Note: The following is not an opinion piece and Washington Post did not make a disclaimer about the validity of the author's assertions.
Former FBI leaders rebut questions about the Russia investigation
“The case was about Russia,” he said. “It was about Russia. Period. Full stop. That was the focus of the investigation. . . . We have groups of people that constantly, their job is to focus on nothing but Russia. As we’re staring at the Russian problem, to the extent that other people, third-country nationals, or Americans or anybody else comes across our radar screen and has a connection to the Russians in some way that looks nefarious to us and falls within the scope of the attorney general guidelines that authorize us to conduct investigations — if that comes across our radar screens, then we go and investigate that and run it down wherever it goes."
Moonbug and other Trumpkin legal beagles who talk like a criminal's lawyers trying to get the crime boss off the hooks even though we all know he's guilty are completely missing the reason for this investigation. It was not about Trump. The FBI's investigation was about Russian attacks on the US election system. In spite of the fact that after more than a year of investigations by two different Republican Congressional committees into claims the FISA warrant was invalid, their conclusion was
No Evidence that the FBI's investigation into Trump's campaign's connections with Russia were improper.
So then moonbug posts an opinion piece where the publisher up-front disclaims a connection between the truth and what the author said.