Biden won't beat Trump

too larry

Well-Known Member
Not a great week for Joe. He's not as light on his feet as he used to be. The flip flop on the Hyde Amendment was not handled very well. It may well have to had happened, but his team should have done a better job of it.


Well-Known Member
If the result of the Democratic primary is changed from who the majority of the Democratic voters choose by the Democratic party superdelegates, will you oppose it or not?

Don't say it won't be. Don't say it can't be. That's not what is being asked and you know it. You know what's being asked.

If voters choose Sanders, but he fails to earn 51%, then the superdelegates choose Biden, will you support Biden, who the superdelegates want, or Sanders, who the voters want?

Simple question. If you beat around the bush in answering it again, we all know who you will support, it'll be a tacit admission that you will support the superdelegates decision and Biden completely subverting democracy, like the authoritarian you are
remember when sanders tried to use superdelegates to overturn the will of the voters who chose hillary and you were a big fan of that?


Well-Known Member
didn't even read it.

it's your lashing out that's funny.
Yeah, sure.

You only reply when your panties get into a twist. That's how I know when my shot hit its mark. Like this one did.

I don't ever read your posts unless they are directed at me. An idiot like you isn't worth the time.


Well-Known Member
Not a great week for Joe. He's not as light on his feet as he used to be. The flip flop on the Hyde Amendment was not handled very well. It may well have to had happened, but his team should have done a better job of it.
He's supported the 43 year old amendment his entire career. Until now.

I wonder what happened to change his mind?

too larry

Well-Known Member
He's supported the 43 year old amendment his entire career. Until now.

I wonder what happened to change his mind?
Almost all Dems have supported it. Forever the Hyde was a way for both sides to agree to the status quo. That is not working right now.

Tonight on the Newshour, Mark Shields was saying it was because of the red states doing all they can to outlaw abortion. It just looked bad the ham-handed way his staff handled it.


Well-Known Member
Almost all Dems have supported it. Forever the Hyde was a way for both sides to agree to the status quo. That is not working right now.

Tonight on the Newshour, Mark Shields was saying it was because of the red states doing all they can to outlaw abortion. It just looked bad the ham-handed way his staff handled it.
Henry (Hyde) was my congressman. I knew him well. He was actually a decent guy.


Well-Known Member
Almost all Dems have supported it. Forever the Hyde was a way for both sides to agree to the status quo. That is not working right now.

Tonight on the Newshour, Mark Shields was saying it was because of the red states doing all they can to outlaw abortion. It just looked bad the ham-handed way his staff handled it.
I was being facetious. The Hyde amendment was a truce of sorts that has been broken. Biden has a long track record and politics of yesteryear give a bad look today. Personally, I think it would have been for the best if Biden had retired with Hillary. He didn't and so he has to explain his then-acceptable policies to people who quite rightly say that a woman's right to choose is a right, not something that can be bartered.


Well-Known Member
What a weak basket to put all your eggs in..
May we please have a Democratic Party primary before we select the candidate to run in the fall? I'm not all that interested in having either Bernie or Biden in the WH. I'm going to wait until after the debates and probably longer before selecting my choice for the nomination.

Biden is old school and his heyday was in the early 90's, a much more centrist if not conservative era for Democrats. Also systemically racist. I'm not really interested in thawing out Biden from the cryo-chamber and bringing his views into power in this era.

Still, he's leagues better than Trump. I'd vote for him in the fall. I'd vote for Bernie too, even with all my misgivings about him.


Well-Known Member
May we please have a Democratic Party primary before we select the candidate to run in the fall? I'm not all that interested in having either Bernie or Biden in the WH. I'm going to wait until after the debates and probably longer before selecting my choice for the nomination.

Biden is old school and his heyday was in the early 90's, a much more centrist if not conservative era for Democrats. Also systemically racist. I'm not really interested in thawing out Biden from the cryo-chamber and bringing his views into power in this era.

Still, he's leagues better than Trump. I'd vote for him in the fall. I'd vote for Bernie too, even with all my misgivings about him.
They're fucking desperate. You can see it in the way they are packing the early venues before most normal people really start to pay close attention to the candidates. My guess is that the same foreign actors who set up events via the internet in 2016 are still up to it now in an attempt to make these goofs seem more relevant.

The telling thing is that when most people's political activity will increase closer to the election, the activity of these people will start to decrease. Its just another attempt to divide American society and they are just the useful idiots to do it.

I think one of their ultimate goals is to create a highly vocal and visible cadre of so-called "social justice warriors" that are so odious, irrational and stupid (I am thinking about you @ttystikk - that is why I love you so much and relish your posts) that they live up to the stereotypes that many of the Trump voters have of them. If the Russians can make it seem like the alternative to Trump is these people, they stand a pretty good chance of getting Trump elected again.

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Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton was way back in the pack in June of 1991. Someone we are not talking about could catch a wave.
Like who?
I'll make the same bet substitute Bernie
Populist progressive left is the only way to defeat Trump

Milquetoast centrist candidates like Biden won't energize the progressive base. People don't care enough to go out and vote for a candidate that doesn't offer them anything in return, and "Trump BAD!" didn't work in 2016, it most assuredly won't work in 2020

Like I said before, vote for a candidate like Biden in the Dem primary and you're ensuring Trump's 2nd term


Well-Known Member
Like I said before, vote for a candidate like Biden in the Dem primary and you're ensuring Trump's 2nd term
only if a sizable portion in the democratic party can refrain from the petty fractious divisive recalcitrant attitudes that allowed trump to get swept in 2016 and support the chosen candidate even if they have to clamp their nostrils together in doing so, then the odds will swing slightly in their favor to ship trump out of office.
petulance is the democrats worst enemy.
firstly win the election...then they can bitch about a "San Francisco holiday" (" fly now, worry later ":Thelonious Sphere Monk)...


Well-Known Member
only if a sizable portion in the democratic party can refrain from the petty fractious divisive recalcitrant attitudes that allowed trump to get swept in 2016 and support the chosen candidate even if they have to clamp their nostrils together in doing so, then the odds will swing slightly in their favor to ship trump out of office.
petulance is the democrats worst enemy.
firstly win the election...then they can bitch about a "San Francisco holiday" (" fly now, worry later ":Thelonious Sphere Monk)...
When I look at the current field of candidates that qualify for the first debate, given what is known about them, every one of them are head and shoulders above Trump. I'd vote for any one of them and wouldn't need to apologize or say I was voting for the lesser of two evils. They are all acceptable. Even Tulsi Gabbard. I haven't picked who I'm going to vote for in the primary but I don't understand Pad's hysteria over Bernie's impending loss.


Well-Known Member
Like who?

Populist progressive left is the only way to defeat Trump

Milquetoast centrist candidates like Biden won't energize the progressive base. People don't care enough to go out and vote for a candidate that doesn't offer them anything in return, and "Trump BAD!" didn't work in 2016, it most assuredly won't work in 2020

Like I said before, vote for a candidate like Biden in the Dem primary and you're ensuring Trump's 2nd term
There are only 12 Populist Progressive left serving in Congress right now. Your mass of Progressives thirsting for Bernie exists only in your imagination.