There are obvious pros, but production is not one of them. I consider flower production to be the most important part of a grow, and if the production sucks- why bother?
Why would production suck? I am not questioning your knowledge, just trying to glean some of it for myself. More light intensity= More, larger bud. LEDs blow away anything currently available for light output. You can see from whats already available what an LED is capable of lumen wise. They are bright as fuck. I have a flashlight the size of my old mag-lite that will shoot a 3,000,000 candle power beam over a mile and light up it's target. If one had LEDs that emitted the right wavelengths for our purposes, I can't see how they
WOULDN'T work.
I thought I would be cool and try leds and t5's once, thank god the led fixture fell and broke the second day. I took it back and talked my way into a 400 hps with air cooling and digital ballast. My only regret is that I didn't go 600 or 1000, as even the 400 seems puny after visiting a room with a few 1000's. Never been happier. And the power consumption isn't bad at all, actually uses a little less than an 8 lamp t5. T5 is good for veg, but honestly, it was harder to keep cool in the room with the t5 because all of its heat stays in the room, and you can't air cool the light.
+Rep for trying it. Thats a rare occurrence. Most people want OTHER people to try it first. Without experimentation, the evolution of this nefarious hobby would stagnate.
That being said, I don't see how they
wouldn't work, god knows they have the lumens to watts ratio. What's the color temp of the light they emit? The problem with lighting systems is that they are designed around human comfort. Notice that HPS is almost invariably used for outdoor lighting, not where people habituate. The wavelengths of light emitted by HPS is not real conducive to extended exposure by people. It's hard to work under them. Now MH (and all of the LEDs that
I have seen) are closer to 5600 degK. The white/blue quality are much easier on the eyes for people to be under.
I'm real sure that they'd (LEDs) be the shit for vegging, judging from the white light they emit. Who the fuck wouldn't want or use a bulb that would give the equivalent of 2000w with the power consumption of a CFL?
IF they were to make an LED that had the same output frequency of an HPS (color Temp) it too would be the bomb. LEDs are for sure the wave of the future. Shit, I remember us in college laughing and scratching our heads, wondering WHY IN THE WORLD anyone would be throwing money away researching digital imaging. How good could it be? What would we EVER use it for? (I majored in Fine Art/Photographic science)