FISA Abuse by FBI


Well-Known Member
I suspect the timing of Trump’s declassification request is based on the 2020 election cycle. Prepare for a steady drip. Repulsive? Sure. Necessary? Absolutely. Let the sun shine on all the crooked cops. This country can never tolerate political spying by our government.
You’ve already convinced yourself they’re crooked before a single anything has come to light

Racist trumptard


Well-Known Member
The Horowitz report will reveal what the FISA court thinks of the applications in light of information learned after approval. Just wait for it.


Well-Known Member
Another opinion piece on our topic:

I have searched for an opposing editorial and did not find any today. Please post if you have one!
You didn't read this, I know you know better.

Two, the Trump administration's Russia policies were far tougher on Vladimir Putin than were those of Barack Obama. Trump confronted Russia in Syria, upped defense spending, increased sanctions and kept the price of oil down through massive new U.S. energy production.

trump bombed a airfield so poorly they were using it 8 hrs later.

Upped defense spending, why?

Life is much better for Russians, he eased sanctions.


Well-Known Member
You didn't read this, I know you know better.

Two, the Trump administration's Russia policies were far tougher on Vladimir Putin than were those of Barack Obama. Trump confronted Russia in Syria, upped defense spending, increased sanctions and kept the price of oil down through massive new U.S. energy production.

trump bombed a airfield so poorly they were using it 8 hrs later.

Upped defense spending, why?

Life is much better for Russians, he eased sanctions.
I read it but made no comments on it. I agree that military spending, as well as overall federal spending is atrocious under Trump. Beyond belief level of atrociousness. Thanks for your comments.


Well-Known Member
Remember when Congress passed new sanctions against Russia after the election and Trump refused to sign and begin? I do.

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration said on Monday it would not immediately impose additional sanctions on Russia, despite a new law designed to punish Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, insisting the measure was already hitting Russian companies.”


Well-Known Member
Comey lovers are understandably upset with Trump. I get that.
the only people who love comey are maga hat wearing racists like you. comey threw the election to trump. us here on the left hate him.

maybe you hate him too because he investigated your hero's criminal network and his firing by trump was felony obstruction of justice. but his investigation, brought to fruition by the special counsil, led to the convictions and imprisonment of your hero's personal lawyer and campaign manager, as well as others.

trump was even named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the crimes for which his personal lawyer is now serving 4 years in federal prison. trump's campaign manager lied about sharing internal polling data with russian spies, it was in his sentencing memo. trump's campaign advisor is now on trial for coordingating the release, timing, and promotion of materials russian spies stole from americans.

now you have to remember that last one because trump boasted about it 160+ times in the last month of the campaign, the culmination of which saw you celebrating alongside white supremacists

are you so fuckign stupid that you think that any one of us has forgotten this and will buy into any of your bullshit?

go ahead and ignore this completely because it destroys your spammy forced narrative and exposes you as the neo-nazi fraud that you are


Well-Known Member
Silly me, I thought Comey was beloved by the detractors of this thread. Why else defend him so vigorously? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Silly me, I thought Comey was beloved by the detractors of this thread. Why else defend him so vigorously? :confused:
hey buggy

when manafort shared internal polling data with konstant kilimnik and then told trump to campaign in different areas based on that, was that collusion or will you make a desperate attempt to deny reality?

or will you just desperately ignore this question?