Should Trump be impeached?

Should the Dems move to impeach?

  • No, it will divide the country.

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • Yes, so what if it divides the country, it already is.

    Votes: 33 84.6%

  • Total voters
it's called cognitive bias. We all have it and people have to be aware enough to discount data that matches pre-conceved beliefs.
Opinion polls (do you like or who would you vote for) track sentiment but aren't great predictors of elections.

Your theory that those polls are used to manipulate the vote is bunk.

No one should need a poll to tell them that Bernie's bill to force 100 million people from a healthcare plan they like into Medicare without a plan for how to pay for it is political suicide. I have no idea why your kind think that is a winning policy at the polls. Except maybe you are crazy.


Pareidolia is a type of apophenia, which is a more generalized term for seeing patterns in random data. Some common examples are seeing a likeness of Jesus in the clouds or an image of a man on the surface of the moon.

see you in the voting booth.

Pareidolia is a type of apophenia, which is a more generalized term for seeing patterns in random data. Some common examples are seeing a likeness of Jesus in the clouds or an image of a man on the surface of the moon.

see you in the voting booth.
Do you think you will be able to learn the rules and vote for your preferred candidate this time?

Pareidolia is a type of apophenia, which is a more generalized term for seeing patterns in random data. Some common examples are seeing a likeness of Jesus in the clouds or an image of a man on the surface of the moon.

see you in the voting booth.
I'm glad to see that you are able to look stuff up. Of course, your attempt only showed you don't understand the subject but you did find some new big words.

Sanders is unelectable.

Your theory that opinion polls are used to influence the vote is bunk.
The Dems in Congress and Pelosi are garbage they just not as smelly and rotten as the donald

Cream sickle is most likely gonna get another term
I maintain that without an incredible economic crisis and markets crashing totally that he’ll be back. People are that fucking stupid. Maybe it would be for the best in the long term. The markets won’t stay in celebration territory for another 6 years. He’s not getting to load the Fed with his chosen political hacks. That was integral to his plans for recovery when it does eventually bomb.
Make barnie king or get trump
And then Tty figures that when he calls for people to firebomb peoples' homes, somebody might do it.

Tty is an expoiter of the abused and disavantaged but HE KEEPS TELLING US to do the right thing.

What a fucking joker.
Should Trump be impeached?
Do bears shit in the woods?

Timing is everything and Donald's delays and constitutional violations are playing into the democrats hands, Donald loses support with every passing day and stupid act. He will put his impeachment trial at the best possible time for the democrats, closer to the election. Taxes first, then some Mueller witnesses, maybe a war as a distraction...

Enough Said.
There's plenty of video of him calling Trump an idiot and worse! I wonder if the democrats are gonna run that in their ads during his re election campaign and in ads against Trump. Lindsey is quite experienced at hypocrisy, but as long as he gits them thar brown folks, triggers the libs and sucks Trump's ass they will over look it in SC
Yes, impeach thump as a warning to others......
As simple fucking justice! Trump's gonna take the republicans with him when he goes, the shit yer gonna see over the next year will be unbelievable. Trump is gonna wiggle, squirm and squeal like he had a red hot poker shoved up his ass, the heat is getting turned up daily and it's gonna be quite the show. As soon as Donald leaves office he's gonna go straight to jail with no bail and he knows it, Pence would be nuts to pardon him, unless Donald or the Russians have something on Pence. With religious nuts it's usually sex related, like Falwell Jr's gay sex scandal, I wonder if Mike likes well built young men like young Jerry does...
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I wonder what Rosenstein is gonna do, will he have to be subpoenaed? Will he show up with a brief case full of notes memorializing his many conversations with Trump trying to obstruct Justice? His reputation has taken almost as bad a beating as Barr's in the professional legal community, a brief case full of blues for Donald could help to blow the festering mess wide open and give ole Rod some instant redemption, along with a few nasty tweets and of course death threats from right wing loonies...
Trump is threatening Don McGhan (a witness) today on tweeter and he also attacked the FBI and director Wray. The walls are closing in, slowly but surely and Trump is getting more desperate (and dangerous) by the day.