6 site dwc pot size maximum yield


I have a 9x9 room but am limited to 6 flowering plants at one time since i'm from Massachusetts.

I'm looking at a rdwc setup but was wondering whats the best gallon size to grow trees?
Would there any benefit in using six 27 gallon storage totes so the roots can grow huge vs 5 gallon buckets?
Working around these storage bins might a pain but if there increase yield substantially then it will be worth it.



The 27-gallon HDX totes are the perfect containers, if space is available. Super tough, flat surfaces for bulkheads, really inexpensive, much higher capacity than two buckets, essentially taking up the same footprint.

As far as how much to get out of your space, you should really be asking, "How much do I plan on consuming?". In my 4x4 tent, where I generally grow 4 plants, via RDWC, I can pull at least 1.5 lbs every 3 to 4 months, under a 1k hps. I consume quite a bit (4 or 5 oz/mo), and I only grow for myself. I grow enough to make it through the next grow, as well as another, if I want to go on vacation, or I have a crop failure. The more you grow, the more it's going to cost you in money, time, and resources. A lot of new growers want to grow the most they possibly can, in the amount of space available, but a lot of times that's way too much.

The amount of weed you grow isn't necessarily related to the amount of plants you have. I can grow a single 25' tall Super Silver Haze that'll produce more than several smaller plants inside. Given the time, I can grow a single plant indoors, and produce as much as several plants in the same space, growing via SCROG. So, you may want to grow four plants using a net, then you can also have a mother plant or two. You'd just veg them longer so you can fill out the net, and have a full canopy.

Take a look at my thread, and you'll see how I've got mine set up...

damn, i thought me and wifey smoked a bunch! you got us beat. lol.
I actually rarely smoke. I use my arizer tabletop vaporizer, that I've had for 10 years. I pack a new bowl for every balloon I fill, so the flavor is always the best, which accounts for some of that. I could probably get another balloon or two, but I'm not a fan of the burnt popcorn flavor :)

I fight fairly severe fibromyalgia, along with injuries from the military, and gave up heavy drinking and opiates, including morphine, years ago. I'm really active, so to have my body keep up with my projects, I have to get fairly numb.

Oh yeah, I also have my dab rig, and I go through around a gram a week.
I actually rarely smoke. I use my arizer tabletop vaporizer, that I've had for 10 years. I pack a new bowl for every balloon I fill, so the flavor is always the best, which accounts for some of that. I could probably get another balloon or two, but I'm not a fan of the burnt popcorn flavor :)

I fight fairly severe fibromyalgia, along with injuries from the military, and gave up heavy drinking and opiates, including morphine, years ago. I'm really active, so to have my body keep up with my projects, I have to get fairly numb.

Oh yeah, I also have my dab rig, and I go through around a gram a week.
Thinking of purchasing parts for a DWC system.
i was hoping someone might chime in on best air pumps and chillers at reasonable prices.
I am thinking about using 4 totes similar to the one posted from home depot and have them each run on their own airstones.
I have heard linear air pumps are much more quiet and powerful.
Anyone have a setup they are willing to discuss?
Thinking of purchasing parts for a DWC system.
i was hoping someone might chime in on best air pumps and chillers at reasonable prices.
I am thinking about using 4 totes similar to the one posted from home depot and have them each run on their own airstones.
I have heard linear air pumps are much more quiet and powerful.
Anyone have a setup they are willing to discuss?

In the most polite way, I'll remind you that it's bad etiquette to jack someone's thread.

But I will answer your question. Look at my thread. There are tons of talks and pics, and you can get an idea of how those totes look set up.
It's actually more like 3 to 4, now that I think about it.

is that vape you mentioned similar to a volcano?

but yeah, i know what you mean about that burnt taste. i probably tossed a bunch of my vape material that could have had 2 or 3 more hits. i have an old Vapolution which is decent but it's really designed for single use. i've been looking for a new one for multiple players.
you could also try aquarium stores. see if they have any used models. when you say hydroponic chiller it adds on to the price instead of just a plain old aquarium chiller. lol.
Anything grow related costs more lol
Thanks I have lots of time to plan wont be till fall till i setup that.
Got my UV from HLG today and their red QB18 'S so need to work on my lights this week sure took alot more time and money that I ever thought but I don't buy junk nor would I buy without plenty of research that is why RUI is such a great place.
In the most polite way, I'll remind you that it's bad etiquette to jack someone's thread.

But I will answer your question. Look at my thread. There are tons of talks and pics, and you can get an idea of how those totes look set up.
I will read it over.
Didn't mean to jack OP's thread
is that vape you mentioned similar to a volcano?

but yeah, i know what you mean about that burnt taste. i probably tossed a bunch of my vape material that could have had 2 or 3 more hits. i have an old Vapolution which is decent but it's really designed for single use. i've been looking for a new one for multiple players.

I actually like it better than the Volcano. I've had mine for years, then I decided to get a Volcano. I ended up selling it a short time later.

I don't know if it's just because I know mine, but I can get the thickest, most potent, and most flavorful balloons off that thing. It's so much cheaper than the Volcano, and you can just use turkey bags from Walmart, when you need to change them.

I'm not knocking the Volcano in any way. It definitely has it's advantages over the Arizer. For one, it takes 3 to 4 minutes to fill a balloon with an Arizer (fan on 2 for best vapor), compared to about 30 seconds with the Volcano. So, it takes about as much time as it does to brew a pot of coffee. However, I equate the two as, the Volcano is like coffee from a coffee maker, while the Arizer is like a French Press. It's a little more work, but the results are worth it!

Check it out...https://arizer.com/extreme-q/

It's only $169, and they ship really quick. Although, I think they change for shipping to the US.
I have a 9x9 room but am limited to 6 flowering plants at one time since i'm from Massachusetts.

I'm looking at a rdwc setup but was wondering whats the best gallon size to grow trees?
Would there any benefit in using six 27 gallon storage totes so the roots can grow huge vs 5 gallon buckets?
Working around these storage bins might a pain but if there increase yield substantially then it will be worth it.



That's what I did and I grew monsters!
It's only $169, and they ship really quick. Although, I think they change for shipping to the US.
damn, that's cheap. i think i know what to ask wifey for my b'day this year! the price of the volcano was holding me back, glad to see there is an alternative.