Amazon cob/led


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone here has tried any cob/led lights under 200$ from amazon with some decent/good yields. I’ve looked into better ones that have been recommended but can’t afford them this year. And right now amazon is my only purchase option. Any facts/opinions would be great to hear. Right now the phlizon Cree cob 1000 has my attention after seeing a YouTuber use it with some above par results in my opinion but also the Aglex 1200 cob good to but really know nothing .. Any help? Also what would be the cost difference to run one of the lights I mentioned compared to a 600watt hps?


Well-Known Member
tuff to say, what size tent you using?

says cree, whooopty do, are they cxb3590? Probably not, or it would say.

245 watts at the wall, but 100watts are from the cobs, not good. those other colorfull lights are just eating up power, they mean nothing to be honest.

The best pay for your buck at amazon, is Mars Hydro ts1000, $149


Well-Known Member
I don't think your.going to find anything below 200$ to light a 5x5 on amazon. Maybe some diy you might be able to light half of that space and build upon it to fill it out.

Like maybe a 4 pack of qb120s or qb132s and a driver some angle aluminium would light up a 3x3 for not much more than 200$. Then do it again when you can afford it. Otherwise for that price point for a prebuilt fixture you will be disappointed with its flowering performance in a space that.big.

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
5x5 area is what I’m trying to cover
HLG sells a few models of their QB boards on Amazon. Everything else on there is pretty shitty. $200 and 5x5?

Go to Wal Mart and it may take trips to several Wal Marts. They have a $21.87 5,000 lumens 4' strip LED light.

So if you want to get it up to 100,000 lumens - you could buy 10 of them. They use about 35 watts at the plug. It you buy 10 then you are up to 50,000 lumens which is about a 500 watt HPS or half of what you need.

I am not sure what the Wal Mart shop light is as far as Kelvin. 5000 K or Kelvin for veg and 3000-3500 K for flower. I think it might be 4,000 K which will work for both.

Anything around $200 bucks you are better off getting a 1000 watt HPS. You can get them used. 5x5 is a big area and some shitty Chinese Burple off of Amazon is not going to cut it. A Chinese burple will grow weed but not very well and not very much.


Well-Known Member
I’ll probably end up getting a 600 watt hps and two cheap led lights on each side of that... what y’all think? Only because I live in a super hot area and it’s hard to keep heat down


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I appreciate that but all that was confusing I’m barely doing research as we speak on how to build a light but I’m a bit lost and intimidated! I saw a good video on it but I still am a bit lost. Is amazon a good place to buy pieces to build or can you point me in a direction to buy to some decent stuff with some chump change
Its ok to be lost, just take it one step at a time. Dont look at it as a whole. Look at your budget first, and then what you can afford. Then look at boards/strips etc, then look at drivers. After that it will all come together pretty easy. You may not get everything you need right away, but you will be put in the right direction.

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You would need a bit more than 200 but not much more if you wanna go the china board way.

Its no point spending money on shitty led lights. If you really have to go the amazon way maybe look into cheap warm white highbay lights. Look for around 1000w of total output. Yep, if you go the cheapish amazon way youll end up spending as much power as HPS
Ya ima end up digging deeper in my pocket to raise my budget to build something I’m watching videos as we speak to see exactly what I need Where can I purchase one of those boards