LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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OBE = Out of Body Experiences
NDE = Near Death Experiences
ESP = Extra Sensory Perception
OEV = Open Eye Visuals
CEV = Closed Eye Visuals
TEV = Third Eye Visuals [Synesthetic imagery]

10 ugs - Microdose [increase of focus and energy].
Feeling LSD's effects to the slightest. Rushing senses [conscious or not].
Marijuana increases the effects of LSD.

Lasts longer and is similar to a microdose [0.1 grams] of shrooms.

20 ugs - Some euphoria, extreme mood lift, and body high. {10ugs x 2}
Synesthesia [a state of mind that reintegrates the senses] or confusion can appear. Visual acuity is enhanced, micro perspective convergences. and some unpredictable object torsion {this effect increases with dosage}.
Creativity and pleasure becomes very apparent. Extraordinary weather conditions. Total effects last about 8 hours. Slight rise in tolerance.

1STingle Microdose Increments
['Maths', Diverging Crescendo, Geometry key]:

50 - 60 microgram tabs = 1/2 of a Tab
150 microgram tabs = # 9
250 microgram tabs = 16 squares [google: '16 squares']
360 microgram tabs = 21+ pieces
550 microgram tabs = 45+ pieces


30 ugs - Low 'tripping' effects. Some use this as a 'microdose'
[additional increase of focus and energy].
A little bit more sensitive to emotions and energy. Going in and out of consciousness is common. Your imagination is increased and improved. Very slight visuals, patterning, and optical illusions start to appear. Slight sensory enhancement [colors, emotions, and senses are amplified a little bit]. Appreciation for music. Some Third Eye Visuals.
No Closed Eye Visuals, at all.

40 ugs - Clearly buzzing and undergoing LSD's effects. Slight breach out of the ego barrier [aka 'tripping' but still 'sober']. Beneficial increase of energy, confidence, accuracy, and courage. Mild 'Synesthesia', euphoria, or confusion can appear x2. Some psychedelia; [i.e. some flashing, 'trippy' moments, appreciation and some awareness...etc]
CEVs are barley noticeable. There is an enhancement of the imagination and there can be some minor TEVs [a great dose for meditation]. Hedonism and endurance hang overs
from over use [such as depression, aggression, and/or boredom]. {360+ micrograms in a week}

Level 1 ~ {10ugs - 40ugs}


50 ugs - Medium 'tripping' effects. {Slow come up with no tolerance.} Starting to feel the next level of LSD's effects, especially with cannabis.
Your field of vision is brighter, colors are more vibrant. There is some more flashing, after imaging, and noticeable trails.
Your thought patterns are noticeably altered. Brain high and euphoric energy; mental and physical stimulation. {Interesting cognition.}
Focus and visual clarity is further increased; along with distractive thought patterns. Heightened sense of awareness and intellect. Obvious change in consciousness. A lot more sensitive to energy and vibes.
Some barley get any closed eye visuals at all; some do very easily.
-This dosage makes for a good time, even though it isn't considered 'tripping'.

Lasts longer than You think and is similar to a low dose of shrooms or incredibly high amounts of cannabis.

75 ugs - This is where You start to feel LSD’s ‘tripping’ effects. {Slow come up, Eye dilation can be prominent. Rise of anticipation.}
Bright colors; surfaces start to bend or breathe slightly [there can be some shuttering and fluttering]. Left and Right brain cues and signals. You start to think a lot more; a vast increase in brain activity and appreciation.
Insightful thoughts and memorable moments of clarity. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories surface and emerge.
Change of short term memory lapses leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Distracted or reminiscent thoughts; especially with marijuana.
Closed eye visuals can be apparent. Sensitive to energy, vibes, and music. Extraordinary weather conditions x2.
- This is a great dose to go out in nature and on hikes with.
- Very real looking surroundings
- Noticeable changes in reality and perception.
- Sensory and sensual enhancement [Food smells / tastes amazing].
- Slow come up with no tolerance ["should we take another?"]

Lasts longer and is similar to 1 gram of shrooms or 150 mgs of MDMA.

100 ugs - The most sought after LSD dosage [Deep meditation and meaningful appreciation] - "Yup! I feel it."
Visuals are getting more obvious now [i.e. tracers, trails, shimmering...etc]. Natural perception filter is somewhat dropped [by 10%].
A large increase in appreciation and surreal thoughts; trippy sensory stimulation & enhancement. Profound wonder, expansive thoughts, and synchronicities [Memory Trances are possible.].
Some people have been caught laughing their arses off for no reason at this dose [literally to the point where they grow a six pack ab].
Profound over analyzations, epiphanies, and mystery can arise [especially when mixing with cannabis]. Some realistic imagery, 'make belief' visions & imaginary thought trains [Third Eye Visuals].
Going in and out of consciousness is very common. Very sensitive to energy and vibes. Synesthesia, euphoria, or confusion can appear x3. There is some CEVs [2dimensional especially with cannabis]

[A great dose for events, creativity, vivid mindscapes, and noticeable visuals.]

[Under Entheogenic Threshold]
Most that intend to have a level 3 trip and do not take enough usually get here. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. -

Level 2 ~ {50ugs - 100ugs}
Recommended to not work at Level 2.

(increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 50ugs becomes more intense than above the line.)
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125 - 350 ugs: " ~ Common-High 'tripping' effects. A lot like 1.20 grams - 3 grams of shrooms ['new cubes'], with a longer duration. This is where things get intense. These are the main dosages people try to get to if they looking for LSD's 'tripping' effects. The peak is usually always uncomfortable and intense at first for people with no tolerance / experience {esp. at 250+ugs}. Try working Your way up. Dilated, mysterious, eerie pupils. Cotton 'moist' mouth / body shivers / vasoconstriction. {This effect is less desirable the higher the dose}. Effects come on 45 minutes - 90 minutes after administration. Peaking effects last 5-6 hours. Coming down effects lasts another 5+ hours. Recommended to not to go out in public or drive on doses this high!!!

When these doses are over used spiritual progression / blockage may come up. ~Megalomania may also come up [Profound over analyzations may manifest Themselves within the self conscious matrix]. Cannabis and other drugs mixed with LSD can really set this off. Nothing a psychonaut can't handle... It's good to educate Yourself on what LSD does before doing it and taking a "2-3 day" break from acid, smoke some good reefer instead, and watching the tele is always good. Most always report a Level 3 experience but some can report a Level 4 experience mixed with other drugs.
[Hang over effects and tolerance issues increase after consecutive drops such as being spun out, aggression, depression, and boredom]
~ Healing / Spiritual experiences - Deep therapeutic & psychological reflection. Spiritual awakenings are common.
Strong emotional experiences and memory flashbacks [this can be incredibly painful and/or incredibly beautiful].
Very heightened sense to vibes, energy, and awareness. Music vividly affects mood. This is where ego loss really starts to become a thing [13-35%]. Aura air wave visuals [i.e. color / opaque / hue changing visuals.]. Surfaces are bejeweled, embossed, and can be in motion. Designs, kaleidoscopes, and Tessellations are all over surfaces and the ground. Psychedelic polka dots, honeycomb patterns, speed racing rainbows, bubble tints, and 'visual snow'.
Pronounced recognition / awareness. Mind boggling / abnormal phenomenon may happen. Some perspective convergences. Focal point landscapes [i.e. expanding clouds, moonlit nights, rolling thunder, and heavenly rays.]
Synesthesia is absolutely present, contrasted, and realistic [memory flashbacks are common].
Meaningful moments, Fancy evenings, and harlequin romance. Gasoline glow, red hot tide, GTA, and hot pursuit.
Extremely vivid imagination and actual, graphic TEVisuals. Closed eye visuals appear; [can be 3Dimensional and very entertaining.] The coming down effects are amazing.
-Experiences can be Whimsical / Playful / Scary.

150 ugs - Aura "Ripples" and see through "Waves" over lay your field of vision. Patterns from all different cultures appear on walls, surfaces, faces etc. Meaningful & emotional insight into His/Her life. Vivid visual and cognition enhancement [compared to 100ugs]. Contemplative and empathic thoughts. Visuals are so saturated and attractive that One can get caught staring at a wall for hours. Very sensitive to energy. [sounds are wider/deeper, emotions are strong and heavy, feelings and senses are vividly stimulated]. -There usually is a noticeable after glow and there can be some side effects when this dose is over used; such as tiredness or hang over sensitivities.
Many people can handle it quite well but some may freak out.
[ Effects are a lot like 100 micrograms but more profound. ]

200 ugs - This dose is valued as Vital and for those looking to seek LSD's healing powers; lasts around 12 hours.
Life changing, spiritual experiences or realization can happen at this dose. There can be some disorientation [i.e. slight loss of senses and direction]. Rushing brain activity. Colorful visuals are everywhere. Rise of anticipation and extreme sense to energy. ClosedEyeVisuals & OpenEyeVisuals are very apparent at this point. Progressive ideas and manifestations [making things happen]. 200-250 micrograms of LSD is considered 'sacrament' and 'entheogenic'.

- Experimental / Frightening.

250 ugs - This dose is the dose Albert Hoffman, the creator of LSD tried when he first dosed himself to see what LSD's effects were like. This is the classic and legendary acid trip dosage; "This is a full on acid trip, man." This dose is intense as fuck! [25% filtered]~ Remarkable, life transformational experiences. Speed racing color enhancement and rich sensory input. The peak is very intense, delightful, or even scary. Long and detailed after imaging / trails / shuttering. High bet chances of lifestyle benefit and/or wreckage [after consecutive doses and/or mixed with other drugs]. -With no tolerance there is usually a profound after glow.
With a tolerance, 'triggers' can set You off very easily.
-Closed eye visuals are amazing at this dose. -Sacrament - Do not abuse or take lightly. This dose and higher is not for partying. -Can see patterning and trails 45 minutes after administration. -Strong attraction to natural light and fresh cool air. -Major energy sense on come up.
A lot like 2.3 grams of shrooms [psilocybe cubensis], with a longer duration.

300 ugs - You're getting into heavy territory. Your visual field starts to become fractalized. Black and White, Hubcaped, laced lattice. Closed eye visuals begin to blend with OEVs. Objects and things looking different and/or moved [a little bit of reality loss]. Detailed trails, tracers, and after imaging. Some report experiencing crossing the space / time continuum [one up or breakthrough]. Emotions on high response and past regressions will come up [this can be incredibly painful and/or incredibly beautiful]. Extremely vivid memory / time lapses, absorbing flashbacks and Third Eye visions. Communication with nature [birds, animals, etc.].
One 'hit' of LSD can get You here ~
"That was so unbelievably intense on My mind and spirit. I cannot sleep."

You're getting into powerful places. Recommended that the tripper work his / her way up to this type of dosage [be it; experience or taking 21+ microdosages]. Level 3 unless mixed with other drugs [ive seen a person FLIP OUT on 2 tabs and 1/3 of a gram of molly before]. Its a lot like 250 micrograms or 3 grams of shrooms and lasts a whole lot longer. However, getting into the 300ugs rage of LSD... There will be intense energy / body shivers and noticeable tryptamine shakes/muscle aches; for hours. {While 250-ugs has less aches.} Trigger point / myofacial release techniques and hydrotherapy relieves these effects.
If you have never done LSD, 300+ug is simply too much for you.

Still not considered by most to be a heavy dose, but thats only because they know where most people including themselves draw the line.

Level 3 ~ {125ugs - 350ugs} <-------


(increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 100ugs becomes more intense than above the line.)

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400-650 ugs- Heavy 'tripping' effects. A lot like 'an eighth' - 6 grams of mushrooms [dried]. [Psychotic episodes may happen] Pretty much where even some of the most experienced people draw the line. If One has no tolerance or experience with LSD; fear, panic, and terror is common. There is a hypersensitivity to 'self', temperature, and the environment. Unusual thoughts, actions, and speech is common. Jaw clenching. Overwhelming muscle aches, energy / body shivers and noticeable tryptamine shakes. [Which is not only exhausting but could provoke a psychotic episode.] Tryptamine pressure and bodily sensations.
Some are reporting an "ego death" or the feeling of losing Your body / ego.

Disorientation, disassociation and confusion can happen; which could lead to unwanted or dangerous experiences.
Look more into 'disorientation' and how that can be an unpleasant experience; to say the least.

These doses and higher can be physically and psychologically dangerous to anyone. Effects come on within the first 3 minutes - half hour. Peaking effects last 6-7 hours. Coming down effects lasts another 5+ hours. [Some people take this much acid [or more] on accident because they did not know how much acid they had in their possession.] [Most people would never take this much acid unless they knew how much they have in their possession and really want to get pretty far out there.] Cannabis initiates flashbacks and other unknown effects. This can be viewed as detrimental or absolutely the coolest thing a person could ever experience. It is extremely important to eat, sleep, and stay healthy when redosing and/or taking doses this high.
~All effects stated above { 10 ugs - 350 ugs } absolutely could be present. These doses are absolutely life changing and innovative. Full empathy and 'tripping' effects; the biometric reality filter is bypassed [
40%-60%]. Extreme rise of anticipation. Profound, weird, & intense introspective personal scenarios; revelations may happen. A series of rapidly changing or consistent feelings / emotions emerge. (225ugs x2-3) ( curious, joyful, egoless, blissful, giddy, fearful, sad, angry, uncertain, distrusting, irritated, relieved, courageous, comforted, exhausted, excited..etc). Profound recognition and contemplative insights into Your attitude, situations, lifestyle, and awareness. ~ Strong hallucinations, perspective convergences, and visuals. (i.e. everything is in motion, colourful rainbows are literally everywhere, objects can breathe or turn into other objects..etc ). Synesthesia senses come on strong and blends everything together. 'Everything goes together'. Extraordinary weather conditions x3. Extremely extraordinary spiritual experiences. Music can be so intense/profound that You can taste it. Peak effects seem to keep going and going, this is overwhelming. Closed Eye Visuals dissipate the moment the come down starts. Mysterious, unforgettable TEVs; prophecies, visions, and premonitions. Out of Body Experiences and Astral Projections are possible.
-Experiences can be Intense / Overwhelming / Life Changing.

400 ugs- Everything is in motion. This is where things start to get real insane, very intense, and outrageous. Intense hallucinations, visions, and imaginative experiences. People usually report this dose as life changing and very thought provoking. There can be some blending of the senses (i.e. feeling colors etc..). Time distortions and some "moments of eternity". Empathy and understanding in the 'self', ego, universe, or other such names. There is a dissolving into consciousness. 1/3 identity loss, alchemical oscillation [the experience can go any direction], or You find Yourself contradicting multiple things simultaneously.
Disorientation, disassociation and confusion may appear.

This is where You can really start to lose touch with reality. There is an extreme heightened sense of awareness of Your own feelings and drive. The ability to discern can get thrown off; which in turn causes over analyzing an event, thought/s, situation, or idea/s. It is recommended that there be a trustworthy person to watch over the tripper just in case he/she would do something that could be a potential hazard. [More likely to respond to suggestive stimuli]. 400+ micrograms is considered a Heavy dose of LSD.

500 ugs- Hallucinations and visuals are absolutely present. [i.e. fractals lay over everything, there can be some x-ray vision..etc] Time becomes meaningless. DMT body high. Alice in wonderland like scenarios. Things start talking to You. Powerful - Profound life changing experiences. Futuristic / historic visual improvements, trails, and designs within floors, surfaces, faces etc.. Intense dissolving and separation of the ego; strong empathy and Some loss of reality. Ability to almost see through matter during peak effects. TEVs and CEVs are absolutely guaranteed [i.e. never ending fractals, calendars, history, symbols, time travel...etc]. Strong energy stimulant, instinctual force, and psychedelic movement.

600ugs- is very similar to 500ugs.

Level 3 - 4 ~ {400ugs - 650ugs}

(increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 150ugs becomes more intense than above the line.)
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750 ugs - Heroic 'tripping' effects. A lot like 7+ grams of shrooms. [Psychotic episodes and/or blackouts are common]
Definite crossing into the space / time continuum. OBE, NDE and ESP type phenomena is common.
Visuals containing imagery from Hindu, Aztec, Mayan, Native American, Indian and African cultures is quite common.
Profound, intense, detailed, digitally moving, and animated kaleidoscopic CEVs and flower of life OEVs [much like DMT]. Life changing personal revelations; Idealistic, antagonistic, spiritual, and mystical experiences. Still conscious; however "remembering bits and pieces". Difficulty integrating visuals or recalling experience [not to mention the length]. Obvious blending or confusion of the senses (i.e. smelling or tasting colors, seeing music etc..).
X - ray vision [ability to see through objects or matter]. Intense trails, after imaging, and perspective convergences. TEVs essentially take over the whole experience; really.
- Astounding / Terrifying [200 mics x 4].

Total trip lasts around 16-18 Hours. Side effect hang over effects last 24+ hours. [ This is where "more acid" becomes less important because the effects are very similar to an even higher dosage {with no tolerance}.

Also... This is also where "more acid" becomes less important because the visuals and effects dissipate {with a tolerance} ] (Exhaustion is common. There will be a lot of tiredness the next day.) Taking a day off or two from work after the experience is a really good idea. Recommended that the tripper work His / Her way up to these types of dosages.

1,000 ugs - Most people won't go there without a tolerance. Providing a quality Set and Setting and shaman [someone who has experienced a dosage this high or higher] is extremely advised. If not prepared nor experienced; some people will think they are dying. Many would end up dialing 911 if they were alone and could read the numbers on the phone.
~ Rapid come up and intense tryptamine rushes. DMT like visuals, body high, and phenomena. Fierce energy and Lysergic power [psychedelic movement x2]. Strung out TEV time lapses. The transition between each moment seems to blends together. [Reports of experiencing past, present, and future events happening; all at once. Such as rolling a blunt inside, going outside, sparking it up, going back inside, and seeing it all happen in a matter of one
instant. or the experience becomes so immense that it is very difficult to interpret and reintegrate.] Almost complete loss of ego; 3/4 identity loss, getting close to that saturation point. TEVs seem to invoke or spawn consciousness into actuality. Your mind as a whole is infinitely connected with its self and your external environment. Your intellect and observations become one. - Closed eye visuals appear 20-30 minutes in and are absolutely breathtaking. Microdots used to get people here before Lysergic Acid Diethylamide started to become more regulated.
-Amazing things happen on this dose; no matter what.

{LSD is much like any benzodiazepine at heavy-heavier dosages}
[LSD at higher dosages can bring on dissociative-like effects; which can be
very dangerous].
During the peak, all You can basically see is visuals. For some, physical motion can be immensely disassociating, difficult or disorienting. Unwanted and overwhelming experiences can arise if not prepared or experienced.

Level 4 - Level 5 ~ {750ugs - 1,200ugs +}

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1,200 ugs- Very Heroic 'tripping' effects. Complete loss of ego and mental coordination.
"The Saturation Point" - This dosage and higher is when Your neuroreceptors are flooded with the molecule.
With no tolerance, You get the furthest You can possibly go while still having the slightest touch with reality.
Even though what is going on is completely changed, altered, and lysergic. Mystical intervention x2.
Complete loss of reality. Where the 'impossible' becomes "Possible".
It would scare most people shitless because they were not ready for that dose.

[It's a lot like 750ugs just getting a little too dangerous]

1,500 ugs- Very few people have used this much LSD at once.
Paranoia, terror, panic, and mania are very common at these doses. It is VERY psychologically dangerous for some people to do this dose. You can no longer really see your own hand in front of your face. Merging with space, other objects, or the universe. Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. Your cognition and vision are both bathed in the same light. You will lose your ego, but you will meet many organizers of human cognition in this egoless place.
They are much smarter than human beings. They are the mathematicians behind consciousness and even the visuals themselves. "they" *are self conscious psychology. They are the mathematicians behind consciousness and even the visuals themselves. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies explanation. The earlier levels are relatively easier to handle and explain in terms of measurable changes in perception, reality, and thought patterns. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies logic. This level is different in that the actual universe within which things are normally perceived, ceases to exist!

Extremely profound 'ego death' effects. [100%]
& profound loop / thought lessons. Satorienlightenment (and other such labels).
[It's almost exactly like 1,200 micrograms and 1,700 micrograms.]

9,600 ugs - [Thumbprint] ~ This is where the whole dynamic of an LSD trip turns not only into an experience but a dream in Itself. Absolute detachment from reality and extremely preoccupied mental / thought comprehension. This dosage is literally like dying and coming back to life. Extremely profound, deep, contemplative, meaningful, introspective thoughts will arise. ~ Divine intervention. Senses on overdrive. Angel or Demon interaction / encounters. Warm & blissful. Pure, complete bliss/terror/solitude/spookiness/unsureness/contentment. Visually experiencing the environment folding in on itself like a pop up book. People report feeling ALL the good and bad feelings they ever made anyone feel or felt from anyone else. [life flashing before Your very eyes]. Intense wall dripping / ego shattering [dissolving of reality visual phenomenon.] Intense release of endorphins [dopamine surges / serotonin ecstasy / adrenaline rushes]. Feelings of getting electrocuted and/or abducted. Some of the most profound energetic experiences are reported. Interactions with galaxies, technological / ancient landscapes, and quasars. Nuclear holocaust type scenarios. Futuristic, communicative ceremonies. Melding into the environment. All consuming visuals / out of body experiences / near death experiences. Strong - profound feeling of connection to set and setting / universe. Most people will be so high that they will not want to move / can't move for hours; [dmt sleep mode] ~Landscapes reaching out for eons. Animals and DNA becomes subject. Beams of energy visually pour out emotions, liquid, metal, jewels, silica..etc. You will have an absolute loss of ego. The Out of Body Experience is so profound, One will gain insights upon His/Herself, no matter what. DMT phenomena. [It is advised to fast and go to the bathroom before dosing a thumbprint.]
Peak lasts 12+ hours. ~~~ [DMT "Breakthrough"]

Level 5 ~ {1,200ugs +}


More research notes: All dosage information on the effects of LSD may vary person to person.
Each microgram {ug} benchmark and trip level reached is pretty spot on [in this thread].
However, You may experience some of the effects said in other microgram ranges. Also if You were to take 1,500 micrograms {for example} over a period of time [6-10 hours] in consecutive dosages [total trip/s {together} lasting 16+ hours], You technically can get some of the said effects from that said dosage range. More information found in the 750ugs section of this thread. It is important to stay informed and updated with Your doses, knowledge, and quality of LSD.


A dose 700 mics [level 4] and above will show anyone some very profound things.
Doses like 500 ugs [level 3 - level 4]+ and above have changed many lives
in both positive and negative ways.
[ source: ]



OBE = Out of Body Experiences
NDE = Near Death Experiences
ESP = Extra Sensory Perception
OEV = Open Eye Visuals
CEV = Closed Eye Visuals
TEV = Third Eye Visuals [Synesthetic imagery]

10 ugs - Microdose [increase of focus and energy].
Feeling LSD's effects to the slightest. Rushing senses [conscious or not].
Marijuana increases the effects of LSD.

Lasts longer and is similar to a microdose [0.1 grams] of shrooms.

20 ugs - Some euphoria, extreme mood lift, and body high. {10ugs x 2}
Synesthesia [a state of mind that reintegrates the senses] or confusion can appear. Visual acuity is enhanced, micro perspective convergences. and some unpredictable object torsion {this effect increases with dosage}.
Creativity and pleasure becomes very apparent. Extraordinary weather conditions. Total effects last about 8 hours. Slight rise in tolerance.

1STingle Microdose Increments
['Maths', Diverging Crescendo, Geometry key]:

50 - 60 microgram tabs = 1/2 of a Tab
150 microgram tabs = # 9
250 microgram tabs = 16 squares [google: '16 squares']
360 microgram tabs = 21+ pieces
550 microgram tabs = 45+ pieces


30 ugs - Low 'tripping' effects. Some use this as a 'microdose'
[additional increase of focus and energy].
A little bit more sensitive to emotions and energy. Going in and out of consciousness is common. Your imagination is increased and improved. Very slight visuals, patterning, and optical illusions start to appear. Slight sensory enhancement [colors, emotions, and senses are amplified a little bit]. Appreciation for music. Some Third Eye Visuals.
No Closed Eye Visuals, at all.

40 ugs - Clearly buzzing and undergoing LSD's effects. Slight breach out of the ego barrier [aka 'tripping' but still 'sober']. Beneficial increase of energy, confidence, accuracy, and courage. Mild 'Synesthesia', euphoria, or confusion can appear x2. Some psychedelia; [i.e. some flashing, 'trippy' moments, appreciation and some awareness...etc]
CEVs are barley noticeable. There is an enhancement of the imagination and there can be some minor TEVs [a great dose for meditation]. Hedonism and endurance hang overs
from over use [such as depression, aggression, and/or boredom]. {360+ micrograms in a week}

Level 1 ~ {10ugs - 40ugs}


50 ugs - Medium 'tripping' effects. {Slow come up with no tolerance.} Starting to feel the next level of LSD's effects, especially with cannabis.
Your field of vision is brighter, colors are more vibrant. There is some more flashing, after imaging, and noticeable trails.
Your thought patterns are noticeably altered. Brain high and euphoric energy; mental and physical stimulation. {Interesting cognition.}
Focus and visual clarity is further increased; along with distractive thought patterns. Heightened sense of awareness and intellect. Obvious change in consciousness. A lot more sensitive to energy and vibes.
Some barley get any closed eye visuals at all; some do very easily.
-This dosage makes for a good time, even though it isn't considered 'tripping'.

Lasts longer than You think and is similar to a low dose of shrooms or incredibly high amounts of cannabis.

75 ugs - This is where You start to feel LSD’s ‘tripping’ effects. {Slow come up, Eye dilation can be prominent. Rise of anticipation.}
Bright colors; surfaces start to bend or breathe slightly [there can be some shuttering and fluttering]. Left and Right brain cues and signals. You start to think a lot more; a vast increase in brain activity and appreciation.
Insightful thoughts and memorable moments of clarity. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories surface and emerge.
Change of short term memory lapses leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Distracted or reminiscent thoughts; especially with marijuana.
Closed eye visuals can be apparent. Sensitive to energy, vibes, and music. Extraordinary weather conditions x2.
- This is a great dose to go out in nature and on hikes with.
- Very real looking surroundings
- Noticeable changes in reality and perception.
- Sensory and sensual enhancement [Food smells / tastes amazing].
- Slow come up with no tolerance ["should we take another?"]

Lasts longer and is similar to 1 gram of shrooms or 150 mgs of MDMA.

100 ugs - The most sought after LSD dosage [Deep meditation and meaningful appreciation] - "Yup! I feel it."
Visuals are getting more obvious now [i.e. tracers, trails, shimmering...etc]. Natural perception filter is somewhat dropped [by 10%].
A large increase in appreciation and surreal thoughts; trippy sensory stimulation & enhancement. Profound wonder, expansive thoughts, and synchronicities [Memory Trances are possible.].
Some people have been caught laughing their arses off for no reason at this dose [literally to the point where they grow a six pack ab].
Profound over analyzations, epiphanies, and mystery can arise [especially when mixing with cannabis]. Some realistic imagery, 'make belief' visions & imaginary thought trains [Third Eye Visuals].
Going in and out of consciousness is very common. Very sensitive to energy and vibes. Synesthesia, euphoria, or confusion can appear x3. There is some CEVs [2dimensional especially with cannabis]

[A great dose for events, creativity, vivid mindscapes, and noticeable visuals.]

[Under Entheogenic Threshold]
Most that intend to have a level 3 trip and do not take enough usually get here. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. -

Level 2 ~ {50ugs - 100ugs}
Recommended to not work at Level 2.

(increments I mention will stay the same but the effects of upping it 50ugs becomes more intense than above the line.)

Bro, I just read an article talking about the black market Kool Aid trade....serious

Apparently, some of the older, rare packs are going for hundreds of dollars....lmao
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