Transplanting as I flip lights ok?


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of really bad at basic math or something because I thought this plant was 4 weeks old when it's about to finish its 5th week and looks like it's really ready to flip the lights (it's SOOO bushy I don't know if vegging it much longer is wise, esp. with my limited grow space). Strain is Green Crack.

So I am about to flip lights soon, but I need to transplant to their final pots first, I won't be able to transplant them until tomorrow but is it a problem to transplant them at the same time that I'm flipping their lights to flower?

I just don't want to stress my baby girls too much, they're doing so well.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I'm kind of really bad at basic math or something because I thought this plant was 4 weeks old when it's about to finish its 5th week and looks like it's really ready to flip the lights (it's SOOO bushy I don't know if vegging it much longer is wise, esp. with my limited grow space). Strain is Green Crack.

So I am about to flip lights soon, but I need to transplant to their final pots first, I won't be able to transplant them until tomorrow but is it a problem to transplant them at the same time that I'm flipping their lights to flower?

I just don't want to stress my baby girls too much, they're doing so well.
What size are they in and what size are you going too?
Flipping is ok but i always add one more week to veg when transplanting


Well-Known Member
They're going into 5 gallon fabric pots and they are in uh ~0.8gallon pots right now (#8 pots).

I attached 2 pics, beware of 1970s porn because my girls are all bush (and no puss?)

I can keep vegging, that will bring it to 6 weeks of veg though, they look like they are screaming to be flipped so they can stretch.



Well-Known Member
They grow roots just as fast as the branches after the flip so do it when it suits you I say.

They look pretty small to me but I veg longer than most.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought they looked small too but they are growing so bushy that the main colas underneath aren't getting much light and there's a limited amount of LST I can do with a strain whose internodes are so closely spaced and whose nodes are so short.

Once flipped this strain starts stretching like CRAZY (look at this grow diary so I want to flip them around now so I have the chance to train them appropriately under the trellis net.

I'll probably just veg them until the end of the 6th week just to make sure that they have come back from the transplant shock. Just a weird strain never had one this uh indica ish before, thought they would be twice as tall but seems that happens really fast upon flipping lights.


Well-Known Member
I would give them a few days after transplant with some Great White or similar and a nice feed. If you want to keep your veg time down maybe pot up a little earlier? Be cool to see an update a week after you transplant.


Well-Known Member
I would give them a few days after transplant with some Great White or similar and a nice feed. If you want to keep your veg time down maybe pot up a little earlier? Be cool to see an update a week after you transplant.
Yeah I didn't pot them earlier because I'm an idiot who can't do gradeschool math lol. I knew that today was day 34 but because of my awesome math skills thought that I was still in week 4 (7x4 does not = 35 lol).

Also been a pain to find the coco coir I want to use so I'm waiting for brick to arrive tommorow (I use Canna, i'm sure others are good but theirs has been the top best bees knees I've ever used and I'm also using their lineup of nutrients so.

What is Great White?


Well-Known Member
They're going into 5 gallon fabric pots and they are in uh ~0.8gallon pots right now (#8 pots).

I attached 2 pics, beware of 1970s porn because my girls are all bush (and no puss?)

I can keep vegging, that will bring it to 6 weeks of veg though, they look like they are screaming to be flipped so they can stretch.
Bud, veg those at least 2 weeks after dropping into 5 gallon. In fact keep the lights on 20-4.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I didn't pot them earlier because I'm an idiot who can't do gradeschool math lol. I knew that today was day 34 but because of my awesome math skills thought that I was still in week 4 (7x4 does not = 35 lol).

Also been a pain to find the coco coir I want to use so I'm waiting for brick to arrive tommorow (I use Canna, i'm sure others are good but theirs has been the top best bees knees I've ever used and I'm also using their lineup of nutrients so.

What is Great White?
Great White rocks but Xtreme Gardening Mykos does too and is cheaper. Either should be in every growers arsenal. I dust the root balls with Mykos when transplanting and the roots rocket. Use early in veg for good colonization. It’s mycorrhizae and it binds to the roots and aids in transport of nutrients across the root membrane. Especially aids in uptake of phosphorus so aids in flower.


Well-Known Member
I have done it but I prefer to veg them at least 5 days after a transplant to let the roots spread some. They will continue to grow in flower but I have noticed I can get a hard rootball the size of the old pot and a looser rootball around that. They were transplanted before being rootbound but they seem to spread less if I flip them right away.

Blue back

Well-Known Member
I always flip in trans at the same time. 1gal to 5. From 24 to 12. Never had any problem what so ever. So yes you can do both at once. I also don't have room in my veg closet to put 5gal pots in. So I really have no choice.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I firmly believe in transplanting to final pots and allowing 8-10 days before flipping.... I water at that time with a normal feed solution plus 5 ml of kelp extract per gallon of feed solution.....
The Kelp aids in root growth and I want those roots to have a head start into that new soil.

This is so true for those who use synthetic OR organic liquid nutrients. The nutrient in the soil is a factor in what your feeding.

Now in organic super soil....You can trans and go or give it the 8 days to begin set. I do the 8 days to set thing.....They are not as far into that new soil as many think....
The fast growth of the stretch, really gets the now started roots into the soil and that makes for a natural "booster" like nutrient availability in the super soil.
The nutrient is then used by the plant as it needs and you should finish with a slowly depleting nutrient availability in the soil.....
I shoot for green all the way to the end..

So yes, it is best to give a root spread period before the flip.


Well-Known Member
I veg for at least 60 days from seed. All comes down too your grow space. these not a right time to flip. Flip when it suits you. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
It depends. I do it in coco all the time but roots explode in coco if you know what you're doing. I've gone from small nursery pots to the final three gallon fabric pots I use and put into the flower tent the same day. Roots are poking out the sides of the fabric in under a week so I know that the roots are growing. By the time I harvest the roots are filling the pot.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for advice,

@Dr.Who I use Rhizotonic throughout the grow (it's a kelp based extract), it's FANTASTIC stuff for root growth and I recommend it to anyone.

@hotrodharley I added some mycorrhizae to my coco when I made it up, just cheap stuff I bought from an agricultural supplier because uh myco is myco, didn't/don't know what these fancy brand name crap (like Great White) is for the most part. I have a small bottle of Voodoo Juice that uh I think I was given (because I would never drop $$ on these things myself), so I might try adding it to their feed after I've transplanted them this time for the added microfauna

I am super cheap and also despise all these non-sense adjunct supplementary additives that are largely unneeded so I usually just stick with Coco A/B fertilizer some Rhizotonic and some CalMag (I'm using RO water because our tap water is far too hard > 300ppm). Always worked out great and the more crap you add the more variables and more complications you introduce so KISS.

I know that you can flip them whenever, there's no like set time or anything I've just never grown such a tightly packed bushy strain as this one before and perhaps it's just that they are root bound but it seems as though their veg growth has sort of stagnated because all the new growth tips are so tightly packed together that light can't penetrate below them. And the nodes and internodes are so short there's nowhere to even train them (cant pull them down if they are like 1 in long nodes).

I guess it's no big deal but I also want to make sure I flip them before they are too big because my grow tent is only 5' tall.

I have a question about taking clones of these tiny little branches but I'll start a new thread for that since it seems as though I'm writing an essay in this reply right now.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Kelp use in the soil or by supplement. Can increase root growth by as much as 173% ( As tested by a well known southern University's Ag Dept, some years back)...

Kelp contains a great available mineral spectrum, vitamin content and natural Fulvic and Humic acid's. The Humic acid chain has Fulvic acid on it. Yet, Humic acid is a large and heavy molecular acid that can only effect soil nutrients and the process of how they are converted to plant available (It aids in chelation).
Fulvic on the other hand, is a light or weak chained acid that is quite smaller and is a direct carrier of nutrition directly into the plant, by being able to carry the nutrient ions directly through the root wall...