

Well-Known Member
I have a question/problem im starting week 7 of flowering and i was wondering if its not to late to top my biggest girl shes indoor grown and reaching 6 1/2 feet! i thought i could carry her all the way to harvest but i am reaching my ceiling. any help would be appreciated.

Picture 003.jpgPicture 001.jpgPicture 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Week 7 is a bit late, you'd probably stress the plant out and cause problems. Also looking at you pics it looks as if you have pruned to only leave yourself one main cola. If you top you will be taking the head of your main bud. How about training it instead? bend the top over and tie it to something with a bit of string, tighten it a bit every day until it is growing sideways or even down a bit.


Well-Known Member
I have a question/problem im starting week 7 of flowering and i was wondering if its not to late to top my biggest girl shes indoor grown and reaching 6 1/2 feet! i thought i could carry her all the way to harvest but i am reaching my ceiling. any help would be appreciated.

ummmm man,

if you went this long (especially 7 wks in), don't top it now.Since it sounds like you are abit nervous of it hittin' the ceiling, your probably better off leaving it alone.

Buuuuuuuuut, if you must do anything, you can try to gently tie down the top, lsting this late in the game though,you could be risking it.

Just my .02 man, wait for some other opinions before you jump the gun.

Hope you have a great harvest,



Well-Known Member
actually i havent pruned it at all. i just let it be this whole grow. i flowered at 27 inches and she has more then tripled in size she is starting to slow though but i dont know if its slowing enough i am worried about lst-ing dont want to snap that trunk she TO DAMN TALL!


Well-Known Member
Don't Top her! Carefully bend her down... Stake next to main stalk, tie off to that then another pulling from top, over, and down....Be careful amd She will be fine. 7 weeks into flower? I wouldn't cut a leave off..........


Well-Known Member
like everyone else said .. no cutting ! .. tie it down slightly your almost done anyway ...
you may want to get a hps light for next time so they dont stretch as much ..


Well-Known Member
As everyone else said, dont cut that thing.
Personally i think topping should only be done at least a few weeks before going into 12\12, if at all.
Looks like you've got yourself one tall ass plant, what kind of light do you have on it?
if i were you i would consider some supplimental side lighting, i'd hate to see a 7 foot plant with very little bud on it. Even a 1000w light wont penetrate to the bottom of that.
good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
SpruceZues check out my grow journal i have all the specs there and i already have supplimental lighting on my girls. i have 4 HO t-5's for overhead/primary and 4 4 foot t-12's for side lighting and im adding another 3 tube ballast today/tommorow. so i do have pretty good coverge all the way around.


Active Member
Well I agree with most people on this thread, do not top it. From what I have been told and read, and through experience, you can start topping at the 4th true node through the 1st week of flower. Outside of that, you will stress her too much and growth will be impacted.
As for your height, it's not really so much that you just vegged it for long, since 6.5 feet is quite high. I think that mainly it is the lighting. If you are using flouros, the light output is WAY lower than that of a wattage equivlalent of an HPS or MH. The lower light stretches them out. I grew under flouros for my first 2 grows, and my plant looked like yours, not that it's bad really, they just could have SOOO much more bud. Also, consider the strain. If it is a mostly sativa then you can expect height like that at maturity.
Maybe for your next grow, just try a 400W or 600W HPS, and I bet you will see a HUGE difference. They aren't that expensive either, look at, a full 600W HPS setup is only 200$ !! Looking good though, have fun at harvest!


Well-Known Member
Well I agree with most people on this thread, do not top it. From what I have been told and read, and through experience, you can start topping at the 4th true node through the 1st week of flower. Outside of that, you will stress her too much and growth will be impacted.
As for your height, it's not really so much that you just vegged it for long, since 6.5 feet is quite high. I think that mainly it is the lighting. If you are using flouros, the light output is WAY lower than that of a wattage equivlalent of an HPS or MH. The lower light stretches them out. I grew under flouros for my first 2 grows, and my plant looked like yours, not that it's bad really, they just could have SOOO much more bud. Also, consider the strain. If it is a mostly sativa then you can expect height like that at maturity.
Maybe for your next grow, just try a 400W or 600W HPS, and I bet you will see a HUGE difference. They aren't that expensive either, look at, a full 600W HPS setup is only 200$ !! Looking good though, have fun at harvest!
yep what he said! lol Try an Indica next time.....


Well-Known Member
i do have and 1 mainly indica she vegged 2 weeks less then the sativa and is barely 2 feet tall! looks so bomb to!!!!