The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Sorry, you failed that one.

So if Trump is a billionaire, why have we spent $81 million for him to golf - especially after he said he wouldn't have time to golf like Obama occasionally did, he'd be too busy?
*Sigh* Ima be honest with you. Idgaf about the conversation you and me are having. Idgaf about the conversation or the situation of POTUS golf. Buck's a lot more fun than you, and smarter with the quips. Get back on the sideline and watch from the bench, please.


Well-Known Member
noun: spam; noun: Spam
irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.

Your political ideology is just as arbitrary as my own. Are we both spammers or are you just being a retard again? lol
my messages are relevant and appropriate. yours are spam, panhead

"haitian relief" was a dead giveaway, panhead

Screenshot 2019-05-22 at 9.06.24 PM.png


Well-Known Member
The "Intelligencer." What a wonderful source of information. I could easily talk about Chelsea Clinton appropriating funds that were meant to be for Haitians... using it to finance her wedding. Lol at the stupidity of the "Intelligencer" article. The guy is a billionaire. You think he can't pay to play golf? What a libtarded cuck you must be. I think all that purple hair dye must have fried your pea-sized brain :D
You are 100% a product of some guy banging his sister.
hey panhead,

no one cares about your "BUT CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" lies. you have now been caught lying. you are a proven liar.

anyhoo, why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies
Prove it. And don't be using anymore of your ridiculous lies and conjectures, please. Give us some real proof that this is how it all went down. "Panhead?" lol. Not sure if that is an inside joke or a cutdown.


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* Ima be honest with you. Idgaf about the conversation you and me are having. Idgaf about the conversation or the situation of POTUS golf. Buck's a lot more fun than you, and smarter with the quips. Get back on the sideline and watch from the bench, please.
"But Hillary and her $200,000 of furniture and China!!!!"

Sorry chump, you lost. Trump turned you out like the little bitch you are.


Well-Known Member
Prove it. And don't be using anymore of your ridiculous lies and conjectures, please. Give us some real proof that this is how it all went down. "Panhead?" lol. Not sure if that is an inside joke or a cutdown.
why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies

these are all proven facts that have been in the news very recently so you can google them yourself if you want to, panhead
my messages are relevant and appropriate. yours are spam, panhead

"haitian relief" was a dead giveaway, panhead

View attachment 4338009
lol. I concede that I understand how you claim to that conclusion. You're still wrong. Keep in mind that there are billions of people in this world and not all of them like the Clintons. I like how your little mind works though. Great analyzation, UncleCuck :clap:


Well-Known Member
lol. I concede that I understand how you claim to that conclusion. You're still wrong. Keep in mind that there are billions of people in this world and not all of them like the Clintons. I like how your little mind works though. Great analyzation, UncleCuck :clap:
you're too dumb to even be a sock puppet, panhead.

even pikachu aka @pabloesqobar did better than you


Well-Known Member
lol. I concede that I understand how you claim to that conclusion. You're still wrong. Keep in mind that there are billions of people in this world and not all of them like the Clintons. I like how your little mind works though. Great analyzation, UncleCuck :clap:
So if Trump is a billionaire, why have we paid $81 million for him to golf?

You made the claim. Now answer it.
So if Trump is a billionaire, why have we paid $81 million for him to golf?

You made the claim. Now answer it.
You're quoting a something that I said to UncleBuck. Are you sure that these aren't two of YOUR alts? lol
Must get confusing having to switch back and forth between the two...


Well-Known Member
Your mom's the one to blame because she didn't pull you out of her womb with a rusty coat hanger like her mother should have done to her.

Lol. Simp. lololololol
How you do go on, BOY. A frigging wet behind the ears punkass boy. Even Ms Lionfart doesn’t protest like you.


Well-Known Member
You're quoting a something that I said to UncleBuck. Are you sure that these aren't two of YOUR alts? lol
Must get confusing having to switch back and forth between the two...
why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies
why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies

why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies

why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies

why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies

why did trump make alexander acosta a member of his cabinet?

alexander acosta was the judge who gave jeffrey epstein an illegal sweetheart plea deal that protected all of jeffrey epstein's fellow pedo buddies