Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

can you please articulate why you think allowing gay unions to have equal benefits would be a bad thing...No you cant, because you dont have a good reason
no good reason to why not, That's very clear.

wealth was a reason and still is in some parts of the world,who could or could not marrie.
At lest that's a reason!

They think and they think,and they come up with nada.
so they toss out cazy bullshit about pets and mothers.
no good reason to why not, That's very clear.

wealth was a reason and still is in some parts of the world,who could or could not marrie.
At lest that's a reason!

They think and they think,and they come up with nada.
so they toss out cazy bullshit about pets and mothers.

Good point. If I can teach my parrot to say, "Lets get married", and, "I do", I should not be barred from exercising my liberty, however I define the term. Screw those that disagree. I think all reasonable people will concur.
Right after you explain to me why you can't marry your mother. You love her, right?

People cant marry their mother because it is illegal..there I answered your question, now.... why do you think allowing gay unions to have equal benefits would be a bad thing?
Parrots - Judy Leach's Parrots - About parrots, for parrots and for parrot owners

You want to talk about love?


People cant marry their mother because it is illegal..there I answered your question, now.... why do you think allowing gay unions to have equal benefits would be a bad thing?

Because voters have deemed it illegal. Except in the states where voters have deemed it legal.
:lol: so homosexuals are socialists?

1.6 percent of the population are homosexual or bisexual. They are not my concern. It's liberals like yourself who like to hide behind "civil rights" and "environmentalism" to push your socialist agenda. You are holding the voting population, by way of these groups "minority status"/"altruistic ideals", hostage in order to make unrealistic demands without being chastised for your insolence.

In the states that have approved gay union/gay marriage, I'm fine with that. If a majority of states approve such measures, I have no problem "nationalizing" gay marriage.
Ok, so if it came up for a vote in your state...allowing gay unions the same benefits ...would you vote against it, if so why?