when will it stop

If your in aussie land then good luck getting her finished. Looks like a very late flower'er. Some strain conscience outdoor guys have already pulled with most pulling by the end of this month. Your looking May/June going by that pic.
nice looking plant, but what are you doing to those poor tomatoes?
End of season for them
just bend that girl over if you don't want it to show over the fence. Will get a better yield too. Looking great so far, best of luck
It's way to late for that
I think his initial idea might have been to "hide" the marijuana plant with the tomatoe plants....but the tomatoes got intimidated!
Lol no but those tomatoes are not small i had a lot of tomatoes the ones that survived the birds
If your in aussie land then good luck getting her finished. Looks like a very late flower'er. Some strain conscience outdoor guys have already pulled with most pulling by the end of this month. Your looking May/June going by that pic.
South Africa our season ends may/june
the somber day has come where i need to take a life slowly and painfully chopping of limbs over a week or so

i have dawned my ritual murder garbs and had a healthy vegan biltong snack

its been a long journey 8 months of which was 16 weeks was flowering

i gave it sea grow twice i think during veg and during flower i only gave it seed sprout tea made from popcorn seeds and mung bean every week and a half and skipped when it rained

i have a pole behined both stalks

i toped it once and left it but the thing is i have grown this strain before and it was in flowering half this size

you think so its nearly a meter away
You could def pull it over damn near horizontal if she's flexible. All those side branches will be tops
the somber day has come where i need to take a life slowly and painfully chopping of limbs over a week or so

i have dawned my ritual murder garbs and had a healthy vegan biltong snack

its been a long journey 8 months of which was 16 weeks was flowering

i gave it sea grow twice i think during veg and during flower i only gave it seed sprout tea made from popcorn seeds and mung bean every week and a half and skipped when it rained

That is a monster. Been a long time since I've seen a plant like that. In the 70's, those long ass sativas was all there was around. I've seen males 22 foot tall.