Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!

And you can lead a whore to culture but you can't make them think.

You prove this every post.

I see what you did there, horticulture.

Yet more evidence that the Syrian chemical attacks were staged, aka false flag actions.
Gee, another article by the same crank. Wow, all that same "evidence" printed in a hundred shady blogs really makes ya think.


It makes me think "what the fuck is wrong with Tty?".

Still waiting for the evidence of the OPCW "certifying" this "leaked report". But there isn't any. Oh, you can link one of your thought guides twisting their words - that will be all you need since it conforms with what you want to believe. Because ... Vulcan Logic and the Iron Law of Prostitutions.

You are a simple soul. Low and simple.
Gee, another article by the same crank. Wow, all that same "evidence" printed in a hundred shady blogs really makes ya think.


It makes me think "what the fuck is wrong with Tty?".

Still waiting for the evidence of the OPCW "certifying" this "leaked report". But there isn't any. Oh, you can link one of your thought guides twisting their words - that will be all you need since it conforms with what you want to believe. Because ... Vulcan Logic and the Iron Law of Prostitutions.

You are a simple soul. Low and simple.
He keeps crawling through the sewers of the internet and occasionally shows us soft brown nuggets of "truth" like this.
Imagine the accomplishment of memorizing all the propaganda published by Putin and Assad on this subject.
Betcha he didn't even think up the idea of firebombing people's homes.

Sad. He really is the least imaginative useful idiot ever. Putin deserves better.
Speaking of useful idiots, why don't you volunteer to go defend America's interests in Syria?
Again you are making things up - as usual. For you, the biggest sin is criticizing (sorry, criticising) you, and anybody who does so you automatically assume the worst. It's just about your only tactic.

So if you post some obvious bullshit about the Carter Foundation "certifying" Maduro's election and one of us points out that your source is full of shit, you come back with the accusation that we support war with Venezuela.

If you regurgitate some half baked propaganda about how the US is false flagging about the Syrian chemical weapons attack or the Novichok attack, you claim that this is somehow proof of us supporting corporate interests.

I know you like to think that you are some sort of ultra-pure vanguard of the revolution, but you aren't. You are just a pompous, pretentious twat with sub-par intelligence who believes fake news and is easily manipulated.

What, what, guv'nor?
Again you are making things up - as usual. For you, the biggest sin is criticizing (sorry, criticising) you, and anybody who does so you automatically assume the worst. It's just about your only tactic.

So if you post some obvious bullshit about the Carter Foundation "certifying" Maduro's election and one of us points out that your source is full of shit, you come back with the accusation that we support war with Venezuela.

If you regurgitate some half baked propaganda about how the US is false flagging about the Syrian chemical weapons attack or the Novichok attack, you claim that this is somehow proof of us supporting corporate interests.

I know you like to think that you are some sort of ultra-pure vanguard of the revolution, but you aren't. You are just a pompous, pretentious twat with sub-par intelligence who believes fake news and is easily manipulated.

What, what, guv'nor?

No one said America was behind the false flag attacks, dimwit.

The 'American backed' (but then abandoned) rebel militia did it in order to suck America back into the conflict because they were getting their asses kicked by Assad's forces.

Now British MPs are asking tough questions about this story of soon to be ex Prime Minister May. It seems I'm far from the only one who thinks shenanigans are afoot.

But keep advertising how disinformed you are, it's entertaining if nothing else.
Yes, attacking another nation without provocation is a war crime; it's exactly the same thing Hitler did to Poland in 1939.
That is how the postwar propaganda narrative goes. You only have to read Hitlers speech to see that Germany declared war in response to polish attacks on german civilians and border guards. Prior to this, polish Marshal Rydz-Smigley had stated in the british press that ”Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to”. Brits gave him their guarantees, and so it went.

As for false flag chemical weapons attacks carried out by US/Israeli/Saudi sponsored terrorists in Syria, Theodor Postols article was an interesting read. I remember planning for such attacks was revealed in Britam email hacks back in 2013, in which military contractors discussed an offer to transport chemical weapons from Libya to Syria for use in false flag operations. Funny how it ties into Libya with all that went down in Benghazi.

”the White House and senior Congressional members deliberately and knowingly pursued a policy that provided material support to terrorist organizations”

No one said America was behind the false flag attacks, dimwit.

The 'American backed' (but then abandoned) rebel militia did it in order to suck America back into the conflict because they were getting their asses kicked by Assad's forces.

Now British MPs are asking tough questions about this story of soon to be ex Prime Minister May. It seems I'm far from the only one who thinks shenanigans are afoot.

But keep advertising how disinformed you are, it's entertaining if nothing else.
Just curious, please post your source that British MPs are asking tough questions about this story to soon to be ex-Prime Minister May.
That is how the postwar propaganda narrative goes. You only have to read Hitlers speech to see that Germany declared war in response to polish attacks on german civilians and border guards. Prior to this, polish Marshal Rydz-Smigley had stated in the british press that ”Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to”. Brits gave him their guarantees, and so it went.

As for false flag chemical weapons attacks carried out by US/Israeli/Saudi sponsored terrorists in Syria, Theodor Postols article was an interesting read. I remember planning for such attacks was revealed in Britam email hacks back in 2013, in which military contractors discussed an offer to transport chemical weapons from Libya to Syria for use in false flag operations. Funny how it ties into Libya with all that went down in Benghazi.

”the White House and senior Congressional members deliberately and knowingly pursued a policy that provided material support to terrorist organizations”

Glad to see that the IRA has given Tty some backup.
Typical; you're proven wrong straight to your face- so you whine about the source.

You're a fraud. Go vote for Trump.

another obscure site doesn't prove anything.

You lost the right to call anybody a fraud when you were arrested for pimping your abused and brutalized whore in that Wyoming parking lot.