Small amount for personal use on the plane to the UK


Well-Known Member
Has somebody done it? I want to travel from Mexico to the UK with a small amount for my consumption. What happens if I get caught? How would you hide it?
Never done it but when I fly to Hawaii and inside the US (only places I really travel) I just pre roll 2 joints a day so if it’s a 5 day vacation I’ll pre roll 9-10 joints. Put them in a cigarette case and put them in one of my pants inside my luggage. I’ve done it a bunch of times and never been asked about it by TSA or whoever
Roll it tight in plastic wrap. Dip it in molten wax to seal it. Coat it in Vaseline.
Never done it but when I fly to Hawaii and inside the US (only places I really travel) I just pre roll 2 joints a day so if it’s a 5 day vacation I’ll pre roll 9-10 joints. Put them in a cigarette case and put them in one of my pants inside my luggage. I’ve done it a bunch of times and never been asked about it by TSA or whoever
First guy I've ever heard bring 10 joints to hawaii lol, it rains flavor out here. I dont blame you though, some guys out here might be quick to make a dirty buck.
Hmmm, Mexico and the UK are both known for their liberal, supportive attitudes toward unregistered civilian possession and international off-book importation of Cannabis products.

Just pin it to your shirt and walk proud through Security and Customs. Seriously: what could possibly go wrong?

As for where would I hide it, "at home" sort of springs to mind.
OK, so perhaps I read a lot of articles related to the USA where now it is sort of chill to smuggle a few joints between your Malboros but Mexico - UK seems more of a challenge, perhaps I should desist.
Does it make a difference if the flight comes from Europe? (I'm thinking about coming back to visit Ireland taking a place from Brussels.

Anyways, here's the deal: I want to smoke weed in Thin Places in Ireland and talk to the leprechauns and stuff. So since international smuggling seems risky, nowadays WHERE can I get weed in Dublin?
And avoid the Arab and African guys that might sell shit, and also avoid Hash which only makes me sleepy, I want herb or liquid.
OK, so perhaps I read a lot of articles related to the USA where now it is sort of chill to smuggle a few joints between your Malboros but Mexico - UK seems more of a challenge, perhaps I should desist.
Does it make a difference if the flight comes from Europe? (I'm thinking about coming back to visit Ireland taking a place from Brussels.

Anyways, here's the deal: I want to smoke weed in Thin Places in Ireland and talk to the leprechauns and stuff. So since international smuggling seems risky, nowadays WHERE can I get weed in Dublin?
And avoid the Arab and African guys that might sell shit, and also avoid Hash which only makes me sleepy, I want herb or liquid.
@Jimdamick this question's for you hun

As for me I'd leave the fightey bitey irish alone. They are an irascible lot.

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Thin places are places of energy. A place where the veil between this world and the eternal world is thin. A thin place is where one can walk in two worlds – the worlds are fused together, knitted loosely where the differences can be discerned or tightly where the two worlds become one.

Thin places aren’t perceived with the five senses. Experiencing them goes beyond those limits.

Never done it but when I fly to Hawaii and inside the US (only places I really travel) I just pre roll 2 joints a day so if it’s a 5 day vacation I’ll pre roll 9-10 joints. Put them in a cigarette case and put them in one of my pants inside my luggage. I’ve done it a bunch of times and never been asked about it by TSA or whoever
I just put a bag of weed in my carry on from SF to Hawaii they didn't say anything and the police dog I walked right past didn't bark I think they just ignore it in cali