FISA Abuse by FBI

i thought she sold russia all our uranium that was stored in the basement of a pizza joint?

i'm so confused.
barack obama is a secret kenyan muslim war criminal that put chemicalz in teh water to turn all our kids transgender! killary is running a secret pedohile child sex ring in the basement of a pizza parlor and rthe FBI is spying on donnal tump through his microwave.

#bowlinggreenmassacre #pizzagate #neverforget #wwg1wga! #maga
It now appears likely that they FISA applications would not have been approved if legal disclosure requirements had been followed. But you probably knew that already. You love cops, I get it.

I want to know more about all of those illegal immigrants who voted in the 2016 election that made it look as if Clinton won the national popular vote by 3 million people.

When will the final report on that investigation be made public?
I want to know more about all of those illegal immigrants who voted in the 2016 election that made it look as if Clinton won the national popular vote by 3 million people.

When will the final report on that investigation be made public?

and Trump claimed many times that the election was rigged. So wouldn't that prove that Russia did in fact rig the election since he won??