Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

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Well-Known Member
Tesla stock continues to fall.

Down another 4% to 202 dollars per share...and falling.

All the 3d renders and bullshit tweets aren't going to save them now.


Well-Known Member
Whoa! You're the one who has proven that you don't know squat about trading stocks! :roll:

Right. I've been 100% correct about Tesla the entire time while you fanboys kept singing their praises, but I'm the one that doesn't know anything.

Sounds legit.


Well-Known Member

No stockholder has made any money from Tesla stock so far ...

said a completely delusional idiot. :lol:

I never said that. I never even suggested that.

And you just broke the forum rules you love to punish others for.

What a fine example of moderation you are.



Well-Known Member
You called me a delusional idiot.

You've deleted post and banned people for that and less.

What's worse than that though is that you, an 'alleged' unbiased moderator, makes things up completely because he's all butthurt about Tesla going downhill, which I've said, backed up with evidence and proven to be 100% correct the last 6 months running.

You're a complete fraud and an embarrassment to moderators everywhere. You got all butthurt and started making things up and insulting me and attacking me for simply being right about a company you fangirled over without ever looking at the oncoming train of reality.


Well-Known Member
Once again, for those with poor reading comprehension: I posted quotes of what YOU said, and included your words in my posts. I'm sorry that you cannot understand this.

Also, your criticism of my moderation of this forum is laughable, so thanks for that.



Well-Known Member
You called me a delusional idiot.

You've deleted post and banned people for that and less.

What's worse than that though is that you, an 'alleged' unbiased moderator, makes things up completely because he's all butthurt about Tesla going downhill, which I've said, backed up with evidence and proven to be 100% correct the last 6 months running.

You're a complete fraud and an embarrassment to moderators everywhere. You got all butthurt and started making things up and insulting me and attacking me for simply being right about a company you fangirled over without ever looking at the oncoming train of reality.
This is a great place for free speech and humour. In the UK there is no constitutional argument for free speech and the humour is Benny Hill and Monty Python, neither being remotely funny. A bit like you when you’re ranting and angry.
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Well-Known Member
Once again, for those with poor reading comprehension: I posted quotes of what YOU said, and included your words in my posts. I'm sorry that you cannot understand this.

Also, your criticism of my moderation of this forum is laughable, so thanks for that.

Wrong. Again.

You called me directly an idiot.

I said that only a delusional idiot would buy Tesla stock right now.

Oddly, nobody is because most people aren't delusional idiots.

But well done on thinking about that lame ass response all night long, once again warping and distorting the truth and PMing all your little buddies to come back you up.


Well-Known Member
There was before he arrived. There will be after he's gone.

Unless, of course, enough people like you keep supporting his bullshit.

If that happens, he'll run Tesla into the ground, they'll file for bankruptcy and the assets will be liquidated to pay off the creditors.
You sure you’re not spouting big oil propaganda?
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