1 Auto Seed Challenge

Alright, I am about to place an order and want to understand the rules of the game fully. It says 1 seed. Does that mean we only get to germinate 1 seed and hope for the best, or can we crack a few seeds and choose the best after a week or two to use for the competition? I've never grown Mephisto and hope for 100% germ rates, but what if a single seed doesn't sprout???
Not likely coming from them!!!
Alright, I am about to place an order and want to understand the rules of the game fully. It says 1 seed. Does that mean we only get to germinate 1 seed and hope for the best, or can we crack a few seeds and choose the best after a week or two to use for the competition? I've never grown Mephisto and hope for 100% germ rates, but what if a single seed doesn't sprout???
You get to place one seed in one cup, If it doesn't sprout my bet is that you will lose the competition.
My advice, Pick your seed wisely.
@MATTYMATT726 Check this thread out from the beginning and make up your own mind... You can use any auto seed that you want and grow how ever you want... Even autopots...
Nah. Plus there was some beef against Mega Crop with Dyna Grow. I don't really care about advertising but not really like to see all the crap. I'm good though, may the best Nitty win.