FISA Abuse by FBI

Without the underlying crime of Russia conspiracy, I find obstruction a bit silly. YMMV. But impeachment would be the way to go if it is really a big deal, no?

Silly? It’s a crime and if it wasn’t for that stupid memo, he would be indicted. Now if you read the parameters of the Special Council investigation, it state to conduct investigations into possible conspiracy with Russia and ALL other criminal matters that may arise during the scope of the investigation.

This is public information, of course The State ran Fox News won’t tell you that though. Got to be a critical thinker, Bugeye.
He has provided a bounty of dumbasses. That’s what Trump prays for.
he's the pied piper of the ignorant...
Silly? It’s a crime and if it wasn’t for that stupid memo, he would be indicted. Now if you read the parameters of the Special Council investigation, it state to conduct investigations into possible conspiracy with Russia and ALL other criminal matters that may arise during the scope of the investigation.

This is public information, of course The State ran Fox News won’t tell you that though. Got to be a critical thinker, Bugeye.
I support impeachment, why doesn’t dem leadership?
Your contributions will be missed.

The cartoon with the stupid elephants is the reason Democrats are not fully in favor of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment would pass in the House but the Senate is too busy clamoring for Trump almighty’s favor and it will fall flat in that shithole chamber.

You do understand history will not be kind to your party, and there will be a reckoning.
The cartoon with the stupid elephants is the reason Democrats are not fully in favor of impeachment. Articles of Impeachment would pass in the House but the Senate is too busy clamoring for Trump almighty’s favor.

You do understand history will not be kind to your party, and there will be a reckoning.
I love reckonings.
The standard is high crimes and misdemeanors.

That’s why Trump’s boy, Barr, painted the turd pink in that press conference. Because obstruction of justice is high crimes and misdemeanors. The right says, we’ll he didn’t recommend an indictment...that’s be cause of the stupid memo. Understand this, that memo is not law, it was an agreement of departmental policy back in the 70s (Thanks to another Elephant criminal) so we would not embarrass ourselves on the world stage by having a President shit-canned.