the light at 75%... so light running at 75% not getting full spectrum.... at 30 inches even with air cooled hood to intense ..... get bits and pieces ....... my autos are under a 315w...... 38 inches away ....he all up in my messenger


Well-Known Member
nice....again not getting the full story... running a 1000 w at 30 inches away running the light at 75%... so light running at 75% not getting full spectrum.... at 30 inches even with air cooled hood to intense ..... get bits and pieces ....... my autos are under a 315w...... 38 inches away ....
Chris Heaton got the should see the laundry list of post before they booted.