Franco's Ongoing Grows


Well-Known Member
thanks brothas... I am so excited that im finally getting this shit down...well lol... i guess each grow i learn something so ..still learnin.. lol... Its too bad that im keeping things legal.. those 20 plant sogs look good... i was kinda surprised that i only ended up with over 7 oz.. i see people pull a lb out of there sog grows.. damn it... because im legal i dont want to go over the 6 plant limit so i guess this will have to do...

so if you figure.. 7 oz... hmm... lets see.... 12 weeks for growing and drying... 16.3 grams a week.. that i can smoke and not have to buy any... 4.6 1/8ths a week... half ounce a week... damn ... kinda pushin it... lol

well that aint too bad ... lol...


Well-Known Member
Sweet clones, and I am workin on getin my license. need to pay a visit to the doc
Any recommendations on a doctor?
Nice crack clones lol, I smoked some of that yesterday hella random and It got me super high off of one hit so you lucky bastard =)
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
Sweet clones, and I am workin on getin my license. need to pay a visit to the doc
Any recommendations on a doctor?
Nice crack clones lol, I smoked some of that yesterday hella random and It got me super high off of one hit so you lucky bastard =)
-Mister Nice GUY
Fuckin ah i have a doctor for you... lol.. your in the city of trees.. so medicann is the place for you...
All you do is first go to your regular doctor and complain about migraines or chronic pain in whatever part of the body you want... I suffer from migrains headaches back pains and leg pains... the regular doctors will perscribe you something... usually antidepressants. now that you have a prescription for some type of legal drug you make your appointment with medicann (they have an office in north highlands) you take your prescription and whatever records you can obtain from your regular doctors as far as your last complain visit. and your all set... I have two friends that got it with just what they said.. I did it the above way and had no problems... Its almost like you need to cover the docs ass... basically some doctor perscribed you some drug for your condition... you say to medicann doctor that marijuana works for your condition and bam... your done!

good luck bro.. :peace:


Well-Known Member

I love this shit...

I think pics are worth 1000


The good part about this is that when you vaporize you consume some of the essence... but some is left behind... when you burn duff you get a more body stone high...



Well-Known Member
yeah i like the crutch... I see it as a filter .... plus it gives me a place to grabe it and not burn my Do you like the goo on your lips?


Well-Known Member
Yea i guess, to me it takes up space and allows to save some for a roach blunt cause all of the roaches have a shit load of resin on them. I do put crutches on B-Ligit blunts, you know the double blunts.


Well-Known Member
i haven't smoked one of those before.... any good?... I like these wraps so far... a bunch of different flavors to choose from...


Well-Known Member
the remains after you vaporize.... dont throw that away... oh yeah get a vaporizer first i


Well-Known Member
Oh i am, I use to share a vaporizer with a friend but sold him my share when we split.
Love that shit, i save it and cook it when i made weed food.


Well-Known Member
the only thing left in my vapopoo is the little stems of the me a real low depressive body stone.. if i cook it.. i dont smoke any more, well on occasion some good pure hash, but if there is anything a flovored wrap or papr would be good for it would be to give vapopoo ome extra flava, cause lord knows i got it all in my vaporbag hahaha..i pu my vapopoo under microscope i get i would guess 85% of the whole trichs & out of the remainder only maybe 10% have heads on em and they are usually mis shapened .
but then again i vape the shit out of my stuff... most remains are very dark brown on the edge of combustion,& i use fairly small well ground well dried amounts at a time.


Well-Known Member
I guess it would depend on how hot you vaporize.... Mine doesnt look that dark so im sure it has more thc in it... lol all i can say that a nice big blunt like that does allot for your time when your just visiting riu with your big blunt hanging.. or bitting down onthe crutch...hehehe..


Well-Known Member
yeah i like the filter when i used to roll cone i always used a tip..people loved to smoke my cones cause they would burn so smooth, and no crap in your mouth.