Immigrants are thieves Trump said. They're rapist and murderers Trump said.


Well-Known Member
You really are a chickenshit. Bet your dad reminded you of that regularly.
Hi friend. I recently heard an amazing story about families of different races coming together over misplaced mail. But, the best part is they accepted an offer of a cook-out with hamburgers and hot dogs.

In my opinion, it's the cook-out that would have the most poignant and uplifting stories of racial harmony. What they learned about each other. Did they laugh? Cry? That's the best part of the story, and I'm surprised I'm the only one that is interested about how this meeting of these 2 different races made out.

Your indifference is noted.

Look to the Cookie . . .
And Be Best.


Ursus marijanus
So I'm preparing to do the upstairs flooring. My back is healing up nicely, and I need to get it done before something else fucks me up.

So we've ordered the flooring (bamboo from Home Depot) and the under-layment. The under-layment was supposed to be delivered today.

Imagine my surprise when I got an email saying, "Your product has been delivered!" and I have no product.

Just as I'm on my laptop trying to figure out what the hell was going on, there's a ring of the doorbell. I open the door to see an entire family standing there. The man said something I couldn't understand. (For the record, I'm a bit hard of hearing.)

After a couple seconds, I figured out he was asking for me by name. Long story short, he was there to inform me there were a bunch of things at his house down the street that had my name on it, that he didn't understand why they were left there, so he came to find me.

They're from Tanzania. Family of 6. Man, wife, three children (2 boys and a girl) and a grandma.

I drove down to their house and they helped me load it all up. Turns out my wife had ordered a new Shark as well and it was there too!

That was $1,600.00 worth of merchandise they tracked me down to make sure I got.

Needless to say, that's not going thankless. I've invited them all over for a hamburgers and hotdogs cookout tomorrow.

They said yes.

Fuck Trump. Fuck racist.

This is the kind of thing that truly does make America great: helping each other out the best we can.
TacoMac, that is an inspiring story.

Tell me: how did the BBQ go?

asking for a friend. :joint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
TacoMac, that is an inspiring story.

Tell me: how did the BBQ go?

asking for a friend. :joint::bigjoint:
Went great. Turns out his son wants a guitar now after seeing my wall.

He liked my Black Beauty the best so I let him play with it a bit. (His father had a heart attack when I told him it's a 7,000 dollar guitar. )

Had a great time though.

The dad's going to help me pick up my bamboo flooring when it comes in as well. Thank god! :)


Well-Known Member
Went great. Turns out his son wants a guitar now after seeing my wall.

He liked my Black Beauty the best so I let him play with it a bit. (His father had a heart attack when I told him it's a 7,000 dollar guitar. )

Had a great time though.

The dad's going to help me pick up my bamboo flooring when it comes in as well. Thank god! :)
Well if Trump is right... I wonder what their best are like.


Well-Known Member
Went great. Turns out his son wants a guitar now after seeing my wall.

He liked my Black Beauty the best so I let him play with it a bit. (His father had a heart attack when I told him it's a 7,000 dollar guitar. )

Had a great time though.

The dad's going to help me pick up my bamboo flooring when it comes in as well. Thank god! :)
You can only play a black beauty if you have the voice box.. Like frampton

Is it a real 57'?


Ursus marijanus
Went great. Turns out his son wants a guitar now after seeing my wall.

He liked my Black Beauty the best so I let him play with it a bit. (His father had a heart attack when I told him it's a 7,000 dollar guitar. )

Had a great time though.

The dad's going to help me pick up my bamboo flooring when it comes in as well. Thank god! :)
Oh my! Bamboo flooring, mega score!

I detect another celebratory BBQ in your future. The kid will LIVE for another chance to play the Black Beauty. Just don't deny him Stairway.


Well-Known Member
Oh my! Bamboo flooring, mega score!

I detect another celebratory BBQ in your future. The kid will LIVE for another chance to play the Black Beauty. Just don't deny him Stairway.
The BB is a Les Paul. Stairway is played on an SG. It's a cardinal sin to play stairway on a Les Paul.

Since I actually side with the late, great Mr. Les Paul and think the SG is the ugliest guitar ever made, I wont own one.

So I compromise and play it on my ES 355 on those rare occasions I ever play it.

I'm more a Kashmir, Trampled Under Foot, Sick Again, In My Time of Dying, Custard Pie, Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin player.

You should see a theme there. ;)


Well-Known Member
The BB is a Les Paul. Stairway is played on an SG. It's a cardinal sin to play stairway on a Les Paul.

Since I actually side with the late, great Mr. Les Paul and think the SG is the ugliest guitar ever made, I wont own one.

So I compromise and play it on my ES 355 on those rare occasions I ever play it.

I'm more a Kashmir, Trampled Under Foot, Sick Again, In My Time of Dying, Custard Pie, Ten Years Gone Led Zeppelin player.

You should see a theme there. ;)

It was played on a les paul and the solo was his original telecaster.
Had to find a link for proof lol

The double neck sg was just for concerts