Random Jabber Jibber thread

Just twice? Could be commitment issues.o_O
This is a situation where a common psychological maneuver common in other sports may be detrimental.
"Be the food" ... what could possibly go wrong

This is a situation where a common psychological maneuver common in other sports may be detrimental.
"Be the food" ... what could possibly go wrong


That makes me think of a dog we had that was a biter. If it walked in her space it was subject to be bitten.:-?

Each of the grandkids have been nipped. Nothing bad enough to require EMS but enough to get their attention.:smile:

The youngest was talking about the biting and noted that the dog had only snapped him once and the others multiple times.o_O
I told him it was because he smelled funny and tasted awful.:-P


That makes me think of a dog we had that was a biter. If it walked in her space it was subject to be bitten.:-?

Each of the grandkids have been nipped. Nothing bad enough to require EMS but enough to get their attention.:smile:

The youngest was talking about the biting and noted that the dog had only snapped him once and the others multiple times.o_O
I told him it was because he smelled funny and tasted awful.:-P

Not enough people give credence to the utility of bad taste.

Hey, he’s a 2 time personal chef! So you know you can trust him.
Tuscon personal chef
<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="//media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:comedycentral.com:f7413133-790a-40a5-98c4-3a8a0ad34b41" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div></div>
Just got a cold call from a recruiter.
(On a Sunday morning??? Grr...)

Before even asking about the company, I asked him if I would have to relocate.
Yep -- Austin Texas.

Me: "Unless you can pay me a million dollars per year with healthcare benefits, I'm not interested".


Recruiter: "Do you really think your skills are worth that much?"

"No not really, but my wife & I don't want to live in Texas.
Not sure who we hate more, Jerry Jones or Ted Cruz."

*click* <--- he hung up.

(Sorry @BudmanTX ) (:
-- edit --
and @Gary Goodson
Just got a cold call from a recruiter.
(On a Sunday morning??? Grr...)

Before even asking about the company, I asked him if I would have to relocate.
Yep -- Austin Texas.

Me: "Unless you can pay me a million dollars per year with healthcare benefits, I'm not interested".


Recruiter: "Do you really think your skills are worth that much?"

"No not really, but my wife & I don't want to live in Texas.
Not sure who we hate more, Jerry Jones or Ted Cruz."

*click* <--- he hung up.

(Sorry @BudmanTX ) (:
-- edit --
and @Gary Goodson
Ted Cruz does haz a very punchable face.

But on another note, my arm has been hurting like a mother fucker the passed few days. I think I slept on it wrong. It doesn’t feel like a strained muscle though. It feels like to the bone...SPINAL!*Mike Tyson voice*
Just got a cold call from a recruiter.
(On a Sunday morning??? Grr...)

Before even asking about the company, I asked him if I would have to relocate.
Yep -- Austin Texas.

Me: "Unless you can pay me a million dollars per year with healthcare benefits, I'm not interested".


Recruiter: "Do you really think your skills are worth that much?"

"No not really, but my wife & I don't want to live in Texas.
Not sure who we hate more, Jerry Jones or Ted Cruz."

*click* <--- he hung up.

(Sorry @BudmanTX ) (:
-- edit --
and @Gary Goodson

Have to agree with @Gary Goodson in the whole punch in the face of Ted Cruz, he's worthless to Texas......

weither you know it or not, Austin is a more liberal city than most in Texas, used to know some very good "gardeners" in that area as well..

I wouldn't have come down anyways till we get this whole Cannabis thing figure out down here anywayz, infact if they don't do something soon might consider relocating cause a major factor my wife.....
Morning btw......got a nice heavy wind coming out of the south, for those living in North Texas and Okey, beware looks you got some heavy storms coming....

Coffee is on, nice and hot....

Still trying to recover from yesterday, think i got to much heat yesterday while i was mowing lawns.....on a side note....yes snakes are out killed two yesterday, one with the lawnmower and the other with a shot gun......both rattlers....put them on the fence to warn others...
Just got a cold call from a recruiter.
(On a Sunday morning??? Grr...)

Before even asking about the company, I asked him if I would have to relocate.
Yep -- Austin Texas.

Me: "Unless you can pay me a million dollars per year with healthcare benefits, I'm not interested".


Recruiter: "Do you really think your skills are worth that much?"

"No not really, but my wife & I don't want to live in Texas.
Not sure who we hate more, Jerry Jones or Ted Cruz."

*click* <--- he hung up.

(Sorry @BudmanTX ) (:
-- edit --
and @Gary Goodson
It's always nice to be wanted
Morning btw......got a nice heavy wind coming out of the south, for those living in North Texas and Okey, beware looks you got some heavy storms coming....

Coffee is on, nice and hot....

Still trying to recover from yesterday, think i got to much heat yesterday while i was mowing lawns.....on a side note....yes snakes are out killed two yesterday, one with the lawnmower and the other with a shot gun......both rattlers....put them on the fence to warn others...
Moisture is here, if you got energy....