FISA Abuse by FBI

I always thought that the end goal of the Mueller investigation was to get Trump removed from office. In that regard it is hard not to judge it disappointing, is it not? I'm glad some people take solace in the indictments, but find it odd that they not recognize they have moved their own goal posts. Anyway, should be fun seeing the FBI and CIA bosses get the same treatment they gave others. Karma. Got to respect it.
I always thought that the end goal of the Mueller investigation was to get Trump removed from office. In that regard it is hard not to judge it disappointing, is it not? I'm glad some people take solace in the indictments, but find it odd that they not recognize they have moved their own goal posts. Anyway, should be fun seeing the FBI and CIA bosses get the same treatment they gave others. Karma. Got to respect it.
Your first sentence is bullshit. Didn't read the rest.
I always thought that the end goal of the Mueller investigation was to get Trump removed from office. In that regard it is hard not to judge it disappointing, is it not? I'm glad some people take solace in the indictments, but find it odd that they not recognize they have moved their own goal posts. Anyway, should be fun seeing the FBI and CIA bosses get the same treatment they gave others. Karma. Got to respect it.
Mueller was assigned to investigate obstruction and interference from Russia in the 2016 election

He found 10 counts of felony obstruction and countless acts of trumps team conspiring with Russians to interfere

Are you literally fucking retarded or what
Says the fella that made his mind up on FISA abuse from a Paul Ryan quote from a year ago? Ha!
Here we go again with the false equivalence.

No, the fake FISA spam you keep talking about is nothing like the investigation into Russian interference in our election.

No matter how many times Trump tweets about it, there is no comparison. At the end of the congressional investigation, they found no evidence of spying or improper judicial oversight of FISA. At the end of the Mueller investigation they found ten criminal counts of obstruction of justice by Trump and plenty of evidence that Trump, his campaign staff and Putin consprired to interfere with the US election. You just believe. No thinking on your part.

In contrast, I stay rooted by sticking to facts.

so you are wrong.
“There’s another report that everyone has forgotten about involving James Comey alone," diGenova said. "That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note, and there are going to be criminal referrals in it."

He did not elaborate on what report he expects out in two weeks and how he came to find out about the timeline for its release

My oh my. Poor fucking Bughumper. The investigation is about Comey alone. Yet it’s expected there will be criminal referrals against others. Sounds kind of like the Mueller investigation. Nothing much on Comey and why are they referring others if it’s not directly related to FISA abuse?
“There’s another report that everyone has forgotten about involving James Comey alone," diGenova said. "That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note, and there are going to be criminal referrals in it."

He did not elaborate on what report he expects out in two weeks and how he came to find out about the timeline for its release

My oh my. Poor fucking Bughumper. The investigation is about Comey alone. Yet it’s expected there will be criminal referrals against others. Sounds kind of like the Mueller investigation. Nothing much on Comey and why are they referring others if it’s not directly related to FISA abuse?
Comey is being investigated for FISA abuse and leaking. Digenova has friends/associates in the FISA court that told him the last three FISA apps on Page are bad. The first now being re-examined on new news from State that they had warned FBI about Steele.
FISA abuse does not involve Comey alone. Lots of players.
No the investigation is about Comey because none of the other named investigations had access to or influence on FISA. That’s if the press releases are correct. It’s about James Comey and Carter Page. If others are caught up it’s an illegal investigation. Like you claim about Mueller.