how do i breed two seeds together an grow into one plant??

The point people are trying to make is you never put 2 seeds in the same pot. You will have to pick one out. You might be able to seperate the roots, but probably not. In that case one needs to die. Once you seperate, or try again with 2 seperate seeds in 2 seperate pots, you can hope one is a male and one is a female. If that is the case, you can get pollen on the female and seeds will form in the buds. Those seeds will be a cross between the 2.

On the other hand you can graft. There have been people who used this technique to get around plant counts. I wouldn't recommend it at this point. You need to learn basic growing skills first.
Don’t listen to these assholes man, what you did was perfect. It just doesn’t work every time. Keep trying till you get it.
i germinated my seeds and when i put them in soil in each pot i put two seeds together hope the roots would bind together to grow into one plant....but its not wroking out to what i had their another way to breed to seeds together into one plant????

How on earth did this idea pop into your head? This is right up there with people who believe that babies are born out of their mother's ass.
I’ve have heard of something kind of like this if you want to try here at the steps, if, I remember correctly

First and foremost getting the seeds to germinate just a few paper towels folded to hold moisture is easiest to check on constantly(every couple hours)

Next you will need a rooting solution,gel,powder, organic honey, Or something that will help the root grow healthy and strong masses

Once your roots have sprouted on both of your seeds

Take a very sharp razor and make a sharp angle cut right at the tip of each root removing as little as possible to expose the interior

Dip each tip in the solution after being cut so it is each tips exposed areas

Lay both seed on the napkin or paper towel sticking both tips of exposed root to each other so they stick Together and heal as one close the napkin still slightly damp to cover both seeds

In a few days they should be healed and growing in to one according to article

After that just plant in soil or hydro whatever your choice medium or method

So as far as the people went with all these instructions, it should work, according to article but I never tried, so I figured I would share, so dont talk shit just let me know what you think? If possible or what you think may happen?
Wait you put two seeds in one pot and thought they would melt together ?
I actually kind of did in all honesty, hence the reason I tried looking up (found this site) if it was really that easy. I don’t know anything at all about growing plants of any sorts but I’m definitely trying to learn.