The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
Everybody, even TYT, knows, cock gobbler. It's just that you're too weak to admit it.
kinda seems like something you losers concocted since she never once mentions black people in that entire speech.

kinda odd that the supporters of the "neo nazis are very fine people" guy would even be upset if that was the case.

everything here tells me you are acting insincerely, or in bad faith. which besides outright lying is the only way you irredeemable retards know how to argue.

anyhoo, what are you gonna do after you get banned again?


kinda seems like something you losers concocted since she never once mentions black people in that entire speech.

kinda odd that the supporters of the "neo nazis are very fine people" guy would even be upset if that was the case.

everything here tells me you are acting insincerely, or in bad faith. which besides outright lying is the only way you irredeemable retards know how to argue.

anyhoo, what are you gonna do after you get banned again?
I love it when you get upset after I easily prove myself correct by producing evidence.

The "Unite the Right" in Charlottesville wasn't meant to be a staging point for nazis. It just so happened that some of them show up, just like Antifa sometimes shows up at rallies where the left is gathering. THOSE were the people that were wielding torches, not ALL of the right wing folks. So let's realize that when Trump said that there were good people on both sides, he wasn't saying nazis were good. He was saying that not all of the people on the left OR right were evil. You're too fucking stupid to understand that, or are you building a house out of cards again?

I used TYT video because I know they're far left. How can you argue against them?

You like to imagine what I do in my free time, you've already admitted that in another thread. Keep guessing what I'll do if this acct gets banned.

Lastly, you are indeed a racist, UncleBuck. You are a racist because you are a known Hillary supporter and Hillary has obviously said/done some racist shit back in the day. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are a degenerate racist. You go around calling people racist all the time.... and this entire time it seems you were just projecting.

Try not to kys, loser. lol


Well-Known Member
I love it when you get upset after I easily prove myself correct by producing evidence.

The "Unite the Right" in Charlottesville wasn't meant to be a staging point for nazis. It just so happened that some of them show up, just like Antifa sometimes shows up at rallies where the left is gathering. THOSE were the people that were wielding torches, not ALL of the right wing folks. So let's realize that when Trump said that there were good people on both sides, he wasn't saying nazis were good. He was saying that not all of the people on the left OR right were evil. You're too fucking stupid to understand that, or are you building a house out of cards again?

I used TYT video because I know they're far left. How can you argue against them?

You like to imagine what I do in my free time, you've already admitted that in another thread. Keep guessing what I'll do if this acct gets banned.

Lastly, you are indeed a racist, UncleBuck. You are a racist because you are a known Hillary supporter and Hillary has obviously said/done some racist shit back in the day. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are a degenerate racist. You go around calling people racist all the time.... and this entire time it seems you were just projecting.

Try not to kys, loser. lol
So now you speak for the president?


Well-Known Member
I love it when you get upset after I easily prove myself correct by producing evidence.

The "Unite the Right" in Charlottesville wasn't meant to be a staging point for nazis. It just so happened that some of them show up, just like Antifa sometimes shows up at rallies where the left is gathering. THOSE were the people that were wielding torches, not ALL of the right wing folks. So let's realize that when Trump said that there were good people on both sides, he wasn't saying nazis were good. He was saying that not all of the people on the left OR right were evil. You're too fucking stupid to understand that, or are you building a house out of cards again?

I used TYT video because I know they're far left. How can you argue against them?

You like to imagine what I do in my free time, you've already admitted that in another thread. Keep guessing what I'll do if this acct gets banned.

Lastly, you are indeed a racist, UncleBuck. You are a racist because you are a known Hillary supporter and Hillary has obviously said/done some racist shit back in the day. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are a degenerate racist. You go around calling people racist all the time.... and this entire time it seems you were just projecting.

Try not to kys, loser. lol
how does a video of hillary never once mentioning black people "easily prove" her comments were about black people?

and if there is a torchlit nazi mob chanting "jews will not replace us" and stopping by a synagogue with assault rifles as services are getting out, who among that torchlit nazi mob is a good person?

thanks, pikachu.


how does a video of hillary never once mentioning black people "easily prove" her comments were about black people?

and if there is a torchlit nazi mob chanting "jews will not replace us" and stopping by a synagogue with assault rifles as services are getting out, who among that torchlit nazi mob is a good person?

thanks, pikachu.
Again, you're a fucking retard.

That was NOT the entire group, that was a smaller group that was among them.

Again, that's like saying the actions of antifa are emblematic of all left wingers.

You had to have been dropped on your head as a baby.


Well-Known Member
That was NOT the entire group, that was a smaller group that was among them.

so a bunch of people showed up with torches while shouting "sieg heil" and "jews will not replace us", the rest of those people stuck around, and somehow they are not neo-nazis?

and what is your problem with anti-fascism? anti-fascism is a good thing. neo-nazism is not a good thing.


so a bunch of people showed up with torches while shouting "sieg heil" and "jews will not replace us", the rest of those people stuck around, and somehow they are not neo-nazis?

and what is your problem with anti-fascism? anti-fascism is a good thing. neo-nazism is not a good thing.
No, Bucharoo. The people with the torches chanting "jews will no replace us" were all on their own and didn't comprise the people on their right in their entirety.

It's okay to be against fascism. Antifa itself is actually a group that is simply either anarchists or communists, either of which is as dangerous as fascism. In fact, the only real difference between fascism and communism is that fascists are nationalists and communists are globalists. But.... you knew that right, cuck?


Well-Known Member
Since you know everything serial liar trump is thinking at any given moment, what did he mean when he said him and lil'Kim were writing love letters and falling in love?
This is just another day and another stupid comment by Trump but John Bolton is not going to be happy or understanding at all. He dissed him on NK and today on Iran. Watch for Bolton’s departure. It would be to the benefit of the country and the world if he did. Especially if he’d die while packing his skivvies to leave.