4 32 site xl undercurrent systems in a 20X40 room

I would just insulate pvc and run to each bucket up top, use one chiller per isle. You are going to have a bitch of a time keeping your shit from tangling and clogging. I have only a 4 site and as soon as my roots fill up I need to adjust my top fill and my water level changes with flow rate. Not enough room and your shits overflowing mid loop because gravity only works so hard.
1 chiller per isle? You dont think 50' of half inch stainless chiller coil will work in cooling the systems?
From the OMMA's facebook page. (You should follow them. They post updates to the rules here.)

As of Monday, May 13:

121,322 patient, 1,958 caregiver and 5,420 business applications received. 128,700 total.

115,002 patient, 1,554 caregiver, 2,890 grower, 1,468 dispensary, 802 processor applications approved. 120,248 total.
Growers are up 70 from the week before, so add 140 to this number...
I haven't worked with chiller coil before. But with all them gavitas I just want to say no lol.
With all them gavitas all you need is enough ac to eliminate the heat they produce right? Once you eliminate the heat your equipment produces then you just need ac to cool the room right? So now that the gavitas are eliminated from the equation do u not think a coil will cool the systems? According to hydro innovations i believe it was where i read, or maybe current culture it takes 1ft of 3/8 stainless steele coil to cool 12.5ft of nutrient. So i would think that if i more than double their suggestion i should be good. I have used around 7 ft of coil each to cool 2 50 gallon res and 3 ice box exchangers off of 3 1000 watt xxxl hoods and only used a 1hp chiller with a 30 gallon chiller res. Lights on res started 63 and ended 71. Cold water absorbs a lot of heat. Ill give the 3 50ft stainless coils a try with a 1.5hp chiller and a 275 gal res. If it dosent keep me good ill adjust chiller size. Ill not run the nutrient thru a chiller unless i absolutely have to. Which i dont think i will have to besides its not recommended to run nutes thru a chiller. You would be surprised how well a coil cools nutrient.
From the OMMA's facebook page. (You should follow them. They post updates to the rules here.)

As of Monday, May 13:

121,322 patient, 1,958 caregiver and 5,420 business applications received. 128,700 total.

115,002 patient, 1,554 caregiver, 2,890 grower, 1,468 dispensary, 802 processor applications approved. 120,248 total.
Growers are up 70 from the week before, so add 140 to this number...
an estimated 30 to 50% of growers are actually up and running.
From the OMMA's facebook page. (You should follow them. They post updates to the rules here.)

As of Monday, May 13:

121,322 patient, 1,958 caregiver and 5,420 business applications received. 128,700 total.

115,002 patient, 1,554 caregiver, 2,890 grower, 1,468 dispensary, 802 processor applications approved. 120,248 total.
Growers are up 70 from the week before, so add 140 to this number...
And the product they are putting out there wont be hard to compete with. Everyone growing the same strains. All the strains everyone hears about. Some actually are a joke. Lol. I know a few people that work at or run dispensaries andeach tells me that they are in need of quality growers. A grower i talked with was saying he gets multiple calls daily from dispensaries wanting to see some product. How many of the 3k growers do you think actually know what they are doing? I know 2 growers personally that have been licensed since november and have yet to pull a harvest. They are both about 30 days from their first one. Growing on a big scale takes more than most people think. Im bet half the 3k people who are licensed wont get a 2nd yearly license. Idk tho only time will tell.
I haven't worked with chiller coil before. But with all them gavitas I just want to say no lol.
Tbh my friend has 8 gavitas running and i think that my old 1000 watt se in a magnum xxxl hood was hotter and that is with the ballast in a different room.
With all them gavitas all you need is enough ac to eliminate the heat they produce right? Once you eliminate the heat your equipment produces then you just need ac to cool the room right? So now that the gavitas are eliminated from the equation do u not think a coil will cool the systems? According to hydro innovations i believe it was where i read, or maybe current culture it takes 1ft of 3/8 stainless steele coil to cool 12.5ft of nutrient. So i would think that if i more than double their suggestion i should be good. I have used around 7 ft of coil each to cool 2 50 gallon res and 3 ice box exchangers off of 3 1000 watt xxxl hoods and only used a 1hp chiller with a 30 gallon chiller res. Lights on res started 63 and ended 71. Cold water absorbs a lot of heat. Ill give the 3 50ft stainless coils a try with a 1.5hp chiller and a 275 gal res. If it dosent keep me good ill adjust chiller size. Ill not run the nutrient thru a chiller unless i absolutely have to. Which i dont think i will have to besides its not recommended to run nutes thru a chiller. You would be surprised how well a coil cools nutrient.
do you mean put a coil in a box freezer unit?
No i mean pump 275 gal of water thru a water chiller to about 58 degrees then run a manifold out of that chilled water with 1/2 black tubing into 3 50' 1/2 inch wort chillers and then into a return manifold that goes back to the chiller. Have the wort chiller in the epicenter of each system. Its said that 1 ft of 3/8 coil will cool about 12.5 gallons.
why would you put a chiller around a wort chiller? just use one chiller? cooling water to cool water in another system is easily bypassed by just using one chiller per row. you are going to need the dedicated cool in each leg. this whole wort chiller thing seems like a fuckery of failure. for real.
do you even have any experience running dwc this big? because you seem like you are biting off more than you can chew. ive never soon anyone run dwc this big just soil. for a reason. the amount of water you will use is fucking crazy. I do trust you will have automatic PH adjusters that will be set to delay like 30 fucking minutes because each adjustment you do will take an hour to mix in. your solution is going to be warm 5 buckets down in that room. and keeping a wort chiller bucket cool enough to chill 3 legs of coil for your legs will have to be SUB ZERO to offset the heat of 3 legs. back to the drawing board and dont waste money man. K.I.S.S.
I’d shoot myself in the face before running a soil operation that big. Lol I hate dirt. I would imagine he has done the research on the chilling. But if for some reason the OP does need more info on chiller I think current culture can tell him the specifics. They seem to be big on customer secvice. I honestly questioned his reasoning for doing rdwc in the first place but he seems to have valid reasons and the experience required to up keep them. That being said I feel the most economical way to run a commercial operation is drain to waste with Rockwood cubes or prefilled riococo bags. I do coco myself atm and if I had to scale up there is no way I would be able to do all the work myself. That’s why I say prefilled coco bags or Rockwood would be best. But man these Rdwc systems can put out some fire herb and as long as you can keep on top of them they do have some of the fastest growth rates I’ve seen.
why would you put a chiller around a wort chiller? just use one chiller? cooling water to cool water in another system is easily bypassed by just using one chiller per row. you are going to need the dedicated cool in each leg. this whole wort chiller thing seems like a fuckery of failure. for real.
Chiller around a wort chiller? U misunderstand i guess. Run chilled water thru the wort chiller. Use the water that you chill with your chiller to cool the systems. Have you not ever heard of water cooled grow rooms?
do you even have any experience running dwc this big? because you seem like you are biting off more than you can chew. ive never soon anyone run dwc this big just soil. for a reason. the amount of water you will use is fucking crazy. I do trust you will have automatic PH adjusters that will be set to delay like 30 fucking minutes because each adjustment you do will take an hour to mix in. your solution is going to be warm 5 buckets down in that room. and keeping a wort chiller bucket cool enough to chill 3 legs of coil for your legs will have to be SUB ZERO to offset the heat of 3 legs. back to the drawing board and dont waste money man. K.I.S.S.
I disagree. Will soon find out. Biting off more than i can chew? Not hardly i was at first planning on running 4 systems. If i have to replace 1 chiller with 3 smaller ones then that is an easy fix. I wont put plants in until i have tested the room anyway. But check out this link. Not like i made this up. https://surna.com/how-to-effectively-cool-your-nutrient-solution/
do you even have any experience running dwc this big? because you seem like you are biting off more than you can chew. ive never soon anyone run dwc this big just soil. for a reason. the amount of water you will use is fucking crazy. I do trust you will have automatic PH adjusters that will be set to delay like 30 fucking minutes because each adjustment you do will take an hour to mix in. your solution is going to be warm 5 buckets down in that room. and keeping a wort chiller bucket cool enough to chill 3 legs of coil for your legs will have to be SUB ZERO to offset the heat of 3 legs. back to the drawing board and dont waste money man. K.I.S.S.
I was confused on which side of the coil would be cooling lol. I see now. me bad lol
i put a link where i got the idea. I have water cooled a grow room but not this much water. Water is really good at removing heat. Like i said if it dosent do the job then its an easy fix by adding 3 smaller chillers. I expect it to work tho.
I’d shoot myself in the face before running a soil operation that big. Lol I hate dirt. I would imagine he has done the research on the chilling. But if for some reason the OP does need more info on chiller I think current culture can tell him the specifics. They seem to be big on customer secvice. I honestly questioned his reasoning for doing rdwc in the first place but he seems to have valid reasons and the experience required to up keep them. That being said I feel the most economical way to run a commercial operation is drain to waste with Rockwood cubes or prefilled riococo bags. I do coco myself atm and if I had to scale up there is no way I would be able to do all the work myself. That’s why I say prefilled coco bags or Rockwood would be best. But man these Rdwc systems can put out some fire herb and as long as you can keep on top of them they do have some of the fastest growth rates I’ve seen.
I have been digging the under current systems since about 2012. Since then i Have done a ton of research planning for this day using these systems. Waiting knowing my state would pass soon. My wife talked me into hanging it up and selling all my gear so i wouldnt chance getting caught illegal. I stopped actively growing but never stopper studying and researching. Gives me butterflies just thinking about it.
Rockwool can get expensive as well as drain to waste i imagine. Then setting up a watering system would be a pain in the ass as well.
do you even have any experience running dwc this big? because you seem like you are biting off more than you can chew. ive never soon anyone run dwc this big just soil. for a reason. the amount of water you will use is fucking crazy. I do trust you will have automatic PH adjusters that will be set to delay like 30 fucking minutes because each adjustment you do will take an hour to mix in. your solution is going to be warm 5 buckets down in that room. and keeping a wort chiller bucket cool enough to chill 3 legs of coil for your legs will have to be SUB ZERO to offset the heat of 3 legs. back to the drawing board and dont waste money man. K.I.S.S.
Of course ill have ph dosing systems. And u said it would take hrs to get the ph adjuster throughout the system but the water recurculates thru the system almost 8 times per hr.
32 site at
$4,652.06 - $6,389.96 LOL.

DIY bro. l 32 5 gallon buckets cost like 3 dollars each. you really gonna shell out 12 grand for 3 systems that you can build for 600 each? mmmmmhmmmm?