Weed and panic/ paranoia/ schizophrenia


Well-Known Member
As an aside I've often wondered if the occurence of negative reactions to marijuana would be less if it were legal and people didn't need to be paranoid about using it...
I've wondered the same thing- do people get paranoid in Amsterdam? The biggest problem is that because of its illegality it's easy for some to always have the thought in the back of their mind: "Should I really be doing this?"


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking for eight years and have just recently begun to have what I guess are panic attacks. I can't predict when they'll happen (most of the time I toke, and I'm fine) or even if that's what is happening when I'm having one. Most recently, I went to the hospital because I was convinced something in my stomach had ruptured and that I was going to internally bleed to death. Turns out it was good that I went to the hospital, because though it was just a panic attack, I was actually severely dehydrated by the time I got there (from being sick for the past month). My personal theory on that aspect is that if there's something bothering you, even if it's on an unconscious level, it can still manifest itself quite easily when you alter your mind.

As far as marijuana contributing to/even causing psychotic breakdowns, I must say that I think it indeed can help worsen symptoms in someone who's developed schizophrenia. I know I've shared this before, but I have a friend who threw out moderation one summer and ate insane amounts of LSD. He then developed what I believe to be paranoid schizophrenia. Now whether it's just LSD-induced or he actually was going to develop it on his own, I don't know. But anyways, he was starting to improve after disappearing from all of our friends for awhile. One day, he seemed to be alright until he smoked some chronic. Then, it was like he was digressing back into that
state where he couldn't distinguish reality from his perception of reality.
I think in a person who's already mentally ill, absolutely marijuana can influence your mental state.

I've dealt with bipolar disorder and a number of other things, and I've just come to realize that sometimes it's going to affect me, and there's really nothing I can do about it unless I quit smoking, which I don't think is worth it. All I can say is exercise caution.


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking for eight years and have just recently begun to have what I guess are panic attacks. I can't predict when they'll happen (most of the time I toke, and I'm fine) or even if that's what is happening when I'm having one. Most recently, I went to the hospital because I was convinced something in my stomach had ruptured and that I was going to internally bleed to death. Turns out it was good that I went to the hospital, because though it was just a panic attack, I was actually severely dehydrated by the time I got there (from being sick for the past month). My personal theory on that aspect is that if there's something bothering you, even if it's on an unconscious level, it can still manifest itself quite easily when you alter your mind.

As far as marijuana contributing to/even causing psychotic breakdowns, I must say that I think it indeed can help worsen symptoms in someone who's developed schizophrenia. I know I've shared this before, but I have a friend who threw out moderation one summer and ate insane amounts of LSD. He then developed what I believe to be paranoid schizophrenia. Now whether it's just LSD-induced or he actually was going to develop it on his own, I don't know. But anyways, he was starting to improve after disappearing from all of our friends for awhile. One day, he seemed to be alright until he smoked some chronic. Then, it was like he was digressing back into that
state where he couldn't distinguish reality from his perception of reality.
I think in a person who's already mentally ill, absolutely marijuana can influence your mental state.

I've dealt with bipolar disorder and a number of other things, and I've just come to realize that sometimes it's going to affect me, and there's really nothing I can do about it unless I quit smoking, which I don't think is worth it. All I can say is exercise caution.
Thanks for your input and honesty. It seems a very balanced perspective. Do you think you've "learned your lesson"? I mean, if you were to wig out again, do you think you'd be able to talk yourself out of it, after having the experience of going to the hospital and it just being a panic attack?

Sometimes with this schizo thing and psychedelics- it's hard to say which came first- the chicken or the egg (is it the underlying disease or the drugs). I think that people with mental imbalances (bipolar, schizo, depression etc) will be more prone to panic attacks... however, if one has come to terms with the deficiencies in their own mind and learned ways to cope with bad thoughts, they'll be able to handle it fine.

I think some people can look at the mind head on and take it, while others are scared and (metaphorically) run kicking and screaming. Those prone to fear will be less able to handle a panic attack gracefully. Just my opinion.


New Member
Let me 1st say that I for sure have anxiety and some degree of depression all the time, I also had episodes of psychosis. Ive had the depression and anxiety LONG before I started smoking, but the psychosis seems to get worse when I smoke.

Yes I have had panic attacks and experiences like that while high. The only time I had a real bad panic attack while high was when I stopped smoking for 3 1/2 months and then started again, and smoked way too much to just start out. I smoked a whole joint and my heart was beating like crazy, I had chest pains, and I was having a full blown panic attack. I was very close to calling 911 and going to the emergency room. Most experiences like that happen when you are already pretty anxious, I know I was. But the opposite also happened, after that high and when I started smoking again my bad panic attacks stopped completely and only a little anxiety was left. In other words I stopped smoking for 2 months, I had my first panic attack and had at least one bad panic attack everyday for the next 1 1/2 months, then I started smoking again and had 1 bad panic attack, and then they were gone. So the weed helped me with them, but the first initial high didnt. I think the weed relaxes your mind and relieves stress which helps stop panic attacks for up to a week, because when I wasnt smoking it was all anxiety with no relaxation in life, the weed helped me relax after the initial high. I developed psychosis a year or so before that from the weed and a LOT of stress and bad things I went through at that time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input and honesty. It seems a very balanced perspective. Do you think you've "learned your lesson"? I mean, if you were to wig out again, do you think you'd be able to talk yourself out of it, after having the experience of going to the hospital and it just being a panic attack?

Sometimes with this schizo thing and psychedelics- it's hard to say which came first- the chicken or the egg (is it the underlying disease or the drugs). I think that people with mental imbalances (bipolar, schizo, depression etc) will be more prone to panic attacks... however, if one has come to terms with the deficiencies in their own mind and learned ways to cope with bad thoughts, they'll be able to handle it fine.

I think some people can look at the mind head on and take it, while others are scared and (metaphorically) run kicking and screaming. Those prone to fear will be less able to handle a panic attack gracefully. Just my opinion.

It's really hard to say. It hasn't happened in a while, but when it happens, I try to tell myself it's all in my mind. It's hard though, because I'll feel like I'm having a seizure or a heart attack, and I never know if I really am about to die or if it's just a panic attack. I usually just tell my friends "don't let me have a panic attack" and someone will distract me for a couple minutes.
This usually works pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I get very very very bad Social Anxiety disorder and if i smoke it makes it 100 times worse, it sucks because it never used to be like that when i was younger. I ususally only smoke when im by myself.


Well-Known Member
WOW.......in my opinion I think all of you should consider not smoking after what I just read. There is no way I personally would use if I experienced any of those symptoms. I agree with Bob Marley - " The herb reveals you to yourself." This statement is the best way to sum up what Cannabis does to people in my opinion. If you have some mental disorders the herb will reveal them more most times. I have been diagnosed with major depression & mild anxiety before. They tried to put me on Zoloft & Trazadone, but I experienced some unwanted side effects. I've been smoking for 14 years no breaks & it's helped me with everything. I very rarely get sick, helps with mood swings, aches & pains, etc. The only negative impacts I've experienced are short-term memory loss & social rejection.


Well-Known Member
The only symptoms I experience due to smoking is occasionally panic attacks. It does not worsen my bipolar disorder, and in fact, sometimes I think it helps.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger, I rarely had panic attacks. Every once in a while, I would think every car that drove by my house was the narcs but it would soon go away.

In the last couple of years, things have change a bit. Five years ago, a friend got me some Durban Poison (stativa) and I had a pretty bad panic attack. My heart was racing above 100 bpm and I thought I was going to die. It was scary.

About two years ago, I had a similar experience but worse. I pretty sure that stash was laced with angel dust. It was much worse than before.

I have always believe that mj helped me focus inwardly and helped me find solutions that I refused to accept when I am not on mj. I do have a low tolerance and I think I over smoked. If I have top quality, 1-2 hits is all I need.

What doesn't make sense is that I have never been diagnosed with depression, panic attacks, or any mental disorders and I do not take any prescriptions. I have never had a panic attack in my daily life. Confusing....


Well-Known Member
so maybe im just paranoid and i know this is the wrong topic to ask in but if were gettin high and havin paranoia spasms and frreakouts, then how do we not know that the things that we think are out to get us are not just the random workings of a normal, twisted macrebe mind with a hint of paranoia to make things seem true? its like i know i shouldnt trust my government and i dont, but people seem to say things that are put of the ordinary about the government that make me wonder. if theyre so bad, how does this shit NOT affect them? yea they got money, but in a failing economy, they dont have money either right? im paranoid enuf as it is... i dont need my stash to lend a hand! yea im high, sorry if this didnt make any sense


Well-Known Member
When I was younger, I rarely had panic attacks. Every once in a while, I would think every car that drove by my house was the narcs but it would soon go away.

In the last couple of years, things have change a bit. Five years ago, a friend got me some Durban Poison (stativa) and I had a pretty bad panic attack. My heart was racing above 100 bpm and I thought I was going to die. It was scary.

About two years ago, I had a similar experience but worse. I pretty sure that stash was laced with angel dust. It was much worse than before.

I have always believe that mj helped me focus inwardly and helped me find solutions that I refused to accept when I am not on mj. I do have a low tolerance and I think I over smoked. If I have top quality, 1-2 hits is all I need.

What doesn't make sense is that I have never been diagnosed with depression, panic attacks, or any mental disorders and I do not take any prescriptions. I have never had a panic attack in my daily life. Confusing....
I'd never, ever had a panic attack until I smoked (and this was after like, five years of smoking) as well. I've heard that smoking increases your risk for one and a lot of friends I have who have never been diagnosed with a mental illness get panic attacks.


New Member
The thing with me is, I have bad paranoia and anxiety even when I dont smoke.

The worst happens when Im alone and high though. Youd be surprised to see all the paranoid thoughts that went through my head. I could have sworn this car was following me once, it hid in an alleyway facing the way I was walking and just stopped there for a long time, it looked like they were stalking me. Other times I would be on a quiet backroad smoking and I hear a car coming, so I put my face down, hide my blunt, and look the opposite way, and then when I look back I realize there was never a car there in the first place. Other times I would hear quiet voices like ppl were observing and talking about me, then I look around and noone is there and its only a faucet barely turned on. Imagine how weird that can be when your all alone with bad sleep deprivation... That stuff gets freaky, and it got a lot worse than that. It didnt help that I was a borderline schizophrenic/bipolar with severe anxiety lol. Weed really helped with my panic attacks though, thats why I kept smoking it, it helped me relax when the paranoia wasnt so bad. And honestly I would rather deal with this stuff then go on medication again anyday.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
My mom was bipolar and allegedly schizophernic. I have always believe I have mild to moderate depression. I smoke weed and it never bothers me unless I get baked out of my mind from a sativa strain. Then I have aweful panic attacks for the duration of my high. Afterwards things are fine again though. CBD has actually been proven to be an antipychotic. I would suggest smoking heavy indica strains over sativa for anyone with any type of mental problems, be it anxiety or depression.


Well-Known Member
i love when i get high because i get paranoid and do the funniest unnessicary paranoid shit. i love just tweakin out and then sobering up and laughing at myself for it. been doing this for 8 years now lol

school high was the best, i was the anchor on the morning show! lol


Well-Known Member
i actually had a "bad trip" the other day, hardly ever happens but i did go from smoking only the sativa variety to running out and hitting up a friend for some afghani so maybe jumpin from diff strains might be a facter? just a thought not implying


Well-Known Member
I think the scientific consensus is that cannabis will trigger schizophrenia in people already genetically predisposed to it- especially adolescent males. Beyond that I can't make heads or tails of it. The reason I am asking is because my husband had a breakdown with psychotic depression about 10 years ago. He's been fine for 8 years. He has been smoking with me though. I don't want to think he's just a time bomb if he smokes.

Any thoughts?
ive heard that about LSD, but not weed. Weed just causes some people to have really bad anxiety, if it doesnt bother him or he likes it, than I dont that there should be any adverse affects randomly later...but I'm no doctor


Active Member
There are already a bunch of good posts, but I feel compelled to do the same.

How common is it for a bad Erowid trip? Probably more often than in reality because there are plenty of (Lobbyist..esque) people who would love to plant seeds in all the brains who visit Erowid... and other people who would altogether just like a laugh.

It can happen though, I was laying in bed after hitting it hard and slipping off to sleep when I started to hear a man and woman's voice talking at me simultaneously. That was a first and it definitely creeped me out a bit because there is a history of schizophrenia in my family. I'm not saying I'm schizophrenic, but that is a psychotic positive sympton called a hallucination, which is a big part of the schizophrenia puzzle. The rest of the puzzle for me is the fact that I was somewhat in a dream state and I most likely had a pretty high THC content in my system. The other part of the puzzle for actual people with schizophrenia lies within a most likely difficult developmental period (even up to the point of the early 20's), and an actual predisposition passed on by the mother during pregnancy, as I understand it.

Regardless, some people are prone to having problems with marijuana usage. I would most definitely say that if your husband wishes not to abstain at all, he should at least use it sparingly and feel it out.

If your husband is having problems already and has a history of them, marijuana could probably easily throw him out of wack if he lets it. This is especially true if he is on any type of psychoactive medication.


New Member
Yea, with erowid u have to understand that ppl may exaggerate or some anti-drug ppl could put a lot of reports in there. Its ridiculous, but nothing u say can stop these idiots. U also have to understand that if someone had a memorable bad trip, theyre much more likely to want to put up a report of it than if they had a normal or good trip. Even if u read most of the bad trip reports, most the ppl admit that they smoked everyday for years and it never happened before then. So basically they smoked hundreds of times (if not more) and had only 1 bad trip but they wanted to put it up. Then there is the 1st timers with bad anxiety that just dont know how to smoke it right or handle the high. There is definitely bad trips but they dont happen that often as it says on there.

Going back to the point of this thread I feel like I should add more. I dont have schizophrenia, but I have anxiety and I went through a period of psychosis before. It was a little over a year ago, I had been smoking for several years at this time. What I found interesting is that I actually developed the psychosis and panic attacks after I stopped smoking for 3 months. Thats interesting to me. And after I started smoking again, it was still there but a lot more mild and the panic attacks stopped almost completely. So the marijuana actually helped with that I guess. One thing that I will admit is I have some very weird thoughts sometimes when Im high or within days of smoking that may last longer. Im not as stressed out now, but when I was stressed it made it much worse. I believe that marijuana-schizophrenia connection though to some extent, at least in ppl who have possible genetics for schizophrenia. Weed had me feeling like I was in a different reality or in a dream before, its more powerful than some would think.


Active Member
i must say i panic like EVERY time on practically any weed............i know ive got some other mental issues with ocd and and anxiety, so its def not the weed...........but these problems really only come out when i get high, and after panic-ing so much, i kinda got used to convincing myself that being high was okay and nothing bad was goign to happen to me.................my stomach would practically lock up, and i would get all shaky, like a scared dog............of course it doesnt keep me from my habit.....:)......but it does blow balls.........you just have to get used to it if your one of those people like me..............and for all those losers trying to bash the herb with lies........well, im the "example" of someone who ALREADY has problems, and smoking ganja didnt CAUSE them, it jsut makes them blown up only while im intoxicated..................i think smoking may have actully helped me learn to cope with my illness by teaching how to deal with fear and paranoia, almost by crisis................and then in times when im not intoxicated i can deal with problems so much easier.............kinda weird how that works